What lies below begs the question if the Macomb County Republican Party is satisfied with State Party chair, Ron Weiser’s failure to act on Michigan’s embarrassing and dangerous problem child?
This argument is incredibly stupid.
The Congressman voted for an amnesty during a border crisis. He’s as guilty as Biden is for causing a run on the border and having a humanitarian crisis. https://t.co/9xsDqp4ZMj
— Ryan James Girdusky (@RyanGirdusky) March 19, 2021
Yannow what, folks? Ryan is right. And it was equally incredibly stupid that Peter Meijer voted to impeach President Donald J. Trump based upon a corporate fake news entities’ propaganda lie.
Or, are any of the Peter Meijer votes a mistake at all?
Folks, you’re going to need to toughen up a little from this point on because some RealTalk is happening. I am well aware that many people today are all about supporting anything and everything that is TBL, and everything that is veterans. Yep, I get it and, I almost do the same as well, however, it is not blindly. Like every discipline in life they all encompass those that are indeed honorable and admirable along with those who shall we call, bad actors. In other words, anything built upon a garbage foundation results in a garbage structure. And boy, when one looks at Peter Meijer’s foundation it really becomes clear why we are seeing all these garbage votes. Down the rabbit hole we go. . .
Let’s start with Team RubiCon, as that is what the trust fund heir was so fond of using as promotional tool to get elected. OK, so Peter Meijer built himself on a foundation of David Petraeus, David’s crony the Biden endorser endless wars Stanley ‘cover up‘ McChrystal, and SJW, America is an unfair nation Eshan Zaffar👇
"when they go low, we go high"
— Ehsan (@Ezaffar) January 6, 2017
To wrap-up that part of his foundation the only question remains is was Hunter Biden there too?
Meijer was in Iraq as a non-commissioned Army officer during 2010 and 2011, later went to South Sudan with a humanitarian NGO, and went to the eastern part of the Ukraine with friends who were war correspondents.
Hey, with the established vote record, that is fair question.
Now, let’s go further down the rabbit hole with looking at Peter Meijer’s foundation in politics.
Do we really need to go over, and over, and over, what Young Guns PAC Eric Cantor, Kevin McCarthy, and Paul Ryan really are within the Republican Party? That dubious recruitment PAC is not, nor ever was anything close to resembling President Trump’s America First policy agenda at any point in time.
Kevin stood with Liz Cheney instead of Donald Trump.
Tells you everything you need to know. https://t.co/RP9tfZbh0L
— The Columbia Bugle 🇺🇸 (@ColumbiaBugle) February 18, 2021
Matter of fact, the only way that Peter Meijer has made an opening in politics is riding the coattail of President Trump, and now is viewed clearly with those who betrayed us all that elected our President.
It was an honor to welcome @VP @Mike_Pence to #MI03 today! If you haven’t done so already, be sure to either return your ballot or make a plan for Election Day to ensure we return strong, stable, and effective leadership to West Michigan and our nation! https://t.co/wWuiD7qBTt pic.twitter.com/37h0Ij5zZ6
— Peter Meijer (@VoteMeijer) October 14, 2020
To think that this 30something redhead spoiled trust fund brat had the audacity to smear honorable U.S. Rep. Jack Bergman, just makes the blood boil. Folks, that is the difference between veterans. Some I can support with everything. Others? No way in hell.
To conclude, since the State Party chair Ron Weiser simply refuses to get involved in this ongoing disgraceful anti-American behavior from now several county Party’s censured Peter Meijer, and Fred Upton, perhaps, it is time for co-chair Maddock to assert her position with getting thing done at the state level that damn well need to happen.
Now is the time for Meshawn to rise and shine. Those two, Meijer and Upton, have to be replaced.