Yes, a vast majority of America has had enough of the Democrat governor’s and their teacher union allies terrorist games being played all across this nation.
So what does Detroit do?
Naturally, Detroit fights to remain illiterate.
An attorney for a national civil rights organization will seek a court order to shut down summer school in Detroit public schools this week, alleging the district is unprepared to mitigate COVID-19 dangers and is putting students and staff at risk.
Shanta Driver, national chairwoman of By Any Means Necessary and a civil rights attorney, said she will be filing a request for a preliminary injunction in the Court of Claims on Tuesday to stop the Detroit Public Schools Community District from opening 23 school buildings for its first week of in-person summer school.
Yes, the usual illiterate militant suspects playing their stay on the plantation politics terror games.
Teachers have contacted BAMN, Driver said, saying they were told by the district if they see a sick student, they are to remove him or her from the classroom, yet they are not being told where to place that student.
This Shanta Driver person is dumb as a box of rocks. What normal people have always done with sick children in school: send them home. Shanta Driver must be a product of Detroit schools because she’s too illiterate to figure THAT out.
On Sunday, Lt. Gov. Garlin Gilchrist echoed recent statements by Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, saying schools won’t reopen in the fall if coronavirus cases have not been controlled.
“The politicization of schools during the coronavirus, it really disgusts me. I mean as a parent of twin 6-year-olds who will be entering the second grade in the fall, I want my kids to be safe, I want every child in the state of Michigan and frankly the country to be safe,” Gilchrist said.
Double G really disgusts me, not because of the Kung flu nonsense, but because Double G is a crook, a liar and a total fraud token Democrat.
BAMN organizers said no buses left the terminal during the protest and at least two school bus drivers publicly quit during the demonstration, saying it was on Detroit Mayor Mike Duggan and Vitti.
….Around 100 people came out for the protest, and at one point, about 10 city police and school police vehicles were present.
Allowing the schools to be shutdown by a handful of illiterate militants most certainly is on Democrat Mayor Mike Duggan. 10 police vehicles were there and the cops did not arrest these fools ripping out shrubs and blocking the gates where the school buses are at is an outrageous display of no Law and Order in Democrat-run Detroit.
Yannow, folks, I’m still really on the fence with all this. I mean we just saw what is the final product coming out of public K-12 schools. So, in the long run it would advantageous to leave them closed, and take the school tax dollars to private schools where kids at least have a chance of learning instead of America-loathing indoctrination.
Meet Gretchen Whitmer’s BFF, the president of the MEA.
Enough. He lies. He manipulates people who are vulnerable. He is a charlatan. He is a bully. He is incompetent. #VoteTrumpOut #VoteBlueToSaveAmerica2020
— Paula Herbart (@PaulaMEAPres) July 5, 2020
The problem with commies like Gov. Whitmer’s buddy Paula Herbert, who leads the MEA, is that if they didn’t have double standards they would have none at all.
The Michigan Education Association, the state’s largest teachers union, borrowed $6.4 million to sustain its East Lansing-based operation, spokesman Doug Pratt said.
“With 285 employees across Michigan, we’re proud that we’ve been able to do the right thing and continue to pay employees during the pandemic, despite uncertainty on the horizon,” Pratt said in an email. “The PPP program has helped us do that.”
The Michigan Education Special Services Association, an MEA-affiliated third-party administrator of medical benefits for teachers, also received a PPP loan ranging from $5 million to $10 million, according to the government database.
Teachers unions should be outlawed.