Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)


Michigan Health ‘Experts’ Must Not Have Got The Memo

Headline: Black Lives Matter protests could spike coronavirus rates, Michigan experts say


Game over ‘experts’ but, thanks for playing.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

Video Blog – BLM? No Thanks

We are in a war.

Its not a race war, but race itself is being used as a stalking horse.  Our leadership needs to stop playing to the temper tantrums thrown by the victim class and wise up to the underlying mission of leftist Alinsky types who have been running said victims as they have since 1964.

None of this is about equality. It is about power.  It is about the moneyed left’s power to manipulate every segment of divisiveness present within our cultural differences.

In the end it is about who gets to distribute whatever resources are left.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

Social Justice protestors will cannibalize themselves

Saul Alinsky would be proud of what we are all witnessing on the streets of America today.  His Rules for Radicals tactics are being carried out flawlessly.

The question remains as to whether or not this movement will cannibalize itself, or simply fade with past social change movements.

The reason is simple, the selfishness of the organizers, and leaders within these social groups which focuses on the abuse of power solely from the perspective of one demographic, generally at the expense of the mass majority of everyone else.

An example would be the difference in treatment from both the government and the media towards lockdown, and police brutality protesters who are both protesting abuse of power.

Had the police brutality protests focused on what we saw on the video of a bad cop killing a civilian, all of America would be on board for meaningful changes and justice.

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

Is Michigan Offering us our Best and Brightest?

Have already stated that there not even a snowball’s chance in Hell that I’d vote for career grifter Democrat Gary Peters.

Same was true when I’m a mom I have kids™ handily lost to parasite Peters.

So, is what we are reading today just an aging chopper pilot that likes to remind everyone of his Colin Powell inglorious Bush era days who also slid into a family business upon completion of service honorably and, notably likes to hint at some I don’t just follow orders streets creds as some kind of strange bona fides?

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

That Sounds Very Stylish

Just when one thinks the Whitmer administration clown show couldn’t out do itself with THIS.

“Google how to do a haircut or throw your hair in a ponytail or curl it”

Oops! Why should barbers and beauticians be forced to pay a license fee to the state government, anyway? Good question, yes?

Big Gretch overloaded her big ass, AGAIN.

Note those words: arbitrary and unreasonable.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(0)

Lockdown and police brutality protestors share a common enemy

It is rare when one topic can bring everyone to stand still, but a virus has and it has revealed and even more dangerous virus–Government overreach and abuse of power. We should be united instead, we are even more divided.

Each of us will handle ourselves as we feel appropriate, and we don’t require the government to treat us like children dictating terms of our survival, nor do we need them deeming our work “essential or not.”  The economic damage caused by the government could be felt for years to come by each of us.

Add to the mix another type of government over-reach, which are the abuses by a few in law enforcement, and then add in political opportunists who ready to exploit a tragedy and what you wind up with is rage and civil unrest

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(1)

Figures Don’t Lie but, Liars do Figure

Speaking for myself, I am beyond tired of Gov. Whitmer’s victim act, yannow, always trying to scold good people about us having to “turn down the heat” (another lie exposed) every time she is caught up in the consequences from pushing her Democrat Party’s unAmerican and lawless agendas. Matter of fact, one of the glaring abominations Gov. Whitmer is caught up in is her contempt for our most vulnerable, which Mr. Sandler succinctly describes.

Low and behold, today’s findings: Feds count more Michigan COVID-19 nursing home deaths than state’s tally

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