Slotkin Rebuttal???

LOL. Fail Bot. Elissa Slotkin will respond to President Donald J. Trump’s Joint Address to Congress tonight. Senator Slotkin stands…


The Fly

Thrown together for your amusement/entertainment. From the perspective of a fly on the wall in Lansing. You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)


Federal Investigation to Begin on Gov. Whitmer’s COVID-19 Positive Mandate for Elder/LTC Facilities

Follow along to contrast what miraculously appears in our local corporate ‘news’ media within hours of Rep. Scalise’s announcement.

Rep. Scalise’s closing statement viewed HERE.

It’s safe to say Gov. Whitmer is tasked with an indefensible job just trying to keep her stories straight.

That’s the problem when someone operates on nothing but lies, fabrications, and smears. Seriously, even Biden wants nothing to do with Gretchen and, for a creepy dude like Joe, that’s saying a LOT.

Now remember, Rep. Scalise spoke on June 11, right?

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

What They Won’t Tell You

A week ago the BLM nonsense made its way into our own neighborhood.

I received a call from the Sheriff prior to the rally held Saturday as he was reaching out to local activists and performing due diligence.  In my case it was pretty simple, he wanted to reach one of the counter protest organizers, and I simply had the phone number for said organizer.

The Sheriff explained that there would be a lot of folks there, but the police presence would probably outnumber the gathering crowd.  As it turned out, the crowd WAS quite large, and all the followers who have been brainwashed into thinking ‘systemic racism’ is a thing, showed up to kumbiya with whomever would listen.

Somehow they talked the heads of the local police into speaking and (in my opinion) grovel a little to appease the people who were going city to city calling for their extinction.  The Sheriff for his part later said he was surprised and disappointed when the list of demands were made.

The demands are as follows:

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

Word Salad News and Emasculated Psychobabble From Ann Arbor

Because the narrative must not die before November 3, a kinder, genteel reminder by corporate ‘news’ media that all the indoctrinated germ-incubator wearing Karen zealots who virtue signal moral superiority over you foolish science and fact based plebeians. This said, Keenan Smith attempts to get through his provided script without tripping over the words.

Aw, darn it Keenan! He almost made it through without flubbing the script and there are no retakes. Bummer. More importantly, did you understand the message? It’s the shame game “professionally” deployed.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)

I Can’t Reach™

I had not realized that WXYZ’s Simon Shaykhet has become the Jim Acosta of CNN fame sensationalized Fake News with edited video to perpetuate the everything is an “outrage” narrative.

Full video footage and what WXYZ edited for their newscast, here. “C’mon man this is a government vehicle too“, pure obnoxious stupidity.

For us normal folks, I’d say the delivery driver f*cked around and found out that being an asshole when not obeying the Law while also refusing to comply with all said Law entails, it does indeed have a future of unpleasantry waiting for you.

And, to the virtue signaling neighbors and Mayor Jim Fouts that WXYZ gathered for their narrative furthering report, I say to you that when your neighborhoods go to Hell, you only have yourselves to blame for your lawlessness enabling actions.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

Only 39 Beds Used at TCF Center 1,000 bed Field Hospital

“So – there hasn’t been one nursing home that has taken a COVID-19 patient that they didn’t think that they were prepared to care for. That’s something I think that has gotten lost in some of the reporting and that’s why I wanted to to make sure to share with you”

See that? Deflection and projection. It’s not Gov. Whitmer’s orders that she refused to change, which her own Democrats called the policy the “most idiotic thing we could come up with” nor, an atrocious record of health department inspections of nursing homes (like a dam that failed) that are to blame.

39 beds used out of 1,000 available at a cost of $9.45 million dollars. Oh, and two words: Jadon Hayden.

Nope! It’s everyone else’s fault but, Gov. Gretchen Whitmer’s.

And, facilitated by AG Nasty Nessel who as top law enforcement made sure it all happened… because a November election is at stake.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(0)

From the Files of “Nessel Takes On” …any dimwit who will believe her

Honestly folks, with the clown world that our Michigan has become under the leadership of Whitmer, Benson, and Nessel, the material really does write itself. Remember Nasty Nessel threatening Ford Motor Company when President Donald J. Trump visited a plant he had building ventilators? Yep, is true.

Do you see Nasty Nessel doing the same with Gov. Whitmer violating her own social distancing orders and lied about “wearing a mask” while she was out virtue signaling? Yah, I know, like that’s the first time Whitmer is caught in a lie.

But I digress.

Now, I want to focus on the latest lawyerball game Nasty Nessel is playing with a guesstimated “damages will eventually exceed $5 billion” womanmade disaster the Whitmer administration and AG Nasty Nessel own. It is fact and, let us not forget Whitmer tried to cut funding and her DNR actually did cut funding to the dam that needed repairs.

$5 Billion dollars. That’s a LOT of clams and a lot of ruined Michiganian lives.

As much as Nasty Nessel now asserts she doesn’t like clams bearded or otherwise, and we all know that she is partial to them so, as it is said, a picture is worth a thousand words…

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Here Comes the Nasty Nessel and Ballot Harvesting Benson Legal Expenses

Going to make this sorta short and to the point on our two criminal Grrlpower™ losers in the AG office and SoS.

If bullshit were music, Nasty Nessel would be a brass band. Like the new moniker, Dana?

Onto… Ballot Harvesting Benson.

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

Jocelyn Benson Belongs Behind Bars

As if there’s not enough going on today involving our police, right? Now, our elected good guys with a badge not only have to watch for criminals on our streets, they also are tasked with the duty of keeping an eye on elected criminal Democrats in Lansing.

Sheriff Leaf notified Barry County through Facebook he had received a ballot application at his home for someone who not only hadn’t lived there in two decades but was also dead.

“This creates a problem with Sheriff’s Offices across the state because we are tasked with investigating voter fraud.” Leaf posted. “Our township, city and county clerks have the most up-to-date registered voter lists.”

Leaf says anyone who gets someone else’s ballot application should turn it over to police so they can protect the public from possible voter fraud.

Benson. Behind bars. She knows what she is doing does nothing but assist the Democrats with trying to steal the November election for senile pedo Joe and parasite Peters, to top it all off; Benson wants another $40M from the Feds to pay for the fraud because the $4.5M she has already pissed away just isn’t enough.

Notice what happens in the Fake News with ‘Experts’ because Gov. Whitmer made all of her Executive Orders a farce while virtue signaling? I bet you all thought the tongue-in-cheek remark at the end was just a joke. Nope. They’re all in on it together.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)