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Don’t try it, Speaker Bolger.

With the days of the 97th Michigan Legislature winding down, things are beginning to get real interesting in the days leading up to the general.

In an effort to not appear “bigoted”, “mean-spirited”, “close-minded”…pretty much called everything up to (if not) including the Anti-Christ, you really got to hustle to get those thousands in donations from LGBTIQ-groups like Tim Gill Foundation & ATT Michigan (can’t forget the DeVos’), into your Restore Michigan Fund to show some returns.

But you don’t want to infuriate your party’s base any more than they already are and hand over the Governor’s Office and the Michigan House over to the democrats.

Well, Speaker Bolger thinks that he may have found a solution.

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2014 Michigan State House Races

Cross-posted at The Western Right, Right Michigan, and Red Racing Horses.

All 110 seats in the Michigan House of Representatives will be up for election in November. Republicans currently hold a 59-51 majority, following a 63-47 majority after 2010. There are 40 open seats, 21 held by Republicans and 19 held by democrats.  There are 30 open due to term-limits and 10 just seeking another office.

Republicans gained one new seat (73) and one existing seat (39) due to redistricting, but also lost one existing seat (55) in 2012.  They also lost five incumbents (52, 71, 84, 91, 110), not counting party-switcher Roy Schmidt (76).  They could have won several more seats with a more effective redistricting plan.

Democrats want to take back the state house, but face a difficult playing field.  Of the Republican-held open seats, only 56 and possibly 65 are competitive.  They will try to defeat some Republican incumbents, but it is not clear how they will beat incumbents this year that they couldn’t defeat in 2012.

Meanwhile, Republicans will seek to gain seats.  The best opportunity is the open 84, which was lost due to scandal in 2012.  There are two lean dem open seats (21, 62) that may be competitive.  Republicans will also try to defeat several incumbents who picked up seats in 2012 (25, 71, 91).

There are a number of interesting primaries in August.  A bunch of Republican incumbents are being challenged due to their support of Medicaid expansion, Common Core, and the Detroit Bailout.  Most will win easily, but there is the potential for a few to be surprised (39, 79, 107).  The open seats feature more competitive primaries, many of which also feature establishment versus Tea Party battles.  Establishment candidates are receiving support from the Chamber of Commerce and Great Lakes Education Project.  More conservative candidates are receiving support from Americans for Prosperity and Madison Project Michigan.

State house fundraising is analyzed in the following article.

Michigan State House Fundraising

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Will the real Rick Snyder, please stand up?

The governor’s spin people are certainly working overtime trying to pour industrial quantities of perfume on his latest pig (a.k.a. Detroit Bailout).

I’m not going to go (too much) into why this was a terrible package of bills. I’ve done that enough already.

No, today I’m going to go into why Gov. Snyder can’t just show just a tad of integrity, take a position on an issue and simply stick with it.

It really isn’t that difficult to do (unless of course your name is Rick Snyder).

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We’re looking at a new level of cognitive dissonance coming from Lansing.

A long time ago, I would be asked to accompany family members who wanted to go to the local Fretter or Highland whenever they wanted to buy any appliances/electronics (yes, I know that I’m dating myself here). They always had this question in mind, ‘How An Appliance Home Warranty Can Help Protect Your Budget?’ Part of it was because they knew that I had a vehicle big enough to bring home whatever they bought without much trouble. The other was that I could usually be counted on to hook it up after I brought it in.

One of the things I hated most about those experiences was dealing with the salesmen when actually making the purchase.

Even though my relatives were usually buying something listed in the newspaper ad so what we should be paying going out the door wasn’t a mystery, at the counter the salesman would always give them that sincere look and always ask them if they wanted to purchase additional items to go with what they were there to buy in the first place. Looking a little baffled at the salesman’s question and not appearing certain about how to answer, I’d step in at that point and tell them firmly, but politely, that I’ve hooked up enough TV’s, stereos, etc. to know what else I would need to get it to work and would’ve had it on the counter if we actually needed it. Being a little put off, but still undiscouraged, they turn to them again and ask about getting additional “warranty/insurance coverage” for their purchase. More often than not, it wasn’t any better than the manufacturer’s warranty. I strongly told them “no” for a second time.

At the time I didn’t know this, but they were using a technique called “upselling” which is a used for the benefit of the seller in additional to the actual sale of the item.

“Upselling” is also a technique being used by the Republican Leadership in Lansing to rationalize to the people they represent why they have abandoned their own stated principle of, ‘government practicing fiscal responsibility and allow individuals to keep more of the money they earn.’


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Play stupid games. Win stupid prizes.

If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear that the Michigan Republican Party wants four more years of Gretchen Whitmer.

It should stand to reason that running a candidate who is antithetical to the base is not exactly a winning strategy. Especially when they try, invariably in vain, to claim that candidate is somehow Conservative.

Typically, they will employ one of the following stratagems:

• Hallelujah, they have seen the light! You can trust them now to do the right things since they now have their eye on a higher office.

• Or, just sweep their record under the rug and use industrial-strength gaslighting on anyone who dares to bring it up.

How often have we seen this?

Well, we’ve seen this play out nationally with McCain in ’08. The Republican kakistocracy wanted him badly (it was HIS turn to run, after all). The base didn’t trust him. We ended up getting stuck with Barry for eight years because Willard certainly wasn’t any better four years later.

Here in Michigan, we’ve seen this in ’18 when B.S. got tapped to run for that coveted seat in the Romney Building (again, according to the Nigh-omnipotent potentates in the Michigan GOP, it was HIS turn). The same candidate who couldn’t be bothered to show himself in front of the Grassroots before the Primary, yet always found ample time in his busy schedule for a fundraiser with deep-pocketed donors…well, we all know how that nightmare started.

Fast-forward to this week, when Trump disloyalist Liz Cheney got her backside handed to her by Wyoming Voters by about a 2-1 ratio. Throwing your lot in with the democrats and then taking part in a political star chamber…not a great plan. If your Paul Pelosi-level of investments didn’t pay off as well as they have while you were “serving” your Constituents in Wyoming, people might have a reason to feel sorry for your future.

So, where is this observation heading towards True Believers are asking themselves?

{Click below the fold to find out}

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Gov. Whitmer Dishonors her “Big Gretch” Self-image

Gotta say it’s been an entertaining morning perusing the news. Where do we start with this LOL fest? Well, howza ’bout this.

The declaration, which was set to expire Friday, allows the Democratic governor continued authority to issue the executive orders that have created the framework for the state’s coronavirus-restricted activity in recent months. Whitmer’s response to the pandemic has so far included 122 executive orders.

“The aggressive measures we took at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic have worked to flatten the curve, but there is still more to be done to prevent a second wave,” Whitmer said in a statement.

Oopsies. Guess who is in town, Big Gretch?

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Figures Don’t Lie but, Liars do Figure

Speaking for myself, I am beyond tired of Gov. Whitmer’s victim act, yannow, always trying to scold good people about us having to “turn down the heat” (another lie exposed) every time she is caught up in the consequences from pushing her Democrat Party’s unAmerican and lawless agendas. Matter of fact, one of the glaring abominations Gov. Whitmer is caught up in is her contempt for our most vulnerable, which Mr. Sandler succinctly describes.

Low and behold, today’s findings: Feds count more Michigan COVID-19 nursing home deaths than state’s tally

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It Figures…

These two uniParty swamp dwellers.

Dingell and fellow U.S. Rep. Fred Upton, R-St. Joseph, are among a bipartisan group in the House and Senate who last week introduced legislation to authorize the State and Municipal Assistance for Recovery and Transition Fund, which would provide $500 billion in emergency funding to states, counties and municipalities.

It would supplement the $150 billion Congress provided to assist state and local governments in the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act.

“People don’t understand the basic necessities that local government provides,” Dingell said. “They take for granted what local governments provide them.

Wrong! That’s theft of other people’s money you old entitled mentality Gorgon. Fact is the feds have already handed Michigan $3.8 Billion dollars in relief. Still having budget shortfalls? Go complain to the greasy-forehead lying governor on a power trip in your own Party that created them and keeps extending the misery, Debbie.

Mr. President, DO NOT BAILOUT these loser Michigan Democrats.

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