“This is not going to be going away. These measures, social distancing and washing hands and perhaps even wearing masks I suspect will be part of the way we live for at least the next year until we get that broad immunity, until there’s an antiviral. But I think we are cautiously optimistic,” so says the Buckwheat-haired Kwame wannabe Detoileter.
“We’re going to be in a – new normal – for quite a while.” so says the obese beer-swilling sow.
“This is a big step and it’s right before the holiday weekend,” Whitmer said.
The bars, restaurants and offices reopening in Northern Michigan still must abide by limits on seating to promote social distancing. Local municipalities are allowed to enact tougher restrictions than Whitmer’s looser orders.
Now, why didn’t those business owners think of that before? I mean, the average restaurant operates on an 8% profit margin at full capacity so, why not cut seating in half as a pathway to prosperity! Most I know are not even going to waste their time opening for the holiday weekend due to expense of re-inventory costs, which meats have skyrocketed in price and finding staff that is now payed equal if not better to sit at home on their ass. Most have learned from the partial operation take-out fiasco that to simply close the doors they hemorrhage less money.
And, why is all this being rammed down everyone’s throat? What I have posted from the start of this farce flu bug shutdown.
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(16)Nuh Uh.