Another day, another “objective” reporter carrying the water for Gov. Witless and her unconstitutional actions.
I cannot speak for other parts of Michigan (yet), but with the notable exception of Charlie Langton, what passes for news reporting in Southeastern Michigan has long since morphed into a non-comical farce of itself.
Yesterday saw yet another protest against Michigan Government attempting to lockup everyone in order to “keep us safe”. To their credit, Channel 7 sent a crew out to cover it.
Did they start the report on why people were there? The effect that the governess’ illegal actions were having on their physical well-being or financial status? How a governor can claim authority that expired at the beginning of this month?
Nope, within the first few seconds we got this instead:
“Many without masks, not social distancing, holding Trump posters and homemade signs say its personal freedoms they’re fighting for.”
Now, we have AG Karen attempting to crank things up another notch by telling us that there is an investigation into “credible threats” against state lawmakers.
No word yet on when she’ll investigate the assault against three individuals with media credentials who were doing nothing more than sitting in the House Gallery. I’m absolutely certain that is high on her “To-do” list, and she just forgotten to alert the press.
Adding fuel to the dumpster fire that is Gov. Witless’ “leadership” during the Wuhan situation, we have businesses who have taken it upon themselves to not ask for permission from her to re-open…they are simply doing it themselves.
Oh no, we cannot have that!
Not to fear, LEO’s will step in and set those ne’er-do-wells straight.
Wait, what?
“Livingston County Sheriff Mike Murphy isn’t convinced Whitmer’s order is legal and said he won’t enforce the order. It doesn’t matter to Gray because he said he’d stay open even if he gets fined.”
No, no,no,no,no,no!
This won’t do!
And what does “republican” Brian Calley (now Michigan Small Business Administration President), have to say about all of this?