Ellis, might want to consider sending some hush monies…
“Bottom line, I strongly endorse Brian Ellis because he will be an effective conservative voice and a consistent conservative vote for solutions that will help hardworking Michigan taxpayers,” Hokestra said. “Brian Ellis will not just talk conservative, but he will vote conservative.”
The last line has been a cornerstone of the Ellis campaign, which has continuously denounced several votes the libertarian-minded Amash has taken in Congress.
Ellis has racked up several big endorsements this cycle over Amash, R-Cascade Township, including Right to Life of Michigan [Big Yawn], Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce [who doesn’t like a Tax Hike for prevailing wage, anyway], the Michigan Farm Bureau’s political action committee [$5,000 to Debbie Stabenow? Go figure] and others.
Michigan Rep. Mike Rogers [taking a break from palling around with the Moonslime Brotherhood] snubbed Amash, too, by appearing at a $1,000-per-plate breakfast fundraiser for Ellis in June.
Nothing like having the MI-GOP’s perennial loser Pete TARPstra flapping his gums about you or, a jagoff like Mike Rogers in your corner.

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