Brian Calley's New Job.
Brian Calley eliminated any chance he might have of becoming Governor a couple of days ago.
In the fearful snit drummed up by #NeverTrump GOP operatives, Clinton, and the complicit media, Calley led a few other usual suspects in asking for the GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump to step aside. Calley smelled the end for Trump, gambled and rolled snake eyes on the come out. He jumped out in front of the Trump Train and yelled stop!
“The latest revelations about Donald Trump and his past make it impossible for me to maintain support of him,” Calley said in a statement released exclusively to The Detroit News. “This is not a decision I take lightly because I still believe that a Hillary Clinton presidency represents a disastrous alternative.”
Calley called on Trump to step aside and “allow a replacement to provide the kind of option America could believe in.”
Apparently, trains don’t stop for has-been politicians.
Trump went on that evening to CRUSH Hillary Clinton on the Pennsylvania stage in both the response to the newest ‘Trump said’ moment, as well as policy. the Trump train also dismembered those who were a little too eager to pile-on to a presumably downed Presidential candidate.
While completely deflating the effect of the 11 year old locker room talk, Trump demonstrated leadership the nation had been looking for. He said the words so many want to hear; that justice might yet be forthcoming for the criminal that is the Democratic candidate. He showed clarity of foreign policy, and at the same time also fended off the #DebateRape by the additional debating participants masquerading as moderators.
[Insert train whistle here]One can only imagine the deep and dry swallows the Lt. governor might have made while engulfed in the LCD glow of the television by the end of the debate. If the stations ever went off the air anymore, there can be no doubt the stare would make it to the national anthem and fuzzy off-air white noise beyond.
Calley’s political career is likely over. At least on the statewide stage.
Perhaps it is he who should now take on the responsibility for his special needs family? Given the impending election which takes Momma Calley out of the picture, there will at least be a big vacuum somewhere that does not require a vote of the electorate.
And maybe without the politically busy absence of the important people in their lives, children of the Calley Clan can get the attention they need without a state mandate?
We hope so.

Meh. Brian Calley was always for never Trumper's last hope John Cucksich, anyway. The only other thing Brian Calley demonstrates is that environmental impacts of Xenoestrogen has taken its toll on a lot of Gen Xers in Michigan, as can be observed at left in RM's Social Buzz.
On the other hand, Rick Snyder and, his mentor Bill Milliken, were natural-born pussies.
For Lil' guv Calley's political "career" to be over, it first had to be going somewhere.
His alchie/junkie brother issues and soon-to-be Mr. Mom duties aside, exactly what has he done?
Using his office to make Michigan pay for his daughter's health insurance?
Essentially telling Michigan Motorists what to go and do with ourselves after Prop 1 got nuked last year.
Being a useful idiot, dutifully waiting in the wings to give us Snydercaid? Not to fear, other useful idiot republicans stepped in to fill that role before that became necessary.
Was so despised by the base that he nearly lost his cushy, do-nothing, frequent flyer mile racking job to a Tea Party "upstart" by the name of Wes Nakagiri.
How does that saying go about "With friends like these..."
And DON'T think for a second that Sen. Meekhof or AG Schuette will be "above" bringing up those facts (and more), about the boy who wanted to be Michigan Governor during the next gubernatorial election.
Hmmmmm, maybe he ought to see if Granholm can put in a good word for him so he can get a do-nothing, cushy job over at Berkley? The two of them are ideologically alike.
You grossly underestimate the amount of stupid there is in this state. So, a reminder:
Yep. Next on the horizon is #OpPurgeCucks
This movement is larger than you'd think.
Ps. Schuette isn't a shoo-in and Meekhof has plenty of skeletons in his closet, too.
Which brings us back to square one, CS: With the amount of baggage those three are carrying, what's really keeping someone like Mark Hackel from just walking into the Romney Building in January 2019?
Gretchen Whitmer?
Frankly, Michiganians could do a lot worse than Mark Hackel, oh say, if it were permissible, another term of Snyder/Calley.
Gretchen? Uh-ah. No more bitterbitch feminists need apply.
Calley wasn't the only one who jumped on the rear end of the Trump train. Rona Romney McDaniel sent out a letter to all GOPers in her email folder that she's has two children and is offended by Trump lockerroom chatter and can no longer support him. Rona was in our town yesterday, I got photo proof, yet, I didn't confront her with her BS. What I want is names of those folks who think what either of these "leaders" think should influence their own thought processes. I want those names so we can schedule intervention--we'll be starting with Calley and McDaniel.
Perhaps, you didn't peruse the scathing comments of Little Ronna's Faceberg post on October 8, where she played her uncle's game? The problem for Cuckservatism Inc., is social media moves too fast for entrenched nepotism like Little Ronna to control the narrative.
A reminder:
Bottom line, the coordinated never Trump effort by Paul Ryan and his Romney/Ryan '12 campaign associate Dan Senor, and Billy Bush, yes, Jeb and W's cousin, have been exposed as what they are and failed miserably.
"...Bottom line, the coordinated never Trump effort by Paul Ryan and his Romney/Ryan '12 campaign associate Dan Senor, and Billy Bush, yes, Jeb and W's cousin, have been exposed as what they are and failed miserably...."
My local establishment RINO Rep. has a "Dump Trump" sign out in front of his well known property straddling one of the busiest thoroughfares in the county.
Why hasn't a comprehensive list of NeverTrump sitting "Michigan" legislators (or even better yet their MiGOP puppet masters) been compiled and constantly updated until election day as a real time voting guide for our children?
It is pretty hard to change a party in to a 'Tea' Party if you're effectively afraid to board your master's boat flying the King's flag and dump all that tea in to the harbor.
TeaPartier's unwillingness to very easily shove a microphone in their face on this ver
Appreciate you volunteering to head this up.
If you can provide links to the offenders proof as well.
"..Appreciate you volunteering to head this up.
If you can provide links to the offenders proof as well.."
Those of us out here asking legitimate questions at Tea Party meetings while being angrily rebuffed (pension obligation bond legislation) or not necessarily looking to spend $50 or more to attend a statewide Tea Party event...are NOTin the same position as TP Party delegates or those leading TP meetings to proactively take pro-Milliken(Hillary) polls such as yours before election day.
You folks (TP types) are the ones insisting that we ONLY join our local Tea Parties seeking to overturn our local Republican Parties IF we **NEVER** ask those presently running it to go "on the record" supporting Trump.
Please don't lecture those of us continually beat up out here fighting the establishment on our own (with no help whatsoever) on OUR demanding that public positions be taken at Tea Party/MiGOP meetings regarding even support for Y(OUR) presidential candidate.
Publicly disagreeing with community/political leaders has never been more relative in regards to a grassroots education, the up-in-the-air direction of this political party or the future of a nation which our grandchildren will soon inherit.
The silence is becoming deafening in terms of the (now) mute puppeteers or all those who have ever really mattered in the history American governance.
Keep in mind also, Jason...that it wasYOUR genius (asking for a local MiGIP vote to kick establishment types out for their pro-Hilary support) which forced statewide Tea Parties to play their hands with a similar (BETTER with recorded voting) resolution.
When every single chapter across the state refused to do so or even so much as 'try'?
ALL of them were exposed (in the exact same manner that they were by their silence surrounding no-vote-of-the-people-required pension obligation bonds billions dollar modified modified to include 'health benefits' as well) for being nothing but 'pets' of their local power brokers/MiGOP parties.
There is still time left to turn that around by calling for those 33 pro-Milliken(Hilary) votes in YOUR district to (publicly) come out as NeverTrump(ers)...yet the balance of the TPers in this state have already shown their colors in this regard (zero resolutions on generation robbing POBs either).
YOU (and every other delegate level Michigan TPer) have the power in these last 3 weeks, Jason...
...WE do not..
If you believe that an "intervention" would be beneficial with Lil' Ronna and Lil' Guv, happy hunting, Ms. Schwartz.
Personally speaking, getting people who had no fortitude to begin with to come back to Trump (whose original support was suspect) is more labor intensive than convincing the few remaining undecideds of who will auger the Republic into bedrock and reminding other Trump Supporters about voting November 8th.
"..What I want is names of those folks who think what either of these "leaders" think should influence their own thought processes..."
Influential Republicans in Grand Traverse county who still love Milliken despite his influencing a whole lotta love for Hilary aren't giving their names, Sue.
Every single one of them (33?) save Jason's Dad proved this.
Jason's stroke of genius wasn't repeated anywhere else in Michigan for two very simple reasons:
The credibility which Jason's Dad possesses for simply standing up (publicly) for what he believes in is indeed rare if not extinct...
...not a single Tea Partier in this state believes that what Jason (and his Dad) accomplished well *before* this election would solve all of our MiGOP (elite) credibility problems very easily if indeed all of those votes were cast in a very public manner (now).
There has never been a better time to 'clean house' in the MiGOP...yet most 'conservative' grassroots activists have (long ago) been bought and paid for given their (obvious) rejection of the brooms put squarely in their hands well before election day.