My inbox never ceases to amaze me. I really do keep a good circle of Patriot friends. Here is a li’l something sent to me from my friend Pres, that relates directly to what Gov. Snyder has accomplished by Executive Order #2014-2, and his wants of 50,000 cheap laborers for his Big Corporate cronies.
Maybe it’s time we re-think what a proud American brand the Harley Davidson motorcycle company is. Not too long ago I told you about the man whose warranty claim was rejected by the company because he was flying an American flag on his bike. And who can forget their new addition of an all-electric motorcycle (seriously?) But those things pale in comparison to a story I just found: Harley Davidson uses the services of a company that helps them replace fairly paid American employees with cheap foreign-born workers through the H-1B visa program.
The LA Daily News tells us about Kelly Parker, a divorced mother of three, who landed her dream job at Harley Davidson in tech support. That dream turned into a nightmare when she was laid off less than a year later, replaced by an H-1B “guest worker” from India. The biggest indignation: Parker had to train her replacement before she was fired.
You were warned here on, Boobus Michiganderus.

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