Remember Sino-Michigan Properties LLC? Yah, well, enjoy China offloading their aging population of EB-5 Citizenship visas collecting Social Security….
Doh! And, money quote of 2020…
・Don’t worry much if you’re not a boomer – for now.

Remember Sino-Michigan Properties LLC? Yah, well, enjoy China offloading their aging population of EB-5 Citizenship visas collecting Social Security….
Doh! And, money quote of 2020…
・Don’t worry much if you’re not a boomer – for now.
"We're taking care of our preschoolers. We're taking care of K-12. Now I see it as the time to invest in Higher Ed."
— Governor Rick Snyder (@onetoughnerd) October 7, 2015
Because we all know exactly how much Higher Ed matters.
Are you understanding it, yet?
Bonus. We all now know what the jagoff on the right in the photo above collects a taxpayer funded paycheck for.
Hey, when all you have is garbage like Bush/DeVos Common Core©, the only difference becomes what the household instills.
“We can’t support choice without supporting their desire to return to their home district if it’s not working out for them,” Naeyaert said. “People are looking for a better outcome, and they think a change of scenery might be better. But the grass isn’t always greener.
….Those higher-achieving schools, however, don’t appear to be the answer for the majority of school of choice students in Michigan. The same low-income, mostly African-American students who were struggling in their home school districts are the students most likely to switch back out of school of choice, according to the study.
Personally, I’ve never been an advocate for this School of Choice crap. It’s an exercise in futility at best, and at worst, it just goes to demonstrate what abject whores districts have become, especially, when it’s headcount day.
Besides, all them gatecrashing illegal aliens are just playing Nation of Choice, right?
Executive Action amnesty in the DHS spending bill is the issue? Gee, look who in Michigan mocks that, and has many Rea$on$ to. C’mon, folks. None of this is anything new. Sure, it’s nice to hear Rep. Issa’s lofty platitudes he talks but, “they’re the jobs that are sometimes undermined by companies just trying to shave the edges”? What utter nonsense. Remember, Buy ‘Merican!, right? Everyone with an above room temperature IQ understands the game while others parrot the *bipartisan* line. Matter of fact, one of the biggest H1-B lies is the 65,000 cap needs to be expanded when foreign nationals with a Master’s degree or higher is exempt, as well is the O-1 visa = unlimited.
So, the next big budget question…
Finley’s brand of centrist Hopium is wearing off as it appears that pragmatism now sucks.
Snyder’s response is a somnambulist commercial in which he comes across as dull as a valiumed-up dental patient with a message eerily reminiscent of Granholm’s infamous “in five years, you’ll be blown away” pledge.
Michigan hardly ever unseats an incumbent governor, particularly when the economy is on the upswing. If there were a 2010-style Republican wave cresting, Snyder would be up 10 points in this race.
Except now Snyder has his apolitical record of screwing over everyone to accomplish his amoral big government agenda, which ain’t a helluva lot different from the DNC/MDP apparatchik.
Tough lessons for those who followed a corporate snake who built the bulk of his personal wealth by means of taxpayer subsidy at the MEDC, however, if one plays in the middle of the road, sooner or later they’re gonna get crushed. Nobody likes those that pretend they’re everything while standing for nothing.
I’m staying my course with a vote for Ruth Johnson. To hell with the rest of ’em.
When Republicans raised the State Income Tax.
10 ways the Income Tax harms civil liberties
— Greg McNeilly (@gregmcneilly) September 7, 2014
“We could have balanced the budget without taxing pensions,” [John] Nixon said.
Yes, raised the State Income Tax on E-V-E-R-Y-B-O-D-Y.
Special thanks goes to Dick and Betsy’s cupcake for once again illustrating the Recucklican treachery within the MI-GOP.
Read more HERE.
Ya, I know it’s a complete waste of time sending to Rick Snyder, as Boobus Michiganderus picked an amoral stealth-Democrat for governerd.
You read that right. Henry Paulson, the same creep that stole $700 million to nationalize the banksters based upon his 3 page *document* that is TARP (Remember that, TEA folks?), is now the Nerd’s new best friend.
Gov. Rick Snyder and former Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson Jr. teamed up Monday to emphasize why Michigan should continue to forge closer economic ties to China, in a panel discussion hosted by the Detroit Economic Club.
China is one of the United States’ biggest trading partners, but both men emphasized that its economy will soon change from one of cheap labor, exports and government investment to one where a growing middle-class shifts to a consumption economy, leaving China with money to invest overseas. Snyder has made direct foreign investment in Michigan one of his priorities for building the state economy.
“Globalization is only going to continue,” Snyder said. “Historically, China was an exporter but they’re looking at consumption now.”
Yes, it’s a dog eat dog world out there so, Boobus Michiganderus, crony capitalists like Snyder say, “get on your MilkBone underwear.”
Calling China a potential “consumption engine,” Paulson noted, “We’re going to want some of our dollars to come back and be invested here.”
Well, at least this time the two scammers are not bullshitting you. Eventually, the Chicoms will be the consumers, and the cheap labor will be you, Boobus Americanus. Actually, it’s happening now where the Chicoms are attempting to set up their own colonies on U.S. soil, and why not? Aging orientals with 5 large in their pocket for U.S. citizenships have figured out a way to escape their gender selective abortion Communist government for a more appealing Socialist-lite Medicare and MEDC provided hammock ride to the Great Dirt Nap.
For that matter, who is it that said that if it weren’t for their business with the gender selective baby aborting Chicoms, “If we hadn’t reached out we’d be one-tenth of the size we are today”? If you answered The Wooden Shoe Mafia, you were correct. Thus enters, Doug DeVos. Naturally, that means those Canadians need a make-work union labor *project* that connects their Port in Halifax, so the Chicoms can import what they manufacture to America, and receive their food supplies and other natural resources like coal (do you like this article, Boobus Americanus?), which is for the most part paying the interest on our .FEDGOV borrowing.
Oh! And, lisping Prince William II, wants the hidden agenda of the DRIC bridge – new tunnels. Yes, railcars. No, those as of April 30, 2014 homely “Kinetic” boxes won’t be heading to the ChiComs. Besides, folks like Gary Peters, and the Nerd are fond of trains. That’s a fact, Jack.
Snyder is heading back to China in the fall for another trade mission. He has made a trip there every year since elected.
For some strange reason Slick Rick did not visit Jinhua City. That is a shame as the Nerd could’ve brought back snacks for his doppelgänger in D.C., Barry and Moochelle.
In a few words… Made In China.