The Editor’s Choice Awards

RightMi.Com editors weigh in on their favorite anti-prop 15-1 articles.

GasTaxRegistrationFreesHikeWe’ve had plenty to say about proposal 15-1.

In fact, there was so much to be said that we had to create a special category for it, and all things leading up to, and related have been edited by Kevin to reflect their importance to the issue.  While the traditional media sources play the equal opportunity game with both proponents and opponents of HR UU (proposal 15-1), it’s been our position to not do so.  We have maintained that equal opportunity is already a function of those who would lie about its ‘advantages,’ and it needs no further promotion to make it one of the most dangerous options Michiganians have ever faced at the ballot box.

As we wrap up the arguments with only 2 days left before the polls close, editors thought it important to offer up a few ‘MUST READS!’ As you make a special trip to the polls for an election day that you wouldn’t have if the last legislative session would have done its job we have highlighted the most compelling.  The editors have selected 5 or more articles from directly, and one other from anywhere else, traditional or otherwise.

Let the review begin!

dozer-moneyThe top five from Corinthian Scales in no particular order. (OK, its new math.  He did seven..)

Rep. Franz Explains the Disaster That is Proposal 1

The Disaster That Is Proposal 1

The Disaster That Is Proposal 1 Part II

Here Comes The Big Scare

When It Becomes Serious You Have To Lie

So… Safe Roads, yes?

Snyder’s People Really do Struggle to Keep Their Lies Straight

Scales notes: “if one is looking for outside *professional* media who are honest about Prop 1, it’s slim pickings”  Continuing with “The Record Eagle certainly does not hit it with sledgehammer I’d use, however, in today’s culture of Useful Idiots and pandering corporate *news*, they did take a decent stab at it with Editorial: Roads need money, but Proposal 1 badly flawed.”

Jefferson Rouge Bridge


10x25MM’s Top picks have an emphasis that recognizes (as he puts it) “the Proposal 1 conflict has been about  exposing deceit and incompetence, reflected in my seven selections”:

AgitProp in the 21st Century

Michigan Roads – How Bad?

Where’s The Bridge?

The Disaster That Is Proposal 1

The Disaster That Is Proposal 1 Part II

$70 Million More Down the Drain Every Year

So… Safe Roads, yes?

His OFF-SITE choice? ’10x25MM’ says “We demonstrated to the liberty community how to engage in effective ‘leaderless resistance’ within a very hostile political environment. Think a lot of people have learned how to engage from the perimeter. This was the best outside example: Barbara Amble Does Amble on About Proposal One


Kevin Heine’s Onsite top five (He says “not easy, and in no particular order”):

“Here’s Your Cue. Now Smile For The Cameras!”

“Presumptive Bureaucracy and Wagon Pi”

“Michigan Roads – How Bad?”

“Rep. Franz Explains the Disaster That is Proposal 1”

“Prop 1 . . . Detroit’s ‘River’ of Opportunity”:

With a couple of Honorable mentions making eight (in approximately chronological order):

“And So It Begins”


“Snyder’s Not A Political Guy”

“Exactly What Kind of Deal Did You Make With the Democrats, Gov. Snyder?”

His off-site choice? “Michigan Lame Duck Finale 2014” (Michigan Liberty Rising)



My own choices highlight a particular slant on the issue that has been one of watching the continued corruption in the process, and the expected failure that eventually arrives.  But I also enjoy the messaging aspect of resistance to such corruption; particularly imagery.  So I will start with the more recent post which exemplifies an appropriate in-your-face statement to Snyder and his SRY mess.

Nerd’s Bus Tour off to a Bumpy Start – A MUST SEE Graphic.

Stop The 16.7% Tax Increase

Presumptive Bureaucracy And Wagon Pi. My Disappointment with the SoS office failure to do its job cannot be overstated.

And a favorite set

The Disaster That Is Proposal 1

The Disaster That Is Proposal 1 Part II

A Picture paints a thousand words right?

Scales ‘sponsor’ laden bus imagery effectively renders a certain truth about the governor’s plan to tax Michigan’s workers into poverty.

Boogity! Boogity! Boogity!

As for my choice of an outside article? Eaton Rapids Joe’s blog has a pretty good post on the subject

Enjoy, and get your rear ends out there to STOP this boondoggle!


You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(2)

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