The Left can’t meme and prove they also totally suck at rhetoric.

The Left can’t meme and prove they also totally suck at rhetoric.
Boobus Michiganderus doesn’t have them, and no, it is not cared about how it is repackaged what was on RightMichigan first. Besides Florida, does the rest of derpmerica have any brains or, Ball’s?
HIV? Guess who was there when talking about the shred of truth in a sea of pretty little lies of the video above.
Say his name… #FemaleIsTheFuture
Let’s unpackage this contrived and, orchestrated hot mess for a moment.
“And the governor said to me, ‘Robert, (I’m) grateful for your service. I think it’s time to go in a new direction.‘ She subsequently dropped off the call.”
ABL could see the game on April 2, did you?
What’s the next best thing than calling Big Gretch when you crash your vehicle and are caught drunk driving and fight with the cops?