Tag Archive for Organized economic destruction

If I were Big Gretch that 8% Increase Would be Considered a Bargain

For a mere $13,000 more Big Gretch not only used her Obama minion shyster for *reasons*, she also used him to make Boobus Michiganderus put themselves into the poorhouse closing their businesses and losing jobs while cowering in their retarded “pods“.

Besides, it is Tweedle Dee, and Tweedle Dum that passed the budget they worked from, anyway.

Elections have consequences, and you Dear Reader, are getting them good, and hard.

But Keros said she was told by the city inspector that the city health department had been asked by the state to perform an inspection after someone in state government watched the video and saw Portnoy eating inside the restaurants.

“You tell me what the difference is between doing that, and all the people at the mall over the holidays standing up in the food court and eating?” she said.

I told you so… and it’s getting old.

Ps. Big Gretch can claim her health department “doesn’t have a political bone in their theoretical body” all she wants, however, when it comes to politics there are no coincidences.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(0)

Michiganians Will Never Forget

MI Gov. Whitmer on Lockdown: ‘Incredible Empathy’ for Small Businesses Hurting but ‘We Have to’ Combat COVID Spread

Um, no, that’s her bullshit to interfere with an election and, Whitmer could not possibly care less about small business in this state.

Epstein didn’t kill himself. Biden didn’t win.

I know it. You know it. We ALL know it.

You Betcha! (28)Nuh Uh.(1)

SML Shirkey & Speaker Chatfield: OPEN👏THIS👏DAMN👏STATE👏UP👏

Now it’s clear why Nasty Nessel abandoned Wuhan Whitmer so fast.

At minimum P58112 should be disbarred if not put in jail.

Let’s disregard everything being promoted by Fake News and, recap SCOMI.

7 – 0 said 1976 law cannot be used again for COVID-19 by Whitmer.

4 – 3 said 1945 EPGA is unconstitutional for any governor to use- EVER!

There is no 21 days. “The filing of a motion for reconsideration does not stay the effect of the order addressed in the motion.” That goes for the Heath Department and this jagoff as well.

Oh, and one more thing…

You Betcha! (27)Nuh Uh.(0)