Tag Archive for Misandry

The Most Powerful Office in the State

Fellow Michganians, try to keep in mind that we still have 1,335 days remaining with smear merchant, Dangerous Dana.

Nessel’s revelation of the complaint against retired Michigan Court of Claims Judge Michael Talbot is problematic, experts said, since such accusations are usually kept confidential by the Attorney Grievance Commission until and unless public admonishment is deemed necessary.

The gravity of the disclosure is compounded by the fact that the complaint against Talbot had been dismissed months before — something the Attorney General’s office initially did not reveal. One expert said the result of such disclosures is “besmirching reputations,” while another called Nessel’s conduct an “unseemly inconsistency” between two separate parts of government.


Hmmm, exactly where do I recall such reprehensible tactics used in the past?

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

nesseL : Lessen

Not even a month in operation and she’s in damage control mode.

The first-term Democrat testified before the Senate Oversight Committee, where she used her opening statement to dispel what she called “misconceptions” about the unit she officially launched last month.

“We are not policing thoughts or words,” Nessel told lawmakers. “While some people in this state may choose to exercise their right to free speech by thinking hateful thoughts, saying hateful words or associating with hate-filled people, as attorney general it is my job to protect that right, not to prosecute it, even if I vehemently disagree with those thoughts, words or associations.

And, Michiganians are supposed to believe a radical lesbian Democrat that just said this about upholding Law?

Uh-huh, here, pull my finger…

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)


Several months ago, we were warned.

The video on the right appeared amidst the nonsense of a US senate race elsewhere.  It is probably the only time in your life you will see the word “penis” in a seriously considered political video. (The ad is actually STILL posted on her official site – I have saved a copy as well)

The “P” word in this ad, is of course used to make sure that the viewers are advised that those who wear the aforementioned appliance are to be viewed with suspicion and disdain. That we cannot wait to show it off in just about every environment.  In short, that “Men are evil pigs.”

Aside from the absurdly overblown reaction to the false accusations of events supposedly 4 decades past, this candidate displayed a bizarre sense of propriety and judgement.  It was not enough for her to simply ‘hate men’ and let us know that the memberful sex was to be feared, but she actually believes that leaving such inculcation present and viewable during a statewide political contest is wise.

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(0)