From my inbox:
An excellent video summary of the shenanigans from last month in Lansing, along with an expanded explanation on the actual width and depth of the problem facing the Michigan Republican Party.

From my inbox:
An excellent video summary of the shenanigans from last month in Lansing, along with an expanded explanation on the actual width and depth of the problem facing the Michigan Republican Party.
Destroying private property.
Assaulting vulnerable citizens.
Outright theft.
Government warning media out of the area.
And that’s just the short list.
Is this the latest round of BLM protests you haven’t heard about yet?
The answer may surprise you.
{Find out below}
There is something distinctly un-Canadian about not being civil.
It’s distressing to state publicly that a republic which has at its core foundation a freedom of not only speech, but of the press as well, having no compunctions seeing those two bedrock principles quickly being twisted into ersatz versions of themselves. Worse yet, no one seeming to care.
But, what else did you expect when people in power are not only challenged, by are visible threatened by those challengers?
{Find out below}
Once you’ve come to realize everything you ever have seen on television is fake, you become a lot less angry.
It’s good to see that folks are learning that they are indeed on their own in Michigan.
Our Motor City “Hitman” could only dream of possessing such a Jab.
With every passing day the legitimacy of Federal, State, and local government fades away.
Remember the Senate and House Oversight Committees subpoenas?
How many GOP politicians have you heard mention the Antrim County Audit Report of voting machines?
What does that tell you?
— Emerald Robinson
(@EmeraldRobinson) January 2, 2021
Every lie will be revealed.