Tag Archive for Feminism is cancer

Figures Don’t Lie but, Liars do Figure

Speaking for myself, I am beyond tired of Gov. Whitmer’s victim act, yannow, always trying to scold good people about us having to “turn down the heat” (another lie exposed) every time she is caught up in the consequences from pushing her Democrat Party’s unAmerican and lawless agendas. Matter of fact, one of the glaring abominations Gov. Whitmer is caught up in is her contempt for our most vulnerable, which Mr. Sandler succinctly describes.

Low and behold, today’s findings: Feds count more Michigan COVID-19 nursing home deaths than state’s tally

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

In Whitmer’s Mind Some Subjects are More Equal Than Others

I have to admit that today’s lead portion of Nolan Out Loud is absolutely pure comedy gold.

Inch by inch, step by step, slowly Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is turning, widening the door she has kept slammed shut on Michigan for so long.

Next Monday, the governor says, Michigan can join most of its neighbors in dining in restaurants, swimming in pools and shopping in stores for something other than groceries.

And we can gather 100 at a time.

But still no haircuts or pedicures. And no zoomba classes. Barbers and salons will remain closed, as will gyms. The governor can’t let go completely of her subjects.

That will come, perhaps, when Joe Biden finally selects his vice president and Whitmer will no longer be in demand on liberal talk shows.

Got that? No haircuts but, dentists can go rooting around in other people’s mouths. 🤡 🌎

Speaking of dentists… who is Michigan’s nationally known and most infamous dentist ever?

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

Joan Bauer, THAT’S a Real Beauty…

25 year career politician and, lifelong feminist submits a question.

But Joan Bauer, another commission member and Democratic former House member, questioned why the panel would spend money to hire an outside attorney when the state’s top legal officer, Nessel, already said it could ban guns. Bauer noted that Nessel was elected by “the people of Michigan.”

“Why is the advice of an outside attorney better than that of our attorney general?” she asked.

That is easily answered. AG Nessel owns an estimated $5B+ Womanmade Disaster, is known for admittedly operating unconstitutionally, has severe Trump Derangement Syndrome and, buttresses the opinions of a documented liar.

In other words, what Democrat Joan Bauer is suggesting for us lawful Michiganians to do is, “Know the difference, bigots!”

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(0)

Who do you Think You’re Trying to Fool, Big Gretch?

It must be a slow Clown News Network and MSDNC day for Gov. “Half” Whitmer trying out for being Creepy Sleepy Joe’s VP pick so, she decided to media-whore this.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer is launching an investigation into the failure last week of two Midland-area dams and wants Michigan environmental officials to recommend ways to prevent future disasters.

“Those responsible need to be held accountable,” Whitmer said during a Wednesday press conference outside Meridian Elementary School in Sanford.

“As residents begin the painstaking work of picking up the pieces of their lives from this disaster, they deserve to know why these dams failed.”

We here at RightMi.com already covered who is responsible HERE, and HERE.

So, what Big Gretch is saying now is that she is going to have her personally selected Granholm era environmental lobbyist loon, Liesl Eichler Clark investigate her departments’ $139,277 dollar a year Water Resources Division dunce Teresa Seidel, that created … a map. 🤡 🌎

This woman-made disaster is on AG Nessel and Big Gretch.

End of story.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(0)

As Stated Here Before, The Dam Breach is Whitmer and Nessel’s Flint

Hate to say I told you so [no I don’t] but, Told You So.

Headline: New flood lawsuit claims Michigan mismanaged dam

Oh, and Karen would like to speak to a manager

“The failure of the Edenville and Sanford dams has highlighted the dangers of aging and inadequate infrastructure,” said Teresa Seidel, director of EGLE’s Water Resources Division. “We created the map to help the public better understand what dams are in their community and the potential risks to life and property.”

Teresa Seidel E in 2019 was employed in Department of Environmental Quality and had annual salary of $139,227. This salary is 59 percent higher than average and 66 percent higher than median salary in Department of Environmental Quality.

19% of the DEQ budget ($96.5 Million) in 2018 … a stinking map. 🤡 🌎

Folks, this is what happens when Democrats staff their administration with Granholm era Greta Thunberg-type lobbyist loons.

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

To Serve….

For anyone to call the ones wearing badges in video below, a coward, is an insult to cowards everywhere. Cowards are afraid to act, the MSP did.

Take a bow, Human Scum in blue, you sold your souls to Big Gretch and Nasty Nessel.

You had numerous chances provided for choosing which side of our Constitution to be on: blew it, BIGLY.

This is why our County Sheriff’s are the highest Law in the state.

Also why our Republican majority State Legislators need to put serious review to the 7% of our state budget that is squandered away on our unionized, overcompensated Stasi.

“State Police average salary is 24 percent higher than USA average and median salary is 30 percent higher than USA median.”

Let that sink in, Michiganians.

Ps. the pink shield is not altered; it is from their Facebook, which reads like a bunch of teen girls cheering for their flavor-of-the-day boy band “governor.” After all, there is nothing to distinguish any of them as having balls, anymore.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(0)

Data and Science says Whitmer? Jeffrey I. Barke, MD Responds

From Big Gretch’s latest tour on the Fakestream News media circuit.

Whitmer said, “None. I’m not going to succumb to political pressure or political demonstrations or social media pressure. The fact of the matter is we have to listen to our epidemiologists, experts in our phenomenal research universities in Michigan. We are talking with international experts as well. We’re going to stay tethered to the data, follow the science, and we’ve got to get this right. Anything else puts people in jeopardy, and I’m not willing to do that.”

Watch to the end and, you decide.

Did you see the most foundation-destroying issue that begs further discussion?

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