Eagerly awaiting the the other-side to go apoplectic later today.
Daddy’s Home!
Watch the Inauguration of Donald J. Trump as the 47th President of The United States.

Eagerly awaiting the the other-side to go apoplectic later today.
If there was any question relating to the disconnect between the Grassroots and GOP party elites, we are seeing it playing out in real-time right before our eyes.
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A golden opportunity to actually “pink slip” the nanny state looms large this weekend.
This coming Saturday Noon will mark the first anniversary of the inauguration of Donald John Trump as the 45th President of the United States. If we’re being honest (which the legacy media characteristically is not), then it’s been a year that even Reagan might have envied . . . and no, I’m not yet tired of winning. Believe it or not, though, this weekend might yet be remembered less for the demarcation of DJT’s actual first year in office, and more for the president making good on a threat from back in May, which comeuppance some senators – on both sides of the aisle – are on the record as thinking is some sixteen weeks overdue.
With Friday night’s deadline in mind, in light of the apparent deadlock around key issues (such as immigration infrastructure and military funding), Alice Ollstein penned a Talking Points Memo op-ed discussing what, in her opinion, are the three possible outcomes to the current standoff, none of which are particularly appealing. Former congressman, and current congressional candidate, Kerry Bentivolio, had a somewhat different take on Ms. Ollstein’s opinion, which he shared in an e-mail with fellow veterans, campaign staffers, and other supporters. With Kerry’s permission, I’ll share his thoughts following the break – with a skosh of editorial license and personal wordsmithing applied.
The US Constitution being ignored is not a compelling reason for a Con-Con.
Donald Trump did (with a pen) what we asked for our GOP legislature to do for the last 6+ years of controlling the house.
Whether he realized it or not, he might well have set the tone for examining presidential actions, and more importantly how the bureaucracy interfaces with the public going forward. Citing the constitution, the Trump administration has declared it will no longer pay for health care subsidies, period. From ABC news:
” the White House said the government cannot legally continue to pay the so-called cost-sharing subsidies because they lack a formal authorization by Congress.
However, the administration had been making the payments from month to month, even as Trump threatened to cut them off to force Democrats to negotiate over health care. The subsidies help lower co-pays and deductibles for people with modest incomes.
Halting the payments would trigger a spike in premiums for next year, unless Trump reverses course or Congress authorizes the money. The next payments are due around Oct. 20. “
Unless he “reverses course?”
He cannot reverse course. It would be as illegal as Obama making the payments in the first place. In fact, this very act was already preceded by a declaration that the very payment of those subsidies was unconstitutional, not just yesterday, but actually in APRIL of this year by US attorney general Jeff Sessions:
” Sessions said during a Fox News interview that the payments to insurers, which reimburse them for lowering the cost of copays and deductibles for low-income Obamacare customers and are the subject of a House lawsuit, should be appropriated by Congress.
Sessions’ comments come as insurers are concerned whether the Trump administration will continue to reimburse them for the cost-sharing reductions.
Insurers are required under federal law to provide the reductions for Obamacare and have been getting reimbursed by the federal government. They are expected to receive $7 billion this year.
But Sessions said a lawsuit filed by the House against the Obama administration in 2014 “has validity to it.”
The lawsuit argues that the Obama administration illegally bypassed Congress and didn’t get an appropriation for the payments.
Nobody could say they didn’t see this coming.
But where is the Michigan angle you ask?
In case you missed it. We've got you covered!
It’s been a week since the March 4 Trump event across the country.
There are apparently plans to have some other support rallies nationwide, and it would be no surprise if they are well attended. After the March 4 rally in Traverse City, a number of folks indicated they want to attend the next events, and some wished they had better notice so they could have made it to this one.
For those of you who missed March 4 in Traverse City or somewhere around where you are, here you go.
Enjoy as you can. We did.
From the “peaceful”, “tolerant” and of course “non-bigoted” supporters from Team “d” and one Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Submitted w/o any further comment.
Yeah, it has hurt to see the crappy lying, out-of-context, and completely overplayed Hillary ads in the last couple of days.
There are fairly uninformed people who cannot see the bigger picture, and will allow such messaging to influence their voting sanction. Whether Hillary provides any benefit to the nation on any level is of no concern to them, it just that their feelings are hurt, and we don’t want a ‘misogynist bully’ in the white house.
Our precious cupcakes, frosted at the indoctrination centers we call higher education, cannot handle such unchecked machismo, yet ignore countless real crimes of the one who would also laugh as she gets a rapist off. Even the slightest off-color joke, comment made by a man who has aggregately enjoyed incredible success is a nuclear nightmare, yet the trusted mechanisms of justice are corrupted permanently by a family that would put the mafia to shame.
I have honestly had a revelation during this election cycle.
Along with that Rick Snyder character, that Nolan Finley Character, etc...
In case you haven’t caught the latest in the 24-hour cycles, there was an “incident” at a Trump speech in Reno yesterday.
Video below:
Bottom line: Trump is okay and continued his speech shortly afterwards (and thanking local law enforcement afterwards).
The agitator, self proclaimed “republican” (along with Hillary Clinton contributor & supporter…go figure) Austyn Crites was subdued and restrained by the crowd until he was taken into custody by Secret Service.
In an interesting twist that will make the LGBTIQ-crowd go into a major meltdown is this little blurb (which obviously WON’T be widely reported reasons soon-to-be made crystal clear):
“Donald Newton, 47, of Santa Rosa, Calif., was right next to the bedlam when it happened and took video of the immediate aftermath.
“He had something on his belly. I don’t know what it was,” Newton said. “Somebody yelled gun and everyone jumped on him. My friend put his knee on his head but he kept getting up.”
Newton’s partner Michael, 45, of Santa Rosa, was the one who put his knee on Crites’ head.
“I was trying to get the Secret Service’s attention for them to respond,” he said. “They didn’t respond. I thought I had to do something. I put my knee on what I think was his head so I’m not really sure. There were five guys on him and he was moving. I tried to help them immobilize him.”
Say, Isn’t Donald Trump scheduled to be in Grand Rapids on Monday?
It might not hurt to keep a closer eye on republican malcontents like Brian Calley, Nolan Finley and a laundry list of other unstable elements in the establishment class.
Who knows WHAT is going through their minds?
Nope, this sort of thing NEVER happens in elections.
I’ll have to admit, I liked last night’s Presidential Debate…most of it.
Unlike the previous debates where the “expert” journalist moderators quickly lost control of things and the topic firehosed everywhere (except for the question being asked), Chris Wallace did a fair job of keeping a handle on things.
The media blacked out Wikileaks story was mentioned early on, in which Clinton tacitly acknowledged the authenticity of them during her answers.
Clinton digging a bigger hole for herself by claiming the Russians had a hand in the release of internal e-mails that democrats never thought would ever see the light of day (and did she forget that “donation” to the Clinton Foundation for Uranium Mining Rights???).
We certainly cannot forget the next generation of terrorist attacks her in America due to her ill-conceived “asylum” program from Syria. Break out the tissues while she spins a tale of woe on the “migrants”. OABTW, how anyone can really “vet” someone’s record, when there is no government to contact regarding said record?
Nope, absolutely positively nothing to worry about here!
And then there was the end (no, this doesn’t have to do with a song from “The Doors”)…
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Hillary's Plan to Loot Your 401k Account
International Business Times and Yahoo Finance just posted headline stories on the plan created by Hillary’s Wall Street masters to loot your future retirement savings. Today’s voluntary 401k savings plans will be replaced by mandatory retirement taxes on all private sector workers – and their employers – which would be turned over to Wall Street hedge funds for investment:
Hillary Clinton And Wall Street: Financial Industry May Control Retirement Savings In A Clinton Administration
By David Sirota and Avi Asher-Schapiro, IBT, 10/19/16 at 12:50 AMWhile Hillary Clinton has spent the presidential campaign saying as little as possible about her ties to Wall Street, the executive who some observers say could be her Treasury Secretary has been openly promoting a plan to give financial firms control of hundreds of billions of dollars in retirement savings. The executive is Tony James, president of the Blackstone Group.
It is a plan that proponents say could help millions of Americans — but could also enrich another constituency: the hedge fund and private equity industries that Blackstone dominates and that have donated millions to support Clinton’s presidential bid.
The proposal would require workers and employers to put a percentage of payroll into individual retirement accounts “to be invested well in pooled plans run by professional investment managers,” as James put it. In other words, individual voluntary 401(k)s would be replaced by a single national system, and much of the mandated savings would flow to Wall Street, where companies like Blackstone could earn big fees off the assets. And because of a gap in federal anti-corruption rules, there would be little to prevent the biggest investment contracts from being awarded to the biggest presidential campaign donors.