Chalk up another big loss for Michigan citizens, and…

Well, yesterday’s, as I just noticed today but, it is noteworthy: Click here.
You see, once one moves past what I call Chuck’s cutesy outhouse-genius mentality of telling wondering tales, it all comes down to the $116,000,000.00 baked into Proposal 1 that Chuck & Co. would like to get their hands on for Rick Snyder’s perpetual Detroit bailout and his Utopian moving of chattel schemes.
There are many viable Plan B options in the works, and we all know that. The end.
Ps. we all should thank our lucky stars for term limits. Moving to a part time legislature is way past its needing, too.
Pps. does one wonder why Chuck is so sensitive about protecting the insurance lobby sitting on $18 Billion without ever opening up their books for audit?
Just sayin’…
via WXYZ
“Fitch downgraded $203 million in building authority bonds, $186 million in limited general obligation bonds and $51 million in stadium refunding bonds. … jail boondoggle that wasted $130 million and counting.
Wayne County has a structural debt of $50 million and $40 million more is needed each year to bring its pension system back – the underfunding accounts for about 70 percent of the long-term debt of $2.9 billion.”
Hmmm… bond issues, huh?
Not sure if others noticed this in the yesterday, however, while our strabismus AG rummaged about his archaic footnotes of legalese, and even citing back to his Democratic Party predecessor as to somehow absolve an end to justify a collectivist means – there is this.
Olympia keeps all revenue, including concessions and parking, and any naming rights deal. In an earlier interview with The Detroit News, Christopher Ilitch, president and CEO of Ilitch Holdings Inc, defended the way the arena was paid.
“A public-private partnership is the only way any of these type of projects work in an urban environment,” he said.
He pointed out that while The Palace of Auburn Hills was paid for by private owners, the key difference is it’s an isolated venue in the suburbs.
“The Palace gets all the revenues from parking, concessions, retail,” Ilitch said, pointing out that those sources of revenue are key to the financial success of a major venue.
Did you catch that? Out in the boonies of alleged sparse populous, a billionaire with his own money, is to house his own business with rightful privilege to any and all revenue gained from his ancillary services provided to his customer.
Now, contrast the above with the “urban environment” festooned within a bailout, and the opulence of guaranteed populous in a 143 sq mile boundary, it is unequivocally noted by said li’l Caesar, that not only is what is his, his – what is ours is also his too.
Added bonus to us outside the bowels of “urban environment“?
The state reimburses schools for diverted money.
Well, golly gee. Thanks a lot for that, too!
Interesting Opening Day snippet about the new “Enhanced Security” clustermuck at billionaire Ilitch’s taxpayer subsidized Amphitheatrum Flavium.
Others, such as St. Clair Shores resident Scott Mitchell, came early to beat the wait.
“If it’s for our safety, I don’t mind it,” he said.
….“I’m OK with it,” said Bryan Collison, 27. “Pretty much anywhere you go now you have to use these.”
….Larry Dewey, 58, wasn’t worried about longer lines, either. Dewey has been to more than 30 Opening Day games and said the change wasn’t that big of a deal.
“Safety first,” the Rochester Hills native said. “Once everyone gets used to it, it will be just like any other game.”
Now, how did Franklin know that what he warned about would be Boomer and Millennial dolts? What a visionary Ben was. If one suspected otherwise one most certainly could assert that the indoctrination is being induced from elsewhere *cough*Public Act 396 of 2012*cough*.