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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Don't Do It.

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Wed May 23, 2012 at 02:39:00 PM EST
    Tags: Chuck Moss, MEA, Reform, New Hires, Benefits, Liability, Michigan, SB1040 (all tags)

    Hey guys?  Before you go and sell your kids down the river, understand you don't have to.

    Making the MEA happy for the sake of a few votes will backfire.  Making the MEA stronger will just make you regret the small rope chain you thought might hold it several years ago. The Mackinac Center's McHugh reports:

    "If passed by the House and signed by Gov. Rick Snyder, this would be arguably the most impactful state budget reform since Gov. John Engler signed a similar measure for state workers back in 1996. That measure has helped taxpayers avoid some $4.3 billion in unfunded liability since then. Unfortunately, House Republicans led by Appropriations Committee Chairman Chuck Moss, R-Birmingham, appear willing to give the union a victory by deep-sixing this reform."
    Really Chuck?

    Bad timing friend.

    When trying to inspire conservatives for the biggest vote of the last century in November, its not really a good idea to go all LIBERAL.

    Ya know?  

    And given a birdy telling me about the ambition to remain relevant for a big race in 2014, it might be prudent to consider a fiscally courageous stand here. Take heart, as even Richardville voted for it. But if you pursue grinding this walkback out of the house, you may wind up wearing it like a millstone around your neck in any future political contests.  

    There are a few of us who will be there for the adorning.


    < Go Pound Sand at UC Berserkeley, Jenny Warts now Removed | FYI >

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    Gee, Wally... (none / 0) (#1)
    by Corinthian Scales on Thu May 24, 2012 at 10:19:08 AM EST
    ...and how does ya think fence jumpin' jagoffs like Schmidt, Slezak, and the Obamabot would vote on Moss's MEA pandering agenda?

    Yannow, I really try to like Rep Moss too, but there's no way in hell I would ever vote for him for a-n-y-t-h-i-n-g after reading this.  Seriously, Chuck?  Pandering to the same Teachers Goonions that are trying to recall Governor Scott Walker?

    I guess "The Deal" turns out to be little more than another Law degree politico whose 19-year career in one elected office or another is mainly about longevity "Spiel".

    Oy vey... redeem yourself Rep Moss.

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