For those unaware, the NFL is tax-exempt and also plundering our wallets for a $Billion a year.
Have you ever heard of the old expression, “like placing a diamond on a goats ass” ? Billionaire moochers and looters with their bought off politicians enabling taxpayer funded Flavian Amphitheaters are a good definition of it.
When the Lions and Tigers stadium deal was struck, one newspaper headline headline joyfully proclaimed a “Detroit comeback.” William Clay Ford, Jr., the Lions’ vice chairman, said that being “an integral part of Detroit’s renaissance is an absolute honor of the highest degree.”
And, a short 14 years later, Detroit files for Chapter 9 protection. Brilliant propaganda espoused by, Mr. Bill One playoff win in 56 years Ford Jr., yes?

Absolutely spot on. Robert Ficano in his own personal luxury suite is what you get when you allow billionaires like Ilitch and Ford to fleece the taxpayers whenever they get the jones for some new stadium bling.