Despite the calls for “bipartisianship”(remember when THAT was the buzzword), “tolerance”, blah-blah-blah, etc, AG Nessel officially went off the reservation yesterday and signed Michigan onto a multistate lawsuit AGAINST Pres. Trump and his actions to protect everyday Americans from the illegal aliens massing along the southern border.
This is what happens when the republican kakistocracy runs a boat anchor at the top of the ticket and p.o.’s The Grassroots when it doesn’t cut ties with a certain Supreme Court Justice. Tom Leonard would NEVER have signed off on this!
Curiously, as of this morning, she didn’t feel that it was important to share her passion to protect a major threat to Michigananians with the rest of us through official channels.
I’m running late for a run, but more to follow later…

Anyone who is honest with them self should've seen this kind of garbage coming from Dana. C'mon, a radical lesbian yenta fighting for the swarthy invaders? Who'd ever thunk it! It's as if being a lesbo/homo isn't a big enough indication on being genocidal itself. 🤦♂️
This is why sometimes one has to bite the bullet and vote for "a boat anchor at the top of the ticket" because every Republican that ran in 2018 would be lightyears better for our state and nation than the openly socialist dysfunction placed into office today.
If any of The Grassroots™ objects to👆🏻that, well'p, you're now getting the government you deserve- good and hard.
There were a lot of dynamics that really screwed the state for the next 4-8 year, but one of them was the "i'm not voting for [the boat anchor] this time.
I continue to shake my head.
This is simply out-of-the-gate.
The coven has not even begun to brew its finest.
You got that, Mister!
That's not even the tip of the iceberg.
I've still got people telling me how turned off they are with the actions of a certain political party, after its actions last August.
When you turn off people like that who are just getting back into things politically after a multi-year/decade absence,, they're going to need to come up with something substantially better than "at least we're not as bad as the other side".
And yes, the mental cases from the asylum are only just beginning to assert themselves.
Oh boy....
You know what that tells me, if not everyone else? You hang out with folks too stupid to pour piss out of a boot even if the instructions were written on the heel.
Very good, CS.
Now tell me how THAT line of thinking will get people to vote in the next election?
So stay home. You now have a corpulent menopausal governor that would rather kill a property sale for a detention center, which would've employed Michiganians, a radical lesbian yenta fighting for more swarthy invaders crossing our southern border, and a Soros bimbo overseeing elections. In other words, you're getting the government you chose.
Now, most rational thinking people would call that cutting one's nose off to spite their face. Yessiree, y'all really cut a hog in the ass.