754 search results for "prop 2"

Baker Farm Still Standing

Michigan farm family has had to endure an out of control bureaucratic nightmare

pighuntMark Baker being interviewed a couple of days ago by the Alex Jones folks.

There is a great point made towards the end of the Mark Baker interview here. The Baker family has had to endure an incredible pressure brought on by an out of control Lansing bureaucracy. While other farmers have folded, allowing the state to destroy their property, the Bakers have remained firmly resolved that they are protected by the US Constitution.

They are correct. (Interview/segment starts at about 14:40)

We applaud and pray for the Bakers as they courageously face an ever increasing Statist government.

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This Is A Big Deal

voteMany Michigan ‘Snowbirds’ seem to have gotten wise to the February election trickery.

After expending taxpayer dollars to maximize win potential with the most obscure voting time, these Northern Michigan schools have found a much wiser electorate. Elk Rapids, was looking to cash in on a “close call” in November, published glossy mailers and went full tilt propaganda. It is only one of the following which has fallen backwards.

Elk Rapids School Bond Proposal – Totals (100.0%)

Candidate Votes % Votes
No 1,425 55.9%
Yes 1,126 44.1%

There are more.

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Is “Team” Snyder tied to Kawme Kilpatrick’s Criminal Enterprise?

Governor Rick Snyder’s economic “team” was one of several contractors who pumped millions into ex-Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick’s alleged criminal enterprise. Although the government hid the companies’ identities in the indictment, public records and interviews helped put names to aliases. The list of companies includes deep-pocketed donors and powerful executives. Hmmm… maybe that’s why the governor chose to abolish the “Nerd Fund” rather than to expose his donors?

Kawme & SnyderThe companies involved are going to be needed by the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s Office to help prosecute the case. “It’s always hard to say whether the payer of a bribe is culpable or a victim of the crime,” said Peter Henning, a law professor at Wayne State University and former federal prosecutor.

“Sometimes that’s hard to distinguish.” So far, most executives linked to the corruption probe have escaped indictment. Some witnesses were granted immunity and others are victims, U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said.

Among the contractors who were allegedly extorted to retain Bobby Ferguson as a subcontractor include Walbridge, a general contractor headed by John Rakolta Jr., a longtime area powerbroker who was recently named to the Michigan Economic Development Corp. (MEDC) by Snyder. Wayne County and its Building Authority has filed a law suit seeking to recover $154 million from 3 jail contractors including John Rakolta’s Walbridge.

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No, No You Cannot

Michigan's Legislature Seems To Be Considering Legislation That Would Be Dead On Arrival

eminent-domainA strange thing is happening.

I am not sure if it is the disease that has spread from the federal administration and is now infesting the minds of Michigan legislators is curable, but we had better get a handle on it.  Ignoring the constitution of the US by the president, and now that of Michigan by its lawmakers seems to be happening at a near feverish pace.

For the sake of not embarrassing 14 Michigan congress critters for their inability to serve articles of impeachment, we’ll forgo the multitude of Obama violations in this essay.  And perhaps we can breath a little easier (but only a little) that our legislators don’t enjoy the benefits of a Pen and a Phone, and a cowardly congress to make their abrogations easier.

Currently, and perhaps for very a reasonable cause, there is legislation that has already passed the house designating as legal, a violation of Michigan’s constitution as amended in 2006.  Perhaps without realizing it, State Representatives have passed 69-41, HB 5255.  The legislation is part of a package that will provide a mechanism for carbon sequestration, and apparently provide as well, a means for the use of CO2 as an alternative to fracking fluids or for pressurizing depleted wells.

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Yet Another Government Boondoggle M-1 Rail Line ‘on the Wrong Track’ for Michigan Taxpayers

Detroit M-1 Rail LineThe Republicans with the Republican controlled legislature in Lansing is passing legislation more in line with the Democrat Party!

The Grand Old Party is supposed to stand for a more conservative stand on issues. They are supposed to stand for and believe that the federal government should not play a big role in people’s lives. Most Republicans favor lower taxes and less government spending on social programs. They are supposed to stand for and believe in less government intervention in business and the economy. Not the case here in Michigan!

Our current Republican Governor and his counterparts within the Republican controlled legislature in Lansing has proven the exact opposite of the stated stand above they do not adhere to that ideology. Higher taxation, more regulation and bigger government involvement and intervention in business and the economy at the cost to taxpayers has further proven they are on the wrong track for Michigan’s taxpaying citizens and the Republican Party’s stated mission.

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Don’t Forget, Tuesday Is Voting Day

voteFebruary 25, 2014 is a voting day.

Remember, Tuesday is that special voting day where your local school districts count on snowbirds to be absent from the rolls so they can get millage requests passed.  In Elk Rapids, its a bond that has failed a couple of times, and last time by only a few votes in the general election. (November) They figure it ought not be hard to get it through while many of the property owners are absent.

Never mind the cost of a special election to taxpayers when nothing else is on the ballot.

Around Michigan there are dozens of examples of this type of electoral abuse, so lets not make it a rewarding venture.  Do a favor, and give your over taxed friends a call and reminder.  Unless there is a really good reason, off cycle elections are generally made to “slip one by” the voters as a rule.

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Support Price Gouging – Friday Divertere

More than once we have witnessed the attorney general’s office go after or closely watch gas station owners for price gouging after severe weather events.

But is it even appropriate to do so?

In 2008, Governor Jennifer Granholm had taken a threatening posture reminiscent of HER AG days, and as pointed out, I believe she was wrong. I approached this subject with support towards those who would profit from temporary misery, and ended with support for those especially miserable:

But when considering the situation, how bad is it to charge more for gas, and at WHAT point is it considered price gouging?  Not only that, but what RIGHT does GOVERNMENT have to CONTROL Prices?  If a station owner  is looking at NO deliveries for the next two to four days raises his prices because his supplier is unable to guarantee delivery, who is in a position to criticize it?.  What is that person supposed to do? By gas prices going high temporarily, it guarantees that those who TRULY NEED the resource will have it.

This video completes the argument.

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DNR Strategy & Land Grab Update

After Event Report - MUCC Hosted Event In Acme, Michigan February 17, 2014

DNR-trust-fundLast night’s Agenda 21 party (oops, I mean Land Trust Town Hall) showed Rep. Wayne Schmidt as the pro-government, anti private property progressive he is. Sitting on a panel hosted by MUCC, surrounded by reps from the Land Conservancy, MEDC, and League of ‘Conservation’ (NOT conservative) Voters; he pressed this audience for support of his bill (HB 5210) to remove the cap on State owned land in the Northern Lower and UP.

Apparently, 5 million acres of State owned land is NOT enough.

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Dontcha Just Hate When This Happens?

talib-numberedFrom the not so incredibly surprised department.

As most anyone who has owned a home and might have considered owning another knows; you don’t get to double dip.  Only ONE free pass per household. The Lansing State Journal reports:

“Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Detroit, and her husband Fayez claimed a 100 percent personal residence exemption for both the Detroit home they live in and a rental property they own in Dearborn, city assessment records from both municipalities show.”

You don’t say?

(H/T to Joan F and Steve D BTW)

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Because When They’re Right

twinkieWe’ll say so.

Mlive is telling us that Governor Rick Snyder is asking for the ban on domestic partner same sex benefits to remain in place until properly adjudicated.  They report on the activist Judge who has first tossed the ban:

The motion asks Judge David Lawson to rule in favor of the state in a lawsuit filed by five same-sex couples. The motion argues that the 2011 law banning the benefits “eliminates local government programs that are irrational and unfair” and promotes “financially sound” local agencies.

In June 2013, Lawson issued a preliminary injunction prohibiting the state from enforcing the law, Public Act 297, saying the plaintiffs in the case had a good chance of proving at trial that the law violates the equal protection guarantee of the U.S. Constitution.

“A good chance” is a pitiful reason to upend due process and legislate from the bench.

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