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When is a hate crime not really a hate crime.

Detroit, Michigan – During an unprecedented show of civic unity, community activist groups and civil rights organizations in conjunction with the Detroit Police Department made their strong presence known this weekend during a recent sweep apprehending all of the individuals involved in the brutal assault and robbery of a suburban motorist last week.

Taking part in this weekend’s events was civil rights activist Rev. Jesse Jackson along with his Rainbow-PUSH Coalition. “We are here to fight for the dignity and integrity of all Americans. No one should have to suffer for doing the right thing,” said Jackson after visiting the victim’s family at St. John’s Hospital.

Also taking part was the Rev. Al Sharption. Host of nationally syndicated “Keepin’it Real” and “Politics Nation” along with his National Action Network.  While watching the last of the assailants being taking away in a squad car, Sharpton said, “I cannot imagine how an upstanding, hardworking father of three, is beaten to within an inch of his life by thugs and hooligans simply for stopping and doing what any decent human being would do.”

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Saturday Wrap Up – And Other KrisAnne Hall Stops

Can't Miss Classes On The Constitution

KrisanneToday’s KrisAnne Hall presentation in front of 100 plus in Traverse City was nothing short of eye opening.

Hall offered to a ‘Constitutional Conservative Republican’ Senate leader in Florida, the way in which the state could ‘nullify’ provisions of the healthcare law. The Senate leader Don Gaetz replied in an email to Hall with a disturbing note:

don-gaetz“After sending Senator Don Gaetz my letter explaining the positions of James Madison, Thomas Jefferson and Alexander Hamilton on State Sovereignty, Mr. Gaetz says that citizens who agree with the writer of the Declaration of Independence should be summarily shot and hanged.”

Summing up the attitude that makes up a greater part of the leadership in the country.

While I digest all of the class information, file away the epiphanies, and prepare for the next round of historical fact based blogging observations, It occurs to me that other Michigan folks might appreciate a heads up of what to expect.  First off, you might THINK you know the constitution, and you might even know of the documents that were ‘plagiarized,’ to form the basis of the constitution, but her presentation will fill in where it matters.

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Or, more accurately, windsuck.

Gov. Rick Snyder’s administration is reviewing whether some 300 same-sex marriages performed Saturday in four Michigan counties are valid, a spokeswoman said Wednesday.

Snyder spokeswoman Sara Wurfel said the governor’s office could make a determination on the legality of the marriages as early as Wednesday.


Following Friedman’s ruling and Schuette’s continued defense of the 2004 voter-approved ban, Snyder has stayed away from reporters’ questions this week about his views on gay marriage.


There is no end to the deceitful propaganda that continues to flow from this administration. Snyder has a J.D. from U of M, and damned well knows this Anthony Kennedy-esque out in Left field opinion is being appealed, and is sworn to the same Oath to defend Michigan’s Constitution as every other elected office.

DicksI’m also not impressed with the Alticor checkbook that funds the MI-GOP fueling the divide with their cabana boi’s publicity stunt.

If it weren’t for Ruth Johnson, I’d stay home in November.

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“Take a Vote, Not a Vacation”

Remember the last time you heard those infamous words blasted in the Mitten? I do. We all ended up with Snydercaid Expansion. How did that work out? Well, now we have a Speaker of the House walking back on his $25 fee per insured vehicle he brazenly sneaked in to fund Snydercaid Expansion that he and SML Richardville, knew damned well was unfunded within a House proposal of allegedly lowering vehicle insurance rates, which coincidentally, the insurance industry is lobbying for just as they did with “no-fault” decades prior because… it would keep rates low.

OK, so? Where is this post going, CS?

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Michigan’s Fictitious Budget Surplus, Our Roads, What to do with a so-called $1.3 Billion Surplus?

Lawmakers at Work Pothole MoneyThe projected multi-year $1.3 billion dollar surplus will give lawmakers something to ponder. While the governor has proposed yet again taxing the citizenry, us common folks for the $1.2 Billion he says are needed for our roads.

The legislature, bless the hearts was so kind in allocating a paltry $215 Million out of this $1.3 Billion so-called budget surplus (Taxpayer Money) to repair the potholes that quit frankly are beyond repair. So I guess that is to tide over the problem till after the elections so they can pass a gas tax and vehicle registration fee increase without immediate election year repercussions!

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The Looting Continues Unabated

While All Is Not About ONE MAN, This Example Of Pay For Play Is Clear

pure-somethingThere is an explanation I have always used for my sincerest dislike of the MEDC, its mission, and how it takes advantage of the taxpayer for political payoff.

“If a business owner finds it necessary to take taxpayer dollars to start, maintain, or expand their enterprise, then that business model is already in trouble.  If there is no NEED for the money to survive, then it is simply a matter of theft.”

Its hard to be any clearer than that.

Any politico who uses the term “Jobs created” when discussing the MEDC grants, is trying to justify the stealing that must happen first, and is central to the MEDC program. In the history of subsidizing business, one would think that the predictions of ‘job growth’ with accomplished results would speak for itself.  In fact,  one might think such mechanisms insofar as they are touted, would make the news at least once a month if not weekly as a raging human interest success worthy of celebration.

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Parts By Mr Godwrench® Certified Mechanic

Isn't It Amazing That This Must Be Explained?

nuts-boltsWhen placing a nut on a bolt, there is an axiomatic reality that must be observed; two nuts don’t go together, and likewise neither will two bolts.

Its not a function of discrimination, or the hating of the thought that no two similar pieces of hardware unite, but rather a simple fact that bolts require a nut to function properly, and conversely the nut needs a bolt.  The hardware is designed to mate and perform a function.  And because bolt on bolt action doesn’t work, doesn’t mean that those same Bolts cannot find a matching Nut.

Nut on Bolt is still perfectly legal and allowed by design.

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Rhetoric and Scatology

Allegedly setting the record straight, Melanie Foster continues to blow smoke

Those who know the basics about me are aware that I’m a native of Iosco County, specifically western Oscoda Township. Due to the nature of life in rural Northeast Michigan, I’ve also spent some time in and around various other parts of northern Iosco and southern Alcona Counties. Farms are a fact of life up there, and seeing, not to mention smelling, cows and/or horses is fairly common. I know what manure is primarily because I spent so much time stepping in it while attempting to impress the first girl I had a romantic interest in (long story, and it didn’t work out anyway).

It would appear to me that a certain education board candidate, who happens to have an agriculture background, is also quite familiar with manure. I say this because she’s been slinging it around quite a bit of late, most recently in a damage control effort that can only be described as a spin job.

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When Rulers Play, and the Rights They Slay

Are Michigan courts so easily compromised?

harry-martinI want to put a finer point on recent activities seen in the judicial system of the banana republic of Michigan.

While observing the actions of Asst AG Harry Martin just prior to him throwing in the State’s towel on the Mark Baker case, the untrained eye easily recognized the disdain being heaped upon a private citizen in a courtroom.

But there was considerably more on display, and I’d like to point it out to you.

All attorneys are required to live and work in accordance with a Code of Ethics. The Code is written, very specific, and well-known to all who have passed the bar exam, and to many who did not. At no time is an attorney allowed to address another attorney’s client without the express permission of the clients attorney, and it must also be in the presence of the client’s attorney so the client is protected.

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