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A State Bank: The Solution for Michigan Economic Stability and Prosperity By Dan Osterman

Bank top left(Comment: by R Al Bain, Our legislators in Lansing continue to advocate and promote capital cronyism through the “Friends and Family” program along with the “Business Buddies” fund that’s not a good return on investment for the taxpayers of Michigan and only benefits the aforementioned and politicians in a pay to play scheme.) 

When it comes to the economy, government does have a necessary and proper role to protect a functioning free market and the rights of individuals to pursue their economic interests, maintenance of public infrastructure, and the undisturbed flow of commerce across borders. 

Essential to these functions is to support a banking system that seeks to serve the community, act as an incubator for businesses, and to protect the system from those who attempt to abuse it.

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KrisAnne Hall In Michigan

KrisAnneThere is enough going on that should make folks wonder whether our government is operating legally and under the framework it is supposed to be operating under.

To clear things up, KrisAnne Hall is sharing her wealth of knowledge with the curious and concerned in Michigan in a series of can’t miss seminars. (Scheduled appearances to the right and below) There are few people who understand the United States Constitution better than KrisAnne Hall.  From her site bio:

KrisAnne Hall is an attorney and former prosecutor, fired after teaching the Constitution to TEA Party groups – she would not sacrifice liberty for a paycheck. She is a disabled veteran of the US Army, a Russian linguist, a mother, a pastor’s wife and a patriot. She now travels the country and teaches the Constitution and the history that gave us our founding documents.

KrisAnne Hall does not just teach the Constitution, she lays the foundations that show how reliable and relevant our founding documents are today.

She presents the “genealogy” of the Constitution – the 700 year history and five foundational documents that are the very roots of American Liberty.

One cannot properly understand or interpret the Constitution without a firm grasp of its very foundation.

– See more at: http://krisannehall.com/about-krisanne-hall/#sthash.a6vvX9yd.dpuf

The flyer to the right is about the Traverse City event. The others are below.

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Yep, it’s an Election Year

The tax hiking surrender monkey majority in Lansing, led by none other than a duplicitous twit from Livonia, lets the retaliation cat out of the bag.

Unionized police and firefighters could again receive retroactive pay raises through new contracts under legislation being considered in the state House that would exempt them from a 2011 law.

The Legislature three years ago outlawed retroactive pay raises for unionized local government workers for time periods when they were working under an expired contract.

But state Rep. John Walsh, R-Livonia, said the law was meant to be aimed only at public school employees and was not intended to cover police and firefighters, whose unions are governed by a different collective bargaining law.

Because those within the union of First Responders are Heroes™ propaganda, oh, say like this example here, have way more enforcement value to a politician than those within the MEA?

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The Rural Michigan Squeeze

chainedIt took a little time for it to sink in, but Michigan’s legislature may have made the same mistake with ATT, that was made with BCBS.

Consider the decades of [government enforced] monopoly protections and the ability to hang their lines exclusively prior to deregulation. A compact that allowed ATT to profit heavily through its stand alone status, was then modified to ATT’s desires during the breakup of the bell system in 1974. Also consider the effects on small rural operators that rely on ATT for service access.

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Extortion And …

potholeseasonSo what does a government do when it lacks popular support for raising taxes?

It provides more basis for support by allowing all the bad things those taxes would supposedly end, to happen. From the Detroit News:

Deteriorating road conditions have “gotten a lot more attention in Lansing” than other issues in recent weeks as this year’s harsh winter winds down and pavement cracks and holes begin forming, said Kirk Steudle, director of the Michigan Department of Transportation.

“I think, finally, they’re realizing what we told them is going to happen is actually going to happen,” Steudle said Wednesday at a conference of county road commission leaders.

The great big “I told you so” is coming out in an effort to raise taxes and license fees, rather than keep existing road generated monies in the roads.  You were warned, and the holes in the roads will serve their intended purpose of proving you need to pay more.
And funny that we haven’t heard or seen Steudle comment on the $41 Million already spent on this, (when it was not supposed to cost us a dime) nor on the efficacy of pumping another $250 million into a bridge project that is merely punishment to a Michigan business, and a giveaway to a foreign nation.
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She Is Right

There comes a point where there is sufficient evidence that we can make adequate judgment on the pretenders of conventional wisdom.

Liars and propagandists for structural destruction of our values, traditions and mores will chip away with a 1000 lies or mis-representative arguments, that say the same thing but attempt to gain entry into the psyche in 1000 different ways.  This hen peck method is successful over time until or unless the rogue chicken is beheaded.

Jen Kuznicki says Ken Braun is Over-the-Top Awful.

Every time Ken wrote about Dave Agema, he lied.  Ken has called Dave and Dave’s supporters, “vile,” “Agemites,” a not-so-subtle reference to sodomites.  He has called Dave “malicious” and “un-American in the most toxic of ways,” equated Dave with the Birchers, the list is endless. But the most disgusting lie is the one he mentions in every damn article. That a facebook link contained Dave’s actual thoughts.

Every time Braun mentions it, the nose grows another inch, but he doesn’t care, he’s on a mission to destroy, and in doing so, he targets us all.

And she doesn’t stop there.


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No Slap On The Wrist

Michigan Capitol Confidential Said:

“.. if the Secretary of State stays true to its history of enforcement, it’s likely the district will receive a slap on the wrist.”

In 2011, Michigan Capitol Confidential looked at the Secretary of State’s enforcement of school districts it found to have violated the campaign finance law from 2006 to 2010. The state fined two districts that broke the law $100 each. In the case of TCAPS for their part 57 violation, it appears there is a new sheriff in town.

TCAPS was assessed a $26,656 fine to be paid back to the district.

“By whom?” is the question being asked so far by our local paper.

TCAPS officials must decide by May 30 whether to accept the ruling and prove reimbursement, which cannot come from TCAPS general fund or other taxpayer-supported funds. If TCAPS officials refuse to pay, the case could be referred to the state attorney general’s office for criminal prosecution.

The state did not specifically state who is responsible for repaying the $25,656.

I can tell you that however.

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Fostering Distrust

Wasteful stewardship of university resources characterizes convention candidate.

According to Michigan State University Board of Trustees Conflict of Interest Policy, some of the responsibilities of the individual and several members of the Michigan State University Board of Trustees are:

  • Fiduciary Responsibilities: Trustees will act in a manner consistent with their fiduciary responsibilities to the University. Trustees will place the University’s interests ahead of their private interests. Trustees will exercise their powers and duties in the best interests of the Board and the University and for the public good.
  • Conflict of Interest: (a) A conflict of interest exists when a Trustee’s financial interests or other opportunities for personal benefit may compromise, or reasonably appear to compromise, the Trustee’s independence of judgment in fulfilling his/her Board duties. (b) Trustees will endeavor to remain free from the influence of, or the appearance of, any conflicting interest in fulfilling their Board duties. Trustees will exercise care that no detriment to the University results from conflicts between their interests and those of the University. (c) Trustees will attempt to refrain from accepting duties, incurring obligations, or engaging in activities that would be incompatible with, or in conflict with, their Board duties.

Now, I’m not a Harvard-trained Philadelphia lawyer, but I am an educated man who is perfectly capable of understanding basic legalese. And I gotta tell you, I’m having one helluva time reconciling that with this here 7 Action News investigation from WXYZ-TV in Detroit.

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Nurse Ratched* Saith Your Children Belong to Us

UPDATE: as you can see, State Rep. Margaret O’Brien has pulled her nanny state propaganda video from the Michigan House GOP YouTube account.

JHFC! Is there anything these authoritarian Nanny Government types don’t want control over?

As an aside to all the 18 to 21-year-old voters out there stuck with your Zero Tolerance driver license situation – especially when they’re now regulating rope – why you haven’t voted out the mentality above is way beyond my comprehension.

*Cultural reference

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