Governor Rick Snyder’s economic “team” was one of several contractors who pumped millions into ex-Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick’s alleged criminal enterprise. Although the government hid the companies’ identities in the indictment, public records and interviews helped put names to aliases. The list of companies includes deep-pocketed donors and powerful executives. Hmmm… maybe that’s why the governor chose to abolish the “Nerd Fund” rather than to expose his donors?
The companies involved are going to be needed by the FBI and the U.S. Attorney’s Office to help prosecute the case. “It’s always hard to say whether the payer of a bribe is culpable or a victim of the crime,” said Peter Henning, a law professor at Wayne State University and former federal prosecutor.
“Sometimes that’s hard to distinguish.” So far, most executives linked to the corruption probe have escaped indictment. Some witnesses were granted immunity and others are victims, U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade said.
Among the contractors who were allegedly extorted to retain Bobby Ferguson as a subcontractor include Walbridge, a general contractor headed by John Rakolta Jr., a longtime area powerbroker who was recently named to the Michigan Economic Development Corp. (MEDC) by Snyder. Wayne County and its Building Authority has filed a law suit seeking to recover $154 million from 3 jail contractors including John Rakolta’s Walbridge.
John Rakolta’s film studio, Raleigh Film Studios in Pontiac was awarded taxpayer funded subsidies when this studio defaulted on it’s bond payments the taxpayers of Michigan are now on the hook for making those missed payments through the under funded state pension fund. These subsides were awarded through the “failed” MEDC prior to Rakolta being appointed to the MEDC board. Can you say conflict of interest?
As of Sept. 30, 2010, the Michigan Public School Employees’ Retirement System and the Michigan State Employees’ Retirement System were unfunded by $21.7 billion.
The “secrecy” and back-door “deals” are very suspect to say the least surrounding politicians, government, and businessmen and looks to be a scheme (scam) bilking the taxpayers of Michigan out of millions of tax dollars all for political and financial gains. Let’s just hope and pray that U.S. Attorney Barbara McQuade and her “team” continue looking down this rabbit hole of corruption and bring those businessmen and politicians to justice.
Additional Sources:
Bob Ficano, John Rakolta And The Big Jail Problem
Feds’ subpoenas target Wayne County business dealings
Wayne County Executive Bob Ficano replaces top officials (Romney related)
So, what was Schuette’s cut?
Suspicions sometimes followed after Kilpatrick, Ficano dealings along with John Rakolta
John Rakolta allegedly through media reports donated $10,000.00 to Democrat Bob Ficano’s campaign war chest only to receive the contract for the new Wayne County jail project.
Public Employee Pension Systems Raided To Pay Film Studio Bills
Michigan-Subsidized Film Studio Fails; State Pension Fund Had Guaranteed Loan
House Cuts $25M State Film Subsidies in Proposed Budget – Not So Fast Say’s Richardville
Report: State pension funds bankroll Pontiac studio; taxpayers lose on films
Michigan Pensions Cover Missed Bond Payment for Film Studio

Attaboy, now you're getting it. Then, throw Ron Boji, and Mike Duggan, into the mix.
A politician is a politician is a politician... with the Obama loving Baird ties that bind them together.
Don't forget to look at all that Amway advertisement down there in Detoilet, too. Denise and Christopher Ilitch smiles...
Corinthian Scales, You mean like this? Boji Group: In sweeping legal language, the subpoenas ask for all bidding and contract records involving the Boji Group; the Piston Group; the Sterling Group; Metro Cars; Steward Investments; Ghafari; Henry Ford Health System; Grand Sakwa Properties; Walbridge; RCP Associates; Strategic Staffing Solutions among others.
Heh! Yep. Didja notice Boji has retained Engler's old chatterbot?
Looks like someone better get #SchuetteShirkingHisDuty a new Leader dog. D'oh, wait a minute...
Great fun, yes?
Very good piece.
It goes a long way in explaining why Slick Rick was so hell-bent on keeping his N.E.R.D. donors secret.
Even the republican kakistocracy will have a hard time (publicly) supporting Snyder's re-election with connections to the Kwamster.
Oh, what am I saying!
Standing on principles was never an issue for them in the past.
UBelief the real criminal enterprise is the U.S. Attorney of Detroit Barbara L. McQuade herself. Who was the attorney that defended Kwame Kilpatrick on some legal discrepancy in Detroit? That would be CIA drug money bag man and former U.S. Attorney of Chicago Dan K. Webb. Does Barbara McQuade and Dan K. Webb have links to Robert Tezak Gang in the state of Michigan? Who just recently extorted $13 billion dollars from Chase Bank and $16 billion dollars from Bank of America? That would be the U.S. Department of Justice(cf. Eric Holderand Tony West). The extorted loot goes into the DOJ ASSET Forfeiture Fund which is really a FBI slush fund used to payoff corrupt law enforcement, judges and politicians(cf. local and federal). This slush fund was formed in 1984 by Eric Holder(cf. Attorney General of the U.S.) and Kristine Marcy(cf. the most powerful bureaucrat in Washington, D.C. i.e. links to Pat Marcy of the CHICAGO OUTFIT?).
If the truth be known Barbara McQuade works coverty for the CIA(cf. former U.S. District Judge of Detroit Anna Diggs Taylor i.e. Lemon Grove, California?). Maybe Ilitch family of Detroit can dedicated a four foot bronze statue of Barbara McQuade where the Detroit Tigers play and call it McQuade Park. Hopefully, I'll be found deceased there i.e. Vince Foster(cf. Marcy Park). Know what I mean?
I've never seen this before but it sure is right on about Rakolta and corruption. Clearly he told the Governor what the conclusions would be with the Coalition so Rick Jumped.
I don't think that the FBI can understand or figure out anything about the Corrupt Jail Debacle.
Attorney General Cox sure thought that he'd have a run for Governor by pronouncing "Urban Myth".