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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    So, what was Schuette's cut?

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Mon Nov 04, 2013 at 11:30:17 AM EST
    Tags: Robert Ficano, John Rakolta Jr, Wayne County Business Development Corporation, Strange bedfellows, The Ed McNamara Machine, Mike Duggan, NERD Fund, Rich Baird, Kevyn Orr, Andy Dillon, Michigan Democratic Party, Slick Rick, Mr. 36%, Snyder, Ron Boji, The Flim-Flam Man, Transparency, One Term Nerd, The alleged right shoe smells just as bad as the Left, Cronyism, 11th District Republican Star Chamber, memory holes, Michigan Romney Campaign, Dave Trott, Richardville, AG Bill Schuette, Dan Gilbert (all tags)

    How the allegedly unbiased State AG hasn't raided Rakolta's Walbridge offices becomes... rather glaring.

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