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    Tag: Richardville

    Democrat Stalking Horse Candidate Doesn't Like Black Folk

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Nov 19, 2013 at 09:29:34 AM EST
    Tags: Rick Snyder, Agendas, DRIC, MEDC, Corporate Welfare, Nerd Fund, Transparency, Detroit, Bell Isle, Utopia, creeping progressivism, Schauer, Slick Rick, Same Snake Two Heads, Sunlight, Costly Energy, Richardville, Bolger, Public Act 295 of 2008, SB 213, Lt. Gov. Brian Calley, Sure .. he is a 'con'servative, Mandates, Tilting at Windmills, Al Gore Warming, Unicorn farts, Taxed Enough Already, One term Nerd, 2014, Michigan, Find me a Conservative to vote for (all tags)

    I don't have a lot of time to squander on this today so, click on the headline below.

    Schauer proposes hiking state minimum wage to $9.25 an hour

    In the mean time, Rick Snyder's MEDC and Gary Peters are tirelessly working for Corporate Welfare schemes.

    Snooze button is almost set for November 4, 2014...

    (3 comments) Comments >>

    Wednesdays Divertere: I'm tired of it too, Bill

    By Corinthian Scales, Section Multimedia
    Posted on Wed Nov 13, 2013 at 01:30:34 PM EST
    Tags: Taxed Enough Already, Ruling Class, Tone deaf on purpose, executive-grade arm-twisting, Progressives, heavy-handed bifarceisanship, Obama, Snyder, Reid, Richardville, Boehner, Bolger, Same Snake Two Heads, Oner Term Nerd, 2014, Michigan, Find me a Conservative to vote for (all tags)

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    A Message To Our Legislators - Beware False Choices

    So, what was Schuette's cut?

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Mon Nov 04, 2013 at 11:30:17 AM EST
    Tags: Robert Ficano, John Rakolta Jr, Wayne County Business Development Corporation, Strange bedfellows, The Ed McNamara Machine, Mike Duggan, NERD Fund, Rich Baird, Kevyn Orr, Andy Dillon, Michigan Democratic Party, Slick Rick, Mr. 36%, Snyder, Ron Boji, The Flim-Flam Man, Transparency, One Term Nerd, The alleged right shoe smells just as bad as the Left, Cronyism, 11th District Republican Star Chamber, memory holes, Michigan Romney Campaign, Dave Trott, Richardville, AG Bill Schuette, Dan Gilbert (all tags)

    How the allegedly unbiased State AG hasn't raided Rakolta's Walbridge offices becomes... rather glaring.

    Comments >>

    Sundays Divertere: Common Core is to Education as Obamacare is to...

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Sun Nov 03, 2013 at 10:42:13 AM EST
    Tags: Common Core, Cookie Cutter Curriculum, GLADD, Arne Duncan, Michigan, Governor, Progressives, Same Snake Two Heads, Jeb Bush, Slick Rick, Snyder, Bolger, Richardville, Complicit Parties, Obamacare, PPACA, Socialism, Snydercaid, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Remember folks, Rick Snyder wants youth enslaved to this Federal dumbing-down agenda.

    "I think the Common Core is a really important opportunity, and I think it's a good thing," Snyder said Monday in Detroit, where he was joined by U.S. Education Secretary Arne Duncan. "Unfortunately, it's been too much about politics. Too many people in our country ... are looking to fight someone for the sake of fighting."

    One Term Nerd

    Comments >>

    You Can Keep It

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Fri Nov 01, 2013 at 08:50:44 AM EST
    Tags: Obamacare, Domestic terrorism, Bankruptcy, Complicit Parties, Snyder, Bolger, Richardville, Progressives, Socialism, Theft, Insurance, Exchanges (all tags)

    And necessarily bankrupt oneself. (mixing a little Obama-ism in there)

    Health care exchanges that WORKED have been around for a while. Karl Denninger at the Market Ticker demonstrates how the ACA has screwed us using one of those exchanges for comparisons from 2013 to 2014.

    I put it to the test, and I have determined that I will not have insurance after November of next year.

    First, Thank God that we did not establish a 'Michigan Exchange' and then read the article, then compare for yourself.

    H/T to Steph at FedUpUSA.org

    (1 comment) Comments >>

    Captain Cave man

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Wed Oct 16, 2013 at 06:41:51 PM EST
    Tags: Legislature, Speaker Bolger, Richardville, poisoning the party brand, Democrat-lite, Change It, Suffer With It, Slick Rick, 2013-HB-4714, Baby Ruth, Gov. Snyder Pension Tax Hike, Income Tax, #BolgerSchmidtFraud, Bobby ShowStak, backroom shenanigans, Matt Mojzak, election integrity, Big Box Protection Bill, Internet Sales Tax, Main Street Cronyism, Internet Sales, More Taxes, More Paperwork, Crushing The Little Guy, Transparency, NERD Fund, Michigan Banana Republican Party, Obamacare, Exemption Employees, Amnesty, Snydercaid, Big Budget, Big Govt, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    "...balance their budget based on what's actually in their checkbook not what they wish was there."

    After replacing the MBT with a State Income Tax Hike, plundering retirees pensions, cutting the Homestead Tax Credit, electioneering with Democrats, continuing to gift illegal aliens over $900M annually, and passing Obamacare Snydercaid, the guy I see in the propaganda video above is the best argument presented for a Part-time State Legislature.

    Go work on growing your second chin, Jase.  Like Snyder, you're the problem.

    One Term Nerd

    Comments >>

    Aches and Reoccurring Payne's

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Sep 10, 2013 at 11:09:29 AM EST
    Tags: Rep. Bentivolio, Loose Lips Sink Ships, No feeding the animals, Ronulans, Chem-trails, Paulsamic Vinegar, CD-11, Henry the Payne, Stupidity Needs To Be Painful, Smear Merchants, Republican kakistocracy, memory holes, Granholm, Dave Trott, Vampire Capitalist, Foreclosures, Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac, Lawyers, Banksters, backroom shenanigans, Richardville, Schostak Brothers & Company, SB-992, Feral Government, Mike Cox, Attorney General, FOIA's, Kappy Trott, Oakland County, Wayne County, 11th District Republican Star Chamber, Mike Bishop, Laura Cox, Rocky Raczkowski, Ronna Romney McDaniel (all tags)

    Want to see how Ronulans deep-six Rep. Bentivolio's reelection?  Chem-trails.

    "We'll bring in some Air Force folks right here in our district. We can have an oversight reform committee hearing right here and we'll investigate," said Bentivolio in response to an audience question. "I'd like to find out about it too."

    Oh, Lord.  Please Kerry, don't play with your vegetables.  We here at RM didn't bust our asses in 2012, just to have a few PaulTards in the crowd grenade us in 2014.

    But despite such embarrassing diversions the first-term Congressman, say political insiders, will be difficult to unseat in 2014 - even with last week's announcement that businessman [Foreclosure Lawyer] and Michigan Republican Party establishment favorite Dave Trott has thrown his hat into the ring. Such is the power of incumbency, and the deep pocketbooks of the GOP's insurgent Ron Paul/Libertarian wing that backs Bentiviolo.

    In the redrawn CD-11, I wouldn't be so cocksure as to hang my hat on "the power of incumbency".  Not in Oakland, and Wayne County's den of vipers, anyway.

    Continued below.

    (611 words in story) Full Story

    The One Term Express

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Tue Sep 03, 2013 at 10:55:42 PM EST
    Tags: Snydercaid, Public Act 142 of 2011, SB 348, Public Act 58 of 2013, SB 335, Health Insurance Exchange, Obamacare, Navigators, Organizing for Obama, Nerdpublicans, Bobby ShowStak, MIa-GoPC'd, heavy-handed bifarceisanship, Richardville, Bolger, Slick Rick, The Flim-Flam Man, One Term Nerd (all tags)

    Nothing sadder to watch than two aging queens trying to hide their Obamacare thrill going up their leg.

    Nerd, Progressive, and Big Government is no way to go through life, Rick Michigan.

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