To help you figure things out, there is a Scoop Admin Guide which can hopefully answer most of your questions.
Some tips:
Most of the layout is changed in "Blocks", found in the admin tools menu
Features can be turned on and off, and configured, in "Site Controls" in the admin tools menu
Stories have an "edit" link right beside the "Full Story" link on an index page, and right beside the "Post a Comment" link on the full story page. They can also be edited by clicking the story title in the "Story List" admin tool
Boxes are what allow you to write new features for Scoop; they require a knowledge of the perl programming language to work with effectively, although you can often make small changes without knowing much perl. If you would like a feature added but cannot program it yourself, ScoopHost does custom Scoop programming as one of its services.
If you aren't sure where to look for a particular feature or piece of display, try the "Search Admin Tools" link in the admin tools menu.
Want to see how Ronulans deep-six Rep. Bentivolio's reelection? Chem-trails.
"We'll bring in some Air Force folks right here in our district. We can have an oversight reform committee hearing right here and we'll investigate," said Bentivolio in response to an audience question. "I'd like to find out about it too."
Oh, Lord. Please Kerry, don't play with your vegetables. We here at RM didn't bust our asses in 2012, just to have a few PaulTards in the crowd grenade us in 2014.
But despite such embarrassing diversions the first-term Congressman, say political insiders, will be difficult to unseat in 2014 - even with last week's announcement that businessman [Foreclosure Lawyer] and Michigan Republican Party establishment favorite Dave Trott has thrown his hat into the ring. Such is the power of incumbency, and the deep pocketbooks of the GOP's insurgent Ron Paul/Libertarian wing that backs Bentiviolo.
In the redrawn CD-11, I wouldn't be so cocksure as to hang my hat on "the power of incumbency". Not in Oakland, and Wayne County's den of vipers, anyway.
How about a nice big bowl of Yooper Super Scooper Fudge ice cream?
Or Traverse City Cherry Bomb or maybe a sugar cone of Very Vernors?
Those flavors haven't been created yet but they could be in the Pure Michigan ice cream contest, which kicks off Wednesday.
Pure Michigan is teaming up with Hudsonville Ice Cream in an effort to help promote the bounty of food and agricultural products available in the state.