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To paraphrase Mitt Romney, "Corporations are pandering Liberals, my friend."
AYFKM? Witness ^ my last Starbucks coffee - ever. Yannow, I've always had a complete disdain for Jews like Howard Schultz who have less than total support for our Right to keep and bear arms. It is based in good reason. As they say, all politics is local. Not to mention how quickly history goes ignored by the Schultz's, Bloomberg's, and Feinstein's in this nation. Unscrupulous bastards.
Besides Rick Snyder, same 'ol same old... Amnesty for gatecrashers.
The immigration overhaul passed by the U.S. Senate could put a big squeeze on the budgets of state and local governments.
The proposal does not help states pay for costs incurred by required policy changes, including ramped up English classes and greater access to public hospitals and health clinics.
"Potentially, we are going to create a financial catastrophe for states and localities," said Sheri Steisel, senior federal affairs counsel and a human services expert at the National Conference of State Legislatures. "The states will end up with the cost and consequences of the federal decision-making, with very little resources to rely on to make up the difference."
Michiganders must really enjoy being little more than Debt Slaves. Wolverines - do not. Frankly, I don't see a snowball's chance in Hell that Snyder will be a second term anything in this state, but go ahead "liberty-minded network" with squandering your time and resources on Calley.
How about a nice big bowl of Yooper Super Scooper Fudge ice cream?
Or Traverse City Cherry Bomb or maybe a sugar cone of Very Vernors?
Those flavors haven't been created yet but they could be in the Pure Michigan ice cream contest, which kicks off Wednesday.
Pure Michigan is teaming up with Hudsonville Ice Cream in an effort to help promote the bounty of food and agricultural products available in the state.
As expected, Gov. Rick Snyder has signed a bill that could clear the way for a wolf hunt in Michigan's Upper Peninsula as early as this fall -- and influence which types of species are hunted well into the future.
"This action helps ensure sound scientific and biological principles guide decisions about management of game in Michigan," Snyder said in a statement announcing his bill signing. "Scientifically managed hunts are essential to successful wildlife management and bolstering abundant, healthy and thriving populations."
F'ing whaah, ya enviroloons. CS, a change of heart on the Nerd? Nope, he's still a flaccid d!*k. If only he thought the same of folks being able to legally protect themselves from two-legged predators, I may reconsider my total disdain for the stealth Democrat.
Spineless squish republiCant's in Lansing, take note of what testosterone looks like.
The South Carolina House approved a bill Wednesday criminalizing the implementation of President Obama's health care law in the state.
The Republican-controlled House voted 65-39 on the Freedom of Health Care Protection Act.
The act renders "null and void certain unconstitutional laws enacted by the Congress of the United States taking control over the health insurance industry and mandating that individuals purchase health insurance under threat of penalty."
"This kind of victory occurs when the grassroots across the State come together and coalesce," Chris Lawton, spokesman for the Greenville Tea Party, told The Greenville Post. "I could not be prouder."
The bill declares "Obamacare" unconstitutional - despite the Supreme Court ruling last year that the Affordable Health Care Act was constitutional - and that there will be criminal penalties for enforcing the law.
Gov. Nikki Haley earlier this year said that the state will not implement the nation's health care law.
About damn time a BOLD message is sent. Of course, the above is example why "Team R" in Michigan, continues its path of dwindling election results with following the stealth Democrat Nerd agenda. Merely being a Corporatists "it's about jobs" fed, and state, debt slave is setting the Pale Pastel bar too low for this once Great State, and Nation. BUT, y'all got your second dose of Bobby ShowStak leadership rewards, didn'tchya?