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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    MIGOP Misses The Point

    By JGillman, Section News
    Posted on Mon Mar 18, 2013 at 12:02:29 PM EST
    Tags: Michigan, Health Care, Obamacare, Republicans, Dirty Hands, NOT Praiseworthy, NOT Conservative, Lisa Lyons, MiGOP, Bobby Schostak, Still Wrong (all tags)


    The MiGOP chair once again screwed up an opportunity to mend fences with the conservative base.

    Bobby Shostak hoping to catch some of the CPAC love fest action for Michigan Republicans makes this announcement about 86th House District Representative Lisa Posthumus-Lyons who was featured and honored as one of the Conservative Political Action Conference's (CPAC) 10 conservatives under 40. Lyons District is in Kent and Ionia Counties, and serves as the Assistant Majority Floor Leader. :

    "Rep. Lyons is a tremendous leader in Michigan and she's a strong advocate of the common sense conservative policies that are resulting in Michigan's comeback."

    The release continued:
    " Rep. Lyons is recognized as a "Rising Young Conservative Leaders," which relates to CPAC's theme this year, "America's Future: The Next Generation of Conservatives. New Challenges, Timeless Principles."
    Timeless principles?

    "Timeless principles" must have a meaning I am not familiar with. Perhaps its those progressive principles they call timeless. If this is the next generation of conservative, I'm out.  And a note to our MiGOP, the activists you will find below the fold are just a few of those who would disagree with this blind accolade.

    Very much so - Continue on below.

    A press release issued today in response:
    Lansing-  March 18, 2013 Tea Party leaders and grassroots activists voiced their response to the March 13, 2013 MIGOP News Release, entitled "Michigan's Rep. Posthumus-Lyons honored at CPAC"

     "Apparently the MIGOP believes that a representative (Rep. Lyons) voting to help implement an (Obamacare) Health Insurance Exchange is  ' a tremendous leader in Michigan and she's a strong advocate of the common sense conservative policies that are resulting in Michigan's comeback,' as quoted by Michigan Republican Party Chairman Bobby Schostak in an MIGOP News Release. [1] We disagree, voting to implement an Health Insurance Exchange is either Conservative nor a sign of Republican leadership", said Joan Fabiano, founder of the limited government group Grassroots in Michigan.

    Fabiano goes on to say, " Unfortunately, there is disconnect between the MIGOP and its grassroots activists.  The fact of the matter is that many normally Republican voters of all stripes will be refusing to support or vote for Republican candidates in 2014 that continue to advance policies that limit personal liberty, private rights, promote excessive taxation, and renounce the sanctity of life.

    Mark Petzold, founder of River City Patriots of Kent County said, "The majority of the people that took part in the 2010 landslide were focused on Liberty not the GOP. If the GOP is not a source of Liberty the participants will look elsewhere or not participate at all as was the case in 2012."

    Jason Gillman, Conservative author said, "Defeating Obamacare was the holy grail of conservatives in 2010. The 'shellacking' the Democrats received nationally was centered around disarming the legislation that would, and is, destroying our healthcare system.  Anyone who supports any involvement in Obamacare needs to be replaced, not praised."

    Yep.  I said that.

    The release included a number of names who on short notice wished to be included as opponents of the exchange and those who supported it.

    • Joan Fabiano Founder Grassroots in Michigan
    • Mark Petzold founder of River City Patriots of Kent County
    • Thomas Biggs D.V.M, Manistee Area Tea Party
    • Jason Gillman, conservative author, RightMichigan.com
    • Bill Gavette, Lapeer County Tea Party              
    • Vickie Kahle, Oakland County precinct delegate
    • Monte Blachford, Newaygo County activist                  
    • Donald Eckland, Co Chair Mid Michigan Patriots Croton Twp Delegate) precinct delegate                  
    • Andrea Blachford, Newaygo County Precinct Delegate
    • Marcy L. Desmond Jankovich, Precinct Delegate, Summit Township,
    • Jackson County Republican Committee, founder of Michigan Right to Life
    • Randy Jasky, Director - FedUpUSA                            
    • Marian Sheridan, Lakes Area Tea Party founder, vice president West Bloomfield Republican Club,Oakland County precinct delegate
    • Isabelle Terry,  MIGOP State Committee                        
    • Elizabeth Gillanders, Grassroots activist

    As far as I and many other activists are concerned, this Representative (Lyons) voted FOR Obamacare in Michigan. Those who did so deserve to be primaried.

    Republican hands MUST be clean of the Obamacare gimmick known as the HCE in Michigan. 'Managing' the expansion of government mandates hardly fits any "timeless principles" held by the Republican party. Denying it's interface on all levels is the mandate Republicans have been charged with, and should honor.

    Belligerence in that task is not worthy of support.

    < NULLIFY OBAMACARE: Quit dancing around the aggregate issue! | At Least One Grassroots Organization Is Through Messing Around >

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    So, riddle me this (none / 0) (#1)
    by Corinthian Scales on Mon Mar 18, 2013 at 02:56:57 PM EST
    Why would anyone be surprised by any of this last name legacy topic?


    http://www.annarbor.com/news/rick-snyder-names-andy-dillon-as-treasurer-dick-posthumus-as-senior-adv isor/

    Does anything there in the above resemble principled individuals?

    JHFC!  Straightening up the hunchback MIGOP is too much of a waste of my time for me anymore.  ShowStak isn't leaving his final term no matter how many times he lies to you.  The self-invented Liberal Nerd persona isn't budging on any of his Big Government, Big Tax, Bigger Spending crony capitalism agenda, either.  Take the hint already.  Some folk are indeed missing the point.

    However, for those who decide to fetter away their finite time on the lost cause of a repellent indistinguishable brand that just Nationally doubled down its contempt for those who don't buy their pandering bullsh!t anymore - you're are free to do so.

    Among the report's 219 prescriptions: a $10 million marketing campaign, aimed in particular at women, minorities and gays; a shorter primary season and earlier national convention; and creation of an open data platform and analytics institute to provide research for Republican candidates.

    "When Republicans lost in November it was a wake-up call," Priebus said Monday. "We know that we have problems. We've identified them, and we're implementing the solutions to fix them."

    Ya, Reince, it was the historically Democrat "Brown vote" amnesty, the freebie contraceptives Fluke'rs, and the ObamaCare benefit seeking homophiles that sunk your ass.  It wasn't Romney that wrote ObamaCare Law as a Republican governor, nor was it W's own Justice Roberts that twisted a penalty into a tax for Team D that sunk Republicans.  Nope.  That pandering Two Wings - Same Bird agenda didn't earn Team R a NOTA vote from me in November - it was the lack of them being more like Team D that did it.

    It only costs a Franklin to primary.  Yes, and choose from the numerous banners available you tie your respectable name to, very wisely.

    In the meantime, with watching the ongoing MIGOP/RNC skullduggery fallout continue, I'll be waiting for Alan Mulally, to announce the February sales figures of the Pinto.

    Oh wait!  The public had no trust in that, so that platform was swept into the dustbin of history.

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