754 search results for "prop 2"

This Too Shall Pass

Abraham_Lincoln-1858Abraham Lincoln from  in an address before the Wisconsin State Agricultural Society, September 30, 1859, offered a thought that offers both hope and caution. (from The Collected Works of Abraham Lincoln )

“It is said an Eastern monarch once charged his wise men to invent him a sentence to be ever in view, and which should be true and appropriate in all times and situations. They presented him the words: ‘And this, too, shall pass away.’ How much it expresses! How chastening in the hour of pride! How consoling in the depths of affliction!”

As Lincoln opined, things both good and bad; as a part of the flow of time, will eventually, simply, cease.

Whether one is to take it as a warning, and advisement to actively protect what has been made good, or a promise that certain blemishes will eventually fade is certainly upon the perspective [of the] bearer of such impairment or achievement.

And it is the perfect sight of historical fact under which we can see both sides in play.  The abolition of the American slavery, and the more recent loss of Liberty earned by the blood of our forefathers.  The routing of a scourge of man set to control man, and the promise that would prevent it from ever happening again disappearing under the most false pretense of populist desire.

Recent events involving an organized effort to remove a Michigan defender of what is good, through such false pretense has in its operative design a working model of historical precedent.  To make great achievement ‘pass’ all that opposition must do is wait for a plausible flaw.

Be it truth or not matters little to those of destructive intent; when the objective is to make what is good, wither and fall.

I await eagerly, the passing of a current pretense of despair that will indeed happen; but knowing that with time, it too, shall return.

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Setting The Wrong Table

Truly a loss to the GOP if Betsy DeVos remains committed to her recent effort of removing Dave Agema from the position of Republican National Committeeman.

There was a reason he won the position in the first place; as someone who would hold TRUE to conservative Republican principles, and strengthen them in the national platform.  While the establishment Republicans are decrying Democrats as “bad,” Committeeman Agema was rebuilding the foundation so Republicans could say why.  Real fiscal restraint, real solutions aimed at preserving families and traditions that have made this country great.

And the feeble sensibilities of an offended malcontent within the party continuously stirs up sympathy for the other side’s (progressive Dems for those of you who remain unsure) point of view?

“Hey look at me! I am a Republican and I don’t like your stand on what I like to do, so you better tolerate my perverse lifestyle or I will forever more divide the party until I get what I want!  You can call it a big tent if you want.”

And like the ‘Tasmanian Devil’ of the cartoon world, shredding the bonds of good conservatives, and instilling doubt upon the conscience of a party that once at least as a promise, stood for decency and honor.

When moral restraint is removed in one way, it certainly follows that the caps are off in others too.

A sin is a sin is a sin, right?

So lets talk more below the fold.

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Unconstitutionality Of Energy Mandates

Conveniently, the bigger power concerns in the state capitulated to ridiculous 10% energy mandates during the Granholm administration.

In 2012, an even MORE ridiculous 25×25 requirement was promoted (and failed) as a constitutional amendment, in a state which has a monstrous electricity appetite as a leader in manufacturing.  Now as the legislature approaches the crossroads of [Oh gosh we can’t meet the 10%!] and [What the hell happened to electricity prices?] in Michigan, another 35% ‘mandate’ pusher shows up with a ‘conservative’ emphasis and the useful idiots who have already signed on.

As soon as Michigan State Representative Mike Shirkey announced a solid-as-steel return to electricity competition in our state, the rust of cronyism began eating away at the plan. Snyder stepped up the call for increased renewable energy in the midst of the current mandate meltdown, and a new shadow group was formed with friendly ‘conservative’ faces to front it. (see useful idiot mention above)

Sometimes however, its worth looking to other experts who have a different take on such things.

Are the mandates even legal?

Thanks to the TB912, and Dining Room productions for another useful and informative video.

And On a related note: Cap Con today, has another take on this.

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Pensions & Fiscal Child Abuse

debt“Live now, pay later,” might have easily supplanted the national motto of “E Pluribus Unum,” instead of its supposed replacement, “In God we trust.”

Aside from the obvious reference to unearned hedonism and individual irresponsibility, it should be noted that governments derived from such careless individuals as the “live now” crowd can bring all of us even closer to being debt slaves.  Yet without even the notion of pleasure as an advance reward to leadership, the function of government runs unabated. One might find it differently in private enterprise however, according to Jack Spencer:

“In the private sector, businesses can’t ignore economic reality by giving in to unrealistic union demands. They open their books and say, “look, we’ve had a lousy couple of years. We have to cut back or go under. We can’t give you what you want.” That reality check doesn’t apply to government, which is always bargaining with other people’s money. Those “other people” are us, the taxpayers. Over the decades, when faced with unpopular choices of cutting services or raising taxes, government officials have given unions most of what they asked for and left the tab to be picked up by future generations.”

In a nutshell, that is it.

I’ve been there.  In fact, I have been in both places simultaneously.  At the business owned by my wife and I, folks haven’t received raises in three years, yet as a county commissioner in 2012 I was present while union employees received automatic 1.5% increases. It made no sense to me that it should be so easy for a nearly unanimous Republican board to approve of such a thing, but over the years we have discovered that fiscal insanity is a scourge that has set upon both Capulet AND House Montague.

And it is generational too.  So much so, that entire infrastructures are collapsing from the weight that has long had its supports removed.  Pensions as a part of governmental financial negligence as referenced in the Cap Con piece above are responsible for cities literally falling apart, and legitimate public safety services being eliminated.

So what have we done to solve this?

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Something A ‘Republican’ Michigan Governor Won’t Do

Christmas-govCelebrate Christmas.

Alaska’s governor Sean Parnell has traditionally had a Christmas Video out. The newest expected anytime

Titled “Seasons Greetings,” Indiana governor Mike Pence uses “Christmas” no fewer than 6 times in three full paragraphs. Add a “Blessing” or two, and we Definitely get the message!

Florida’s Rick Scott posts a “Christmas” message celebrating “.. a time to celebrate the blessings that are bestowed upon us and the birth of our Lord.”

My Goodness, Wyoming‘s SOS has “Merry Christmas” and a story to go with it right up on the state’s website. The Governor, Matt Mead even posts an audio “Merry Christmas.”

Maine Governor Paul LePage also posts an audio “Christmas” message for Mainers

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Second Class Lion Taming

The question of whether or not to ‘allow’ marriage to persons who identify based on their activities is absurd.

Is that not what the supreme court is being asked to validate? In the case before our Nation’s highest court, the justices are being asked to determine whether California’s 2008 Proposition 8 as enacted by voters is constitutional.  they are being asked to either affirm the decision of United States District Court Judge Vaughn Walker,  who overturned it on August 4, 2010; his argument being a violation of both the Due Process clause, and Equal Protections clause of the 14th amendment.

A inaccurate understanding of the 14th amendment if ever there was one.

Due Process guarantees a process under which something might be taken.  It allows the imposed upon person or class to prepare a defense or answer to actions being used to deprive an individual, or group, a particular thing.  It also requires law to be sufficiently understandable or substantive.

So is language prohibiting marriage between same sexes vague or understandable?

The ballot text reading “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California. should be considered clear.  Based upon that, voters by a 52-48% margin agreed to it.  The motivations of the voters nor understanding of the full ramifications of passage cannot be legitimately parsed by a court and if so, under only the most subjective terms.  Being clearly stated, the language defines well enough the result of passing such a measure.

The other possible Due Process violation is the depriving from one class by law; something to which it is entitled, or has a right to. Jim Crow laws which forbid public services that whites enjoyed, to blacks, would be a classic and easily understood example.  The argument was then presumably, heterosexual partners enjoy a recognition of marriage, not afforded to homosexual couples.  In fact the conclusion by the judge:

“Plaintiffs challenge Proposition 8 under the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment. Each challenge is independently meritorious, as Proposition 8 both unconstitutionally burdens the exercise of the fundamental right to marry and creates an irrational classification on the basis of sexual orientation”

And he then uses an explanation of Due process, as that which

“protects individuals against arbitrary governmental intrusion into life, liberty or property. “

Except, there is no intrusion.

The “Right To Marry” as demonstrated by the citations in the decision, has been recognized.  However, Judge Vaughn purposefully sought to ignore the more broadly accepted definition of marriage, which would have settled the matter without further argument; the part being that marriage is defined as between a man and a woman.  Plaintiffs in the case were essentially arguing that the judiciary must redefine that which has thousands of years of tradition, and has no reason to be changed except to suit their desired outcome; one that voters in the state of California deemed to be illegitimate.

The Plaintiffs were never denied due process, as their arguments were heard, and simply rebuked as non conforming to the definition they wished to have assigned to their relationships.  They were never denied equal protections, as they too could exercise marriage, which by definition is a covenant between a single man and a single woman; but not something they ‘desired’.   They could still seek another of opposite sex for marriage as anyone else might.

The burden of reaching any particular designation rests squarely upon the person seeking it.  If ‘Marriage’ is what a woman wants, then there is nothing that government can do to prevent her from seeking and marrying a man; and a man likewise seeking a woman for said purpose.  No unfair burden has been placed on the persons seeking marriage, except that for it to be recognized that they should be of opposite gender.  Their rights are IDENTICAL to those who would naturally seek out such a relationship.

Because calling it marriage doesn’t automatically make it so.  No more than calling me “Dr. Gillman. ”

I haven’t earned the title.  I haven’t the prerequisite skills, or knowledge, yet under the redefining of institutions nothing like this should be off the table.  Its my ‘RIGHT’ to be a doctor. I demand my title! Oh and by the way, Catholics are Jews, and Jews are Catholics.  And any freak who thinks they can sing can be called Lady Gaga.  And while we are at it, Dennis Lennox is a lion tamer.  No experience necessary, just toss him in there, because defining him as such makes it so.  No really.. do that, and I buy the argument.


The judge in his ruling is attempting to DEFINE marriage based on his own subjective analysis, when it’s recipe has been a clearly established static since before the destruction of Sodom.  It simply IS what it IS.  Up is up, down is down, and water is wet.  Imaginative claims that redefine our language, and thus, our cultural norms, do not become more relevant because we are more accepting or tolerant.  Words have meaning, and in this case, it is no different because of an immature refusal to accept what it is.

Immaturity so quickly displayed with the language used toward anyone who might challenge the assertion that homosexuality is normal, and particularly now as rational people decline to agree with a broad brush of definitions re-casting standards in our culture, for the sake of the 2%. Displayed too easily when  temper tantrums might well be celebrated by media outlets, and make great reporting.  Immaturity and name calling tantrums that hardly advance any socially redeeming discussions.  Should we craft policy and change our language to suit those who throw them?

MarriageClubAdditionally, under Judge Vaughn’s ruling, the right to marry carries over into other bizarre possibilities.  His opinion and published claim of “irrational classification on the basis of sexual orientation” might well meet a new threshold of tolerance someday when a judge who uses Vaughn’s decision as precedent, declares his own claim of “irrational classification on the basis of mammalian orientation” with a man or woman in love with their dog, or wildebeest.

Or whatever it is that Mooooves them

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Midland exparte courtesy? Outrageous.

Commentary by Kenneth A, a witness to the events: On the morning of April 8th, in the Circuit Court of Midland County, the Department of Environmental Quality had scheduled a hearing date and time for their Submitted Motions. The Department of Environmental Quality was the moving party.

At the Scheduled time of 10:30 Am, the State of Michigan, sitting as the Department of Environmental Quality did not show for the hearing IT had scheduled.

The Plaintiff then moved for a Default on the moving party which is and was the State of Michigan sitting as the Department of /Environmental Quality.

Stephen J. Carras the presiding Judge in response to the Motion for Default, stated he would adjourn Court for Ten Minutes to afford the MISSING moving party “time to show”.

Unbeknownst to the Plaintiff, whilst sitting in Chambers under the color of a “ten minute recess”, the presiding Judge moved an ex parte communication to the missing Defendant to discuss a substantive issue.

This ex parte communication was a telephone call made to the missing moving party, the State of Michigan..

This fact of the ex parte communication by telephonic contact was discovered following the questionable actions of the presiding judge later in the day by the party Plaintiff.

Upon Returning to the Court Room, the Presiding Judge stated “As a Courtesy” to the missing moving party, the State of Michgian; he would reschedule the hearing that said Defendant had failed to attend.

The Judge mentioned in a round about off handed way that the Missing Moving Party had stated it thought the hearing time was for 2 pm. How would a Presiding Judge know that fact, unless he had discussed the issue ex parte in Chambers during the Ten Minute Recess with the missing moving party!

The actions of the Presiding Judge granted the delinquent moving party a procedural and tactical advantage, for as a matter of law, said moving party should have been defaulted for failure to properly prosecute its action.

The Michigan Rules of Court are clearly written wherein the actions of the Presiding Judge in this instant case are at best questionable, and at its worst a deliberate action by a presiding judicial officer to knowingly violate the Michigan Rules of Court as clearly annotated in the Code of Judicial Conduct , Cannon 3(4)(a)(i)& (ii).

The failure of the moving party to attend ITS Scheduled hearing is a substantive issue.

The moving party, The State of Michigan, who failed to show, is the Party that pays a large percentage of the presiding Judge’s Salary. This action of the presiding judge to knowingly hold ex parte communications on a substantive issue brings to mind a point annotated in “The unanimous Declaration of the thirteen united States of America”

“He has made Judges dependent on his Will alone, for the tenure of their offices, and the amount and payment of their salaries.”

All stand equal in the law, unless they are the State of Michigan, who in the judicial eyes of the Circuit Court in Midland County is more equal than others!  By Kenneth A. Ration   theionian@charter.net


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Jobs Jobs and More Jobs

Things are looking brighter in our great lakes state.  Unless, of course, one wants to use a light bulb to make it so.

A demand for engineers in Michigan:

“Andrew Watt says he figures the shelf life of an auto engineer looking for a job in Michigan is about three days. Companies that wait longer than that will have to get back in line for the next candidate.

“If their skills are even on the edges of automotive, they can get a job,” said Watt, whose iTalent LLC in Troy finds engineering and information technology workers for companies in nine states. “There’s an extreme shortage. There’s way more demand than supply.”

This might be true, but if 25×25 is approved by voters, we can kiss Michigan manufacturing goodbye

Demand, Supply ..  Funny how such things work.

The long term effect of our emerging technical interaction with each other will continue to create demand for such things as better engineered automobiles, heavy equipment and other manufactured goodies.  But the most important thing that ties it all together is electricity.  Cheap, abundant electricity that will continue to power the goodies, toys, and necessary equipment that keeps us healthy, mobile, and interactive.

Environmentalists in Michigan, need to mature into the continuing reality of our still relatively industrial state.  Those idealists growing up and believing the world of The Lorax exists around us need to stop believing in the fairy tale promises of such efforts as the United Nations 25×25 plan which will appear on your Michigan ballot in November.

DR. Seuss is dead.

And yes, I DID say, the United Nations plan.

Continued below ~

The 25×25 number is no coincidence.  In fact even proponents would likely point those who are curious to 25×25.org, to get their curiosity sated.   What is barely discernible from the outward front of the site is its United Nations Related ownership. (note the contact email for the connection)  The UN of course, has been steadily promoting its globalization platform to equalize all the population into an equal state of misery with its Agenda 21.

Even as people are awakening to the UN Agenda 21, and its effects on private property and the way we live our lives, its still plodding forward slowly driven by the inertia of roughly 20 years.  In 1992, we were told that the rest of the world was poor.  And poor, not because of their own despotic governments, central planning, or inefficient socialist tendencies, but rather as a result of our (U.S.A.’s) own successes.

And Bill Clinton couldn’t wait to sign on.

And on June 29, 1993, The “President’s Council on Sustainable Development” was established by Executive Order No. 12852.

Its mission described as “solely advisory in nature” though since that time, countless federal grants and incentives to local governments through COG functionaries (‘Council of Government’ – Non government organizations, but partnered with government) have been given.  Those non profit NGOs have then acted to finance the implementation of zoning and planning rules that wouldn’t have had the interest without the seed money feeding planners and local officials who express a desire for cool cities, village centers etc..

A21 and its accompanying Rio Declaration are pretty clear.

Principle 8

To achieve sustainable development and a higher quality of life for all people, States should reduce and eliminate unsustainable patterns of production and consumption and promote appropriate demographic policies.

What is Unsustainable? And who decides the ‘demographics?”  And it likely cannot be done without an excessive amount of planning.

We have been wondering up here in the hinterland why some rural communities and townships would EVER consider hiring urban planners to work full time.  Perhaps it was the free money to start doing so?  One of those MSU trained planners locally developed an ordinance for campgrounds locally that restricted the ability of a family to live on the campground they built to only September.  Stating “It would be a Residence then..”, the planner pointed to it as a zoning argument.

Yeah, because an owner living on his own camping property violates everyone else’s rights.

And in the upper peninsula, the ongoing concern for a coal plant should be ringing the alarm bells like a catholic church on Sunday morning.  I wrote about it last December:

And manufacturing is what Michigan has always been about. No Utopian vision of cool cities and green ‘great societies’ where we are all fed like pigs with a trough, can undermine the fact that Michigan’s secret to success has always been its ability to craft, create, or build, and its secret to recovery will be the same.  A higher cost to manufacturers translates directly into either higher cost of goods, a few less people on the line, or even more devastating a loss of a company altogether.  According to a September SMU study, energy could be particularly hurtful to Upper Michigan’s core industry, paper.

“For each manufacturing job lost, many other dependent jobs will also exit the economy. One in eight private sector jobs rely upon our manufacturing base. For energy intensive manufacturing industries, the relationship is even higher. For example, models show each job lost in iron and steel, 12.3 jobs are lost elsewhere, pulp and paper, 9.7 jobs and refining, 36.3 jobs”

A higher cost of energy in the Midwest, means higher costs to mine ore, produce steel, means losses of jobs there, and results in double whammy to the upper peninsula paper producers.Oh, and costs WILL be higher.  Even directly to the consumers in the UP by the actions of this administration’s EPA, the cost of electricity will likely increase by 4 cents per KWH.  A shutdown of this particular plant in Marquette will require the building of a transmission system from Wausau, WI at a cost of a Billion bananas.

Typically, those costs are passed along to buyers of electricity, ya know?

When considering the cause and effect of such overreaching regulatory efforts on Michigan’s working class, one might consider such factors to be important. If overall health concerns are truly paramount, then the cause and effect might matter to a discerning leader.  If  economic health concern is a part of the equation then any leader who feigns ignorance of such effect is derelict in his or her service representing us.

And therein lies the problem.”


And now, under the guise of a local environmental initiative, the 25×25 plan is trying to force us out of even more. The initiative would mandate that by 2025, 25% of the state’s electricity must come form renewable resources. In one of the strange twists of the environmental movement, those resources by the way, DO include hydro electric power,   yet all the previous enviro-babble (25×25.org does not) has stated it is NOT a renewable.  The proposal was filed by Michigan Energy, Michigan Jobs on January 12, 2012, and turned in July 6 for the November ballot. Indeed it follows the UN Rio Declaration principles and guides us toward a more complete compliance with A21:

Principle 15

In order to protect the environment, the precautionary approach shall be widely applied by States according to their capabilities. Where there are threats of serious or irreversible damage, lack of full scientific certainty shall not be used as a reason for postponing cost-effective measures to prevent environmental degradation.

You know, if someone were to point out that space debris and mind control waves enters our atmosphere daily, shouldn’t we as a precautionary measure wear tinfoil helmets when outdoors?  Certainly lack of scientific certainty should not be used to hinder our absolute safety.  I am sure they  could be purchased cheap, or made with your left over thanksgiving baked bean covering.

The radical  25×25 initiative is a way to get us out of the manufacturing business. (A global agenda) And it is unworkable. The Environmental Council has the MSU Green sheet Jobs report states:

” … Beginning no later than 2025, at least 25% of each electricity provider’s annual retail electricity sales in Michigan shall be derived from the generation or purchase of electricity produced from clean renewable electric energy sources. The foregoing clean renewable electric energy standard shall be implemented incrementally and in a manner that fosters a diversity of energy generation technologies. Facilities used for satisfying the standard shall be located within Michigan or within the retail customer service territory of any electric utility, municipally-owned electric utility or cooperative electric utility operating in Michigan.

Consumers shall be charged for electricity from clean renewable electric energy sources in the same manner and on the same basis as for electricity from other sources.

To protect consumers, compliance with the clean renewable electric energy standard shall not cause rates charged by electricity providers to increase by more than 1% in any year. Annual extensions for meeting the standard may be granted, but only to the extent demonstrated to be necessary for an electricity provider to comply with the foregoing rate limitation.”

1% increase in cost limit? Yeah..  Good luck with that.  The chart below gives an example of the comparisons.

And the claim of jobs creation has already been debunked.  Spain tried it, and has since suspended its support for such things:

“The results in Spain were even more stark than in Germany: a study conducted in 2009 found that for every 1 “green” job that Spain created, 2.2 jobs were destroyed elsewhere.”

Expensive energy (no way we would see 1% increases) will certainly not increase jobs as THIS release would lead you to believe:

“At least 74,495 Michigan jobs will be created if the Michigan Energy Michigan Jobs renewable energy ballot proposal passes in November, according to a new report from researchers at Michigan State University.

The study also found the higher renewable electricity standard would create more than $10 billion in new investments. “

First off.  It would certainly create jobs in the green sectors.  But the lesson Spain gives us should give pause to voters stupid enough to sign on to this.  Secondly, $10 billion might be accurate as well, however, $100 billion or more in withdrawn or depreciated investments in manufacturing just (barely) negates this gain.  Third, there is this little problem with how the job creation is represented:

“The Michigan Environmental Council’s press releasesaid that the Michigan Energy, Michigan Jobs renewable energy ballot proposal would create 74,495 jobs.However, the report never said it would create 74,495 jobs, but instead said it would create that many “job years.” It’s an important distinction in economic analysis that the MSU report acknowledges.

OK, then on the backside, we would only see a “Spain effect” job loss of 163,889 job YEARS.  Funny how some things are measured that way.  Is a Job year similar to the “President’s Council on Sustainable Development’s  person-years? (see number 5)

Yep, things are indeed looking up.

Up, as in Cost to produce goods, unemployment, wealth and technology transfer overseas, and overall misery index.

Forget about it.

The 25X25 Ballot initiative would be more like a 2×4 on the back of the heads of job creators in Michigan.

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Thanks, Doc: But I Will Be Getting A Second Opinion

A commentary piece as read by a Rep. Benishek constituent, via the good folks at MCC.   

U.S. Rep. Dan Benishek speaks out against vague language in legislationBy Rep. Dan Benishek

Imagine government without responsibility toward its citizens — let me give you a hint, it looks a lot like Syria’s Bashar al-Assad regime.

America is blessed with a Constitution that protects Americans so they are not afraid that each new leader will turn the country into a fascist nation. No matter how much anyone disagrees with a president’s policies, we can take solace in the protections of the Constitution.

The Constitution’s authority is supreme and every piece of legislation must fit within the Constitution’s limits.

Roger that, Doc.  So far, we’re on the same page.  Let’s continue…

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