Prediction: April 27

Remember what our President said? Well, now we have 817,185 unemployed or, 16.5% in Michigan, and in total 17,000,000 nationally. Like it or not, the cure cannot be more threatening to lives than a questionable bug from China. Besides, exactly who are these so-called ‘experts’ we’re listening to? Rahm Emanuel’s Obamacare architect brother with ties to the very biased China-centric WHO?

Indeed, Mr. Delingpole. There are now so many questions that arise with our ‘experts’ and what is now appearing like another coordinated effort to remove President Trump from Office by crashing our booming Trump Economy. If this does not strike you as something afoul is going on then perhaps, you need to review This, and This.

Soon after Easter, methinks, we will be as a nation returning to normal as the false facade keeps on slipping in view of the public’s eye. And, if Gov. Gretchen “Half” Whitmer decides to go beyond federal guidelines, so be it, the destruction of Michigan’s economy will be on her – she will own it – not President Trump.

You Betcha! (26)Nuh Uh.(1)

April 09 2020 – The Rule Of Law

I am not advocating for lawlessness.

But the basis under which Whitmer has crafted EO 2020-33 is not entirely within the scope of the law.  PA390, the act under which certain transgressions of our daily liberties might be enacted, does have rules that the governor must follow.

Specifically, it must describe the manner under which we can be assured that the ‘disaster’ has been resolved.  the order must describe the conditions under which, if met become the basis for rescinding such an order.

As you see in the actual order 2020-33, it cites PA390 and in particular the section which grants her authority to make an EO.  It does not however, describe what constitutes an end to the ‘disaster’ as required by section 3.

So, is this order even legitimate?

And going beyond even this particular evidence that this governor is both power hungry and in over her head, are her edicts about movement and congregation even lawful?

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

April 8 2020 – I Told You So

There are on average 2.8 Million deaths each year.

And you can take this to the bank: 2020 will not have any statistical anomalies. The ‘experts’ at the CDC have now admitted that the method of counting includes the mere presence of the disease.

In the meantime, we recognize the ability in which this virus can spread.  However, hydroxychloroquine works, and can protect those who are at risk of actually succumbing to this disease.

The governor, while eagerly restricting what SHE considers non-essential has an administration that put the fear of God into physicians not so very long ago.  We called it out then, and are still adamant that closure is no longer needed for most areas of the state.

You Betcha! (17)Nuh Uh.(0)

Resign! Before you Really do Kill Someone

I cannot believe this insecure drama queen is still brazen enough to keep on lying to the people of Michigan, when clearly the numbers are not rising as much as they were.

“We are still in the early up-slope of what is going to hit Michigan incredibly hard,” the governor said. “This novel virus has no cure and no vaccine.”

Oh? Is that so

Are your eyes and ears lying to you?

Gov. Gretchen “Half” Whitmer is a disgrace.

You Betcha! (24)Nuh Uh.(0)

April 30 ***Corrected***

Word from my sources tell me that the Michigan Senate had granted Gov. Witless’ extension to her “Emergency Powers” about two hours ago.

This has been sent over to the Michigan House where it is expected to be approved later this afternoon and then signed by the guv.

On the plus side: The extension only lasts until April 30th, when it will be “reevaluated”.

The down side: there was nothing extracted from the guv to put a muzzle on her wanton actions until that date.

Mandatory statewide lock-down? Nothing to address it.

Increased penalties for those found “ignoring” the guv’s commands? Nothing to address that one, either.

Anything else the guv’s staff can conceive to further erode our Constitutional Rights?


Twenty-three days, my friends.

Stay tuned.


*** Going by what was sent to me earlier from my source in Lansing (the Senate’s session was unusually brief), what was passed this morning and then later in the House was SCR 24 (information now posted here).

It will not require the signature of the governor before going into effect (See MCL 30.404 Section 3 (4)).***



You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

The TrumpCure

Asked whether she thinks Trump may have saved her life, Whitsett said: “Yes, I do,” and “I do thank him for that.”

If I were “That Woman from Michigan,” I would be dying from embarrassment right now but, as all of us Michiganians know- she has no shame.

UPDATE: “because of an order that was put down in my state

Way to go, Gov. “Half” Whitmer, kill your own Democrats.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)


Michigan unemployment.

State officials put the numbers in even more stark terms, noting that in the “last two weeks — from March 15-28 — have seen claims increase by 420,963,” which, when compared to the two weeks ending March 7 and March 14, represented “more than a 4,000% increase.”

What does this stark economic reality look like nationally?

You Betcha! (18)Nuh Uh.(0)