754 search results for "prop 2"

The Next Time Someone Says Coal Is Bad

Even the bureaucrats understand an electric system that is fubar.

energyBreak out the blanket and paddles.

Folks speculate all the time whether ‘renewable energy’ is plausible enough to hit 10%, 15% etc. by a certain date.  We have had our governments propose and mandate certain dates are met with minimums of electricity being provided by ambiguous, as-yet-to-be-discovered sources to the point where our eyes bleed.

However, in the mean time, it seems someone is taking notice of the insufficient resources that only ‘magically clean’ will provide.  The Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) has somehow looked beyond the fools in Michigan’s political theater to address a looming reality. They are starting to actually ask the important questions.

And they are probably just starting to realize, our electric capacity is on borrowed time:

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(1)

Maybe Michigan’s Business Leaders are Just Stupid

You know, it’s been rather entertaining this morning sitting here with a warm cup of joe, flipping through news articles rehashing all the fallout from a disastrous scheme by on his way to the private sector, Rep. Frank Foster’s infatuation with special protections for perverts. Make no mistake – it was epic failure.

GenderBendersBut the ACLU of Michigan, Equality Michigan and others wouldn’t even consider legislation that didn’t specifically name transgender individuals, along with gays and lesbians. They convinced Democrats it was an unacceptable bill and blocked their votes.

So rather than be satisfied with a historic expansion of Elliott-Larsen, the groups decided since they weren’t getting exactly what they demanded, they’d rather have nothing at all.

“The far left killed it,” says one of the leading business backers of the legislation. “They are worse than the tea party.”

That must be tough for the MCWC to swallow (no pun intended) butt (pun intended), all 60 of them made the conscience decision to jump into bed with the transtesticle fringe so, what’s up with the hate? They’re your team, and you all go calling them something lower than a bunch of – teabaggers? Wait .. what? Ya, I know, the irony is thick.

TEA movement folk out there… do file that quote into your memory when encountering their businesses – they are named here. Be sure to note within the names of the *business* Coalition that Jim Murray, CEO AT&T of Michigan, is also a sitting Board Member of the $1.6B “endowment” to play with (nah, his vote won’t be with agenda), which is roughly half of what the Snyder/Calley administration stole from us taxpayers as gift to BC/BS who loves their Snyder/Calley Obamcare Medicaid expansion, and insurance exchanges.

Now to bottom lines.

You Betcha! (35)Nuh Uh.(1)

While The Commerce Committee Is Deliberating

Perhaps we take a moment and reflect on a little history of Michigan and how things happen?

JuleaWardLets talk about Julea Ward.

Who is she?  And why should she be the topic of the day?  Without reading any further, how many of Right Michigan’s regular readers recall her name?   Take your time, but don’t forget to act when you are through here, OK?

In April of 2009, the Blog Prof posted something that was out of the ballpark nuts on the pages of RightMichigan.com.  Not “nuts” because HE was wrong, but rather from being the telltale sign of things to come.  One of our publicly funded Universities threatened to END Miss Ward’s career, unless she submit to a regimen of homophilia.  As the prof’s prop of choice asked then, “What the hell is going on out here!”

You Betcha! (22)Nuh Uh.(0)

Here’s your cue. Now, smile for the cameras!

Are we really getting our money's worth on roads? The real answer just might surprise you.

Hey, did you know that the sky is blue?

Okay, maybe not in your part of Michigan and maybe not at this exact moment, but just go with me on this.

Did you know that if I were to spill coffee on my lap that it would hurt? I mean really, ,really, really hurt…a lot.

Hmmmmm, I wonder if I can get anything for the suffering I’ve endured?

And did you know that Michigan Roads are in terrible shape?

I’m so glad that we have a governor who is just so well-versed in the obvious.

{Oh, you’re going to love where this is going after the fold.}

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(1)

Get Out Of The Mall

Mall says: "Open on holiday or pay a penalty"

And stay clear of the DDA zones as well.

The holidays are here!  Black Friday has been extended into your family time, and store owners are learning a lesson; When you have your business in someone else’s house, you had best be prepared to live by their rules.  Of course that may include opening when you have no reason to open.  From MLive:

“TRAVERSE CITY, MI — If the Regis salon had its choice, the store in the Grand Traverse Mall would not have opened its doors on Thanksgiving.

But the alternative was to pay the mall a fine of around $500, the salon’s manager told MLive and The Grand Rapids Press.”

Not unlike government, which zones your options away, the Malls have expectations apparently enforced by contract.


In the meantime, just go ahead and keep ignoring the encroachment on your private property rights, allow government to dictate the deviants you hire, which days you can operate, and what goes on in your business.

And then double down with a move into the local mall where you can be subjected to the landlord’s rules as well.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(2)

Why Small Business Shall Remain Small

This seems to be on the right track, yes?

So, what happens if HB 5477 now becomes extended by two years, the already sales tax portion is gradually dedicated for road maintenance over same period with Wholesale sales tax increasing to 7% (Rack Price) and MDOT controlling said taxation thereafter?

“the taxpayers are the last place to look”. Sure it is. Folks, it’s all just a Shell Game in Lansing.

OABTW, did you notice the graft?

You Betcha! (22)Nuh Uh.(1)

So, why aren’t we being more direct? And is this a good place to start? (see item linked at end of post)

Because we’ve seen Gadsdens flooding Lansing, over the State Income Tax hike? Medicaid expansion? The non-bailout Detroit Bailout A/K/A DIA Bailout? Doubling Tipping Fees (garbage collection tax for the mouthbreathers)?

With an alleged Republican executive branch? – Corinthian Scales November 14, 2014″

I’ll be 100% honest here, this comment from Corinthian Scales (along with Kevin Rex Hines’ follow-up…linked here) on the Snyder(Calley)/Richardville Gas Tax Hike, really bothered me over the weekend.

Despite 1,200 miles of driving and numerous other issues I’m currently juggling this weekend that aren’t exactly going according to “Plan ‘A’ “, both gentlemen’s very direct comments regarding this issue gave me reason to pause over the weekend.

Ultimately, I feel that this is a guestion that should to be addressed if the Conservative Movement here in Michigan (and elsewhere) is to have any long-lasting relevancy.

{More below the fold}

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(1)

Say What?

Tim Gill’s $50,000 shill now saith

Bolger, offering an analogy, said he does not think a baker should be able to fire an employee for being gay or refuse to make a birthday cake for gay customer.

But that same baker should not be forced to make a cake for a same-sex wedding if such a union would run counter to his or her religious beliefs, according to Bolger, who said courts would ultimately draw that line.

“This does not presume an outcome, and it clearly does not provide a license to discriminate,” Bolger said. “It provides a test of balance.”



You Betcha! (6)Nuh Uh.(2)

Hey Tim Skubick!

Where is that 'tax cut fever' you promised?

cobweb-booksReposted from the Mackinac Center

Posted by Michael D. LaFaive on November 5, 2014 at 12:55pm

Nearly a year ago, popular Michigan pundit Tim Skubick opined on MLive.com that “another disease is starting to make the rounds in this town (Lansing): Tax Cut Fever.”

Personally, this observer welcomed the prospect of a bipartisan frenzy to convert a projected state budget surplus into tax cuts, even if the politicians’ motives included wanting to “help cement their 2014 re-election bid …”

The promise was especially welcome given that Lansing then looked more ready to raise taxes than cut them. I pointed out some examples in an article published last January. Among them:

The Legislature had recently enacted $82.6 million in fee hikes. It had also granted certain local “Business Improvement Zone” authorities the power to levy additional property taxes. And there was plenty of chatter about imposing taxes on Internet transactions (an Amazon tax) and other new extractions.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(3)