Perhaps we take a moment and reflect on a little history of Michigan and how things happen?
Who is she? And why should she be the topic of the day? Without reading any further, how many of Right Michigan’s regular readers recall her name? Take your time, but don’t forget to act when you are through here, OK?
In April of 2009, the Blog Prof posted something that was out of the ballpark nuts on the pages of Not “nuts” because HE was wrong, but rather from being the telltale sign of things to come. One of our publicly funded Universities threatened to END Miss Ward’s career, unless she submit to a regimen of homophilia. As the prof’s prop of choice asked then, “What the hell is going on out here!”
This is another unbelievable story coming out of academia. Being of academia, I see kookiness now and again, but nothing like this. Moreover, there hasn’t been a boo or a peep about this in the local MSM. Gee – I wonder why? Maybe the MSM is busy trying to paint the entire populace as a bunch of homophobes? (Media Homophobic Entrapment Fails (Epically)) I had to find this story at the WND: University to student: Endorse being ‘gay’ or leave. Talk about an offer you can’t refuse, ala The Godfather. What happened to that whole “tolerance” thing? Diversity? Anyway, here’s the gist:
A lawsuit has been filed against Eastern Michigan University, accusing the school of tossing a student out of a graduate counseling program because she refused to endorse homosexuality as morally good.Julea Ward filed suit after she was dismissed from the school’s counseling training for not affirming homosexuality and then refusing to recant her beliefs in “disciplinary proceedings,” according to the Alliance Defense Fund Center for Academic Freedom.
David French, senior counsel for the ADF, said, “When a public university has a prerequisite of affirming homosexual behavior as morally good in order to obtain a degree, the school is stepping over the legal line.”
Gee – ya think? Talk about bald-faced indoctrination! This part was particularly disturbing:
The student was targeted by the school’s disciplinary process as a result of her decision, and she was “informed that the only way she could stay in the graduate school counseling program would be if she agreed to undergo a ‘remediation’ program … to see the ‘error of her ways,'” ADF said.
Yikes! So I ask again – “What the hell is going on around here?!?” How has this happened to such a great institution? Many faculty from OU went to the Eastern Michigan University campus not long ago to stand by their colleagues as they faced some bargaining problems down there (it’s a pretty short drive from OU – about 45 minutes in all). Is EMU modeling it’s equality policies after the E.U? Where is the Detroit News? The Free Press? Can you imagine the outrage if a homosexual student were to be required to affirm being straight as the moral thing to do? The indignation and gnashing of teeth would be legendary! Alas, crickets chirping over here in the band of the hand…
But nothing bad will happen if the Elliot Larsen Act is modified to fully embrace those who engage in a dangerous lifestyle CHOICE as a protected class, right?
Three years later, Julea’s story had a somewhat happier ending, but in the meantime she had to undergo interruptions of her studies, and fight what is essential a deep pocketed government institution for her personal freedom. She lost time in the development of her career, and was made into the focal point for the emotionally damaged deviant class who hate anyone opposed to their lifestyle choices.
Now in the Commerce committee, there are those who would institutionalize at a state level, the kind of targeting that Julea Ward faced in 2009.
What could possibly go wrong there?

Update - From Trucker Randy
Though I am not sure of whether a person can be excluded from being able to testify, it would seem prudent to allow a former House member the time to speak on such a sensitive subject anyhow.