754 search results for "prop 2"

The Sixth Circuit Court Queers The Deal For Homosexual Activists In Michigan

Appeals Court ruling will likely move the test of our constitution to the US Supreme Court.

Michigan has the RIGHT to determine its own marriage law.

In an about-damned-time move, a Federal Appeals court short circuits the freight train of moral relativism that has been messing with the hearts and minds of our nations youth and impressionable politicians.  As Fox News reports:

“The ruling concluded that states have the right to set rules for marriage.”

Indeed they do.

In fact, you can thank the court for clarifying what the US constitution has already guaranteed; That it’s none of the federal government’s business.  There is no place in the construct of our nation that allows a single judge to override the will of the people to determine their own state’s social construct. It isn’t provided for, and frankly a sanction should be forthcoming for any judge who attempts to legislate from the bench.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(3)

Lorence Wenke: Not Libertarian

Back in May, Lorence Wenke switched from Republican to Libertarian.  He claims that this move was based in principle, not political convenience.  So how well do his views line up with libertarianism?

Citing GOP opposition to gay rights, state Senate candidate Lorence Wenke leaves Republican Party
State Senate hopeful Lorence Wenke says he plans to help build Libertarian Party
Libertarian Lorence Wenke talks split from GOP, minimum wage during Kalamazoo Gazette Editorial Board interview
Election 2014: Libertarian Party looks to make waves in Kalamazoo County after long dormancy

Wenke said he would support expanding the Elliott-Larsen Civil Rights Act to include protections for LGBT citizens, adding that if no one else introduced the bill, he would do so.

Anti-discrimination laws violate freedom of association, and there is a long libertarian tradition opposing them.

How about the basic free market position of opposing the minimum wage?

Wenke, the owner of Wenke Greenhouses in Comstock Township, said he would have voted yes on the minimum wage increase.

He said the increase will have a significant impact on the payroll businesses, but added that he believes the working poor of the community deserve the raise.

You Betcha! (5)Nuh Uh.(9)

Attack Ad On Republican Candidate Draws Sharp Rebuke

The first complaint about an attack ad by Michigan Democrats against 104th Candidate Larry Inman comes from where?

coffiaA political attack television ad aired in the 104th district (which covers Grand Traverse County in its entirety)  is drawing an immediate call for its removal. Not from candidate Inman, but by his opponent.

An advertisement that suggests Republican Larry Inman is out of touch, voted for tuition increases as a university trustee, supports higher taxes, and is guilty by association with those who voted to raise property and pension taxes is under fire by the person who would benefit from such ads. Betsy Coffia, a Democrat who has sworn off PAC money and these types of ads says “We have committed to running a positive campaign, and we consider negative ads to be part of the problem, instead of part of the solution.”

Coffia then goes on to ask supporters to call the Democrat state party directly and ask them to remove the ads.

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)

Altruism has its own Rewards

Meet Ebola Patient Four

liberalsCraig Spencer, a 33-year-old emergency room doctor, is the fourth confirmed case in the U.S. and the first in the city.
Matt Lockwood, a spokesman for Wayne State University, said Spencer graduated from its School of Medicine in 2008.

“It doesn’t surprise us that one of our medical students was working for an organization like Doctors Without Borders in helping the under-served. A lot of our students come to Wayne State for its reputation of working with the under-served,” he said Thursday night. “Our thoughts are with him, and we wish the best for him.”


It’s way past time for Michigan’s public universities Socialism indoctrination centers to be weaned from the taxpayer’s teat with allowing them to financially stand on their own merit. If an adult chooses to enter these hives of egalitarianism they should pay full ticket price without coercive governmental subsidy. Which, this leads us back to our deceitful CPA governor who steals from K-12 only to prop up those like Matt Lockwood collecting a taxpayer funded paycheck while braying about their alumni Fabianism with reckless abandon.

You Betcha! (19)Nuh Uh.(2)

Free And Open Markets OR Enforcement Of Contract?

How should the press release by Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette be taken?

Bill-SchuetteOne would think that a member of the party supporting ‘free and open markets’ would be inclined to liberate those same markets.

Yet recently and not for the first time, the Michigan Attorney General’s office has investigated, and prosecuted privately-held businesses for responding to demand and availability in ways they felt were necessary.  Using taxpayer dollars, the AG’s office obtained a $500,000 settlement from a provider of propane, because that business raised its prices.

Though some of the investigation had legitimate reason to happen (established deals were not being honored), the underlying premise that the AG’s office presents is one that seemingly panders to the “its just not fair” crowd. When Schuette says :

“I’m happy we can put money back into the wallets of hard-working families who paid steep prices to heat their homes last winter while already trying to make ends meet.”

He is not saying he is “happy to provide enforcement of contract”

THAT is a problem.  Its not the job of the Michigan Attorney General to make sure pricing is fair.  Its not the Job of the Office of the Attorney General to ensure people can afford their utilities or everyday needs. Its definitely not Bill Schuette’s job to “put money back into the wallets” of those he deems to have been victimized by a brutally cold winter, or those who must provide the resources to deal with it.

You Betcha! (10)Nuh Uh.(4)

And In The Meantime

Bill Schuette's office hard on private business for raising rates, but larger permanent rate increases ignored?

Attorney_General_Bill_Schuette_410797_7A press release today alerts us of a major strike against ‘energy price terrorism’ in Michigan’s winter wonderland!

Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette’s office says:

 Attorney General Bill Schuette today announced his Corporate Oversight Division has secured more than $500,000 for approximately 5,600 Michigan propane consumers to resolve customer complaints against AmeriGas concerning propane-pricing issues during last winter’s heating season. This settlement marks a key development in his ongoing investigation into hundreds of consumer complaints related to propane pricing and delivery during the 2013-2014 winter season.

“Cooler autumn weather means many Michigan families are already anxious about upcoming heating bills,” Schuette observed. “I’m happy we can put money back into the wallets of hard-working families who paid steep prices to heat their homes last winter while already trying to make ends meet.”

Put that money back!

Oh, and in the meantime, after beating up the suppliers who might just run out of propane or fail to deliver due to cost controls the NEXT harsh winter, perhaps the AG can turn his attention to the real villains; The EPA, and the Obama administration, which is turning up the heat on all of the UP ratepayers through unconstitutional environmental badgering of our utilities.

Oh, and don’t let Levin and Stabenow fool you in the link above.  Destroying the middle class and depopulating the UP is their life’s work as much as anyone’s.


You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(0)

More Than a 1,000 Beds for Ebola? Fo Shizzle

As if yesterday’s lobbyist funded stupidity or, being caught up in ongoing no-bid payola was not enough, Snyder takes it upon himself to trot out the state’s low-rent versions of Ron Klain, and Tom Friedenwithout any further delay …the Nerd’s 1,000 beds schtick.

Flanked by Michigan Department of Community Health Director Nick Lyon and Chief Medical Executive Mathew Davis — who are leading Michigan’s Ebola response — Snyder said Michigan has launched an expansive preparedness effort though not a single case of Ebola has been detected in the state.

“Ebola is hopefully a low threat, low-risk problem in the state of Michigan, but it’s a serious one,” Snyder said. “This is an evolving situation … (and) we’re preparing to adjust as circumstances change.”

Among steps taken so far, Michigan’s Community Health Emergency Coordination Center has been activated, as well as the Michigan State Police Emergency Management and Homeland Security Division.

Obola-Czar-RonThe Department of Community Health has been in daily contact with the federal Centers for Disease Controls and Prevention. State health officials also have coordinated several statewide conference calls with hospitals, including a briefing on new infection control protocols released Tuesday by the CDC.

The state is working with ambulance services statewide to make sure emergency medical technicians are properly trained to transport Ebola patients, said Davis, Michigan’s chief doctor.

The CDC is developing a network of regional hospitals designated to receive Ebola patients, but has not yet named a Michigan hospital to participate, he said.

Jeez, why would that be? Mmmm, maybe just 23 beds from coast to coast.

“Whether Michigan will have a regional Ebola treatment center is a matter of ongoing discussion with the CDC,” Davis said.

Davis and Snyder urged all Michiganians to get flu shots, noting symptoms of flu could mask the symptoms of Ebola, which include vomiting, diarrhea and fever.

Flu shots? Ya, that’s the ticket (see bullet point #10).

Sleep well knowing Barack and Rick got this handled.

You Betcha! (11)Nuh Uh.(1)

TCAPS Adopts Compliant Weapons Policy, Allows Guns

Last night, Traverse City Area Public Schools adopted a new weapons policy and it’s good news for CPL holders. The new policy appears to respect Michigan law and your rights, by allowing those “permitted by law” to carry at TCAPS facilities and events.

Earlier this year TCAPS learned that Open Carry on school property with a CPL is legal in Michigan after someone did just that at one of their school board meetings. Since then, TCAPS has talked with local law-enforcement, reviewed state law, and determined that their weapons policy was not in compliance.

At last month’s TCAPS board meeting new policy language was submitted for review to the board, which was forwarded on to Michigan Open Carry’s leadership by MOC member Andy Marek. MOC’s legislative team looked over the new language and was very pleased to see that the school district appeared to be making a good faith effort to comply with state law. Though the language wasn’t perfect, it was good enough for the team to send TCAPS a letter of support containing a few suggested tweaks, with copious citations of course.

Today we are pleased to report that not only did TCAPS accept the new compliant language(starts on pg. 54) last night, they also adopted almost all of MOC’s suggestions.

It’s good to see another school following the law. As this trend grows, more and more of their worst fears are shown to be baseless and/or absurd. The truth is getting out there – we are not the problem.

Does this mean that the TCAPS board has suddenly turned pro-gun? Well, let’s not get carried away, it may be possible MOC’s pending lawsuit had something to do with it.

However, there are some school districts that are still holding out and continue to look for any possible way to not comply. These holdouts will have to be dealt with the hard way and we need your help. MOC is preparing to file suit against one of these holdouts and we need all of the support we can get.

Won’t you help us continue the trend by donating to Michigan Open Carry’s legal fund today?

Originally published at www.miopencarry.org

You Betcha! (7)Nuh Uh.(0)

Michigan Chamber of Commerce (unwittingly?) campaigning for Mark Schauer.


What’s in your wallet?

This is Rich Studley.

Rich Studley is the President & CEO of the Michigan Chamber of Commerce.

If Rich doesn’t learn to shut up, he’s going to learn the hard way that this comments will not be so “well-received” as he might think, and instead be giving voters a huge incentive to vote for Mark Schauer next month.

Big Friendly Hint: Not something you want to do with an election as close as this one.

{More after the fold.}

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(0)


Looking at NOTA a little differently.

election-sheetDecision making can sometimes be extraordinarily trying.

On a personal note, this election cycle has left me as uninterested as I have ever been in who wins the day in far too many races.  Try as I might, looking for the half full glass choice escapes any reasonable satisfactory result.  Even by leaving a selection blank, it seems as if we cannot do enough to record our dissatisfaction with the choices made available to us. In fact, In 1980, the Canadian rock band Rush, reminded us

“If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice”

But even that ‘choice’ eludes us as an effective solution.

Local (Northern Michigan) writer Tom Kachadurian offers some thoughts worth considering.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(1)