754 search results for "prop 2"

2015: Year Of The Big Lie

The Etiquette of Lying Evolved in Michigan This Year

hcedhbcaThomas Sowell just dismissed 2015 as the “Year of the Big Lie”. His view is national, but his observation certainly applies to Michigan politics this year as well.

MDEQ Director Dan Wyant resigned yesterday in an act of contrition over his department’s prevarications about Flint water processing and quality.  The Flint Water Advisory Task Force found the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality failed to ensure safe drinking water in the City of Flint.  He was followed out the door yesterday evening by his mouthpiece, MDEQ Communications Director Brad Wurfel. The really egregious MDEQ lies were actually formulated by Stephen Busch, a civil service classified ‘engineer’ in the MDEQ Drinking Water and Municipal Assistance Office. No word on his fate, but don’t hold your breath; he is a classified civil servant.

By contrast, MDoT Director Kirk Steudle gets to spend a gusher of new taxpayer dollars gulled from our State Legislature, after his blizzard of lies supporting Proposal 2015-01 failed to impress Michigan voters. Our legislators were far less discerning than their constituents. Director Steudle was all over Michigan in the first quarter poor mouthing MDoT’s resources. He relentlessly promoted an entirely bogus assessment methodology to portray Michigan road conditions in the worst possible light. All the while, the Michigan Auditor General was having a field day revealing MDoT nonfeasance, misfeasance, and waste.

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Was “Just Following Orders” …for 26 Years?!?!


Now, watch.

Do any of you see or, hear his active-duty union brothers speaking up about this? F*** no. And, I’ll share why you will not… it’s because it is all one big incestuous circle-jerk between the thieves in the legislature and, the sleazy shysters who they answer to. Besides, when it comes to those shinny badges it’s only about securing money for those union pensions in mismanaged municipalities. No, seriously.

Speaking of union pensions… ironically, SB 22 is up for discussion tomorrow morning at 9am in the House Appropriations Committee. Didja notice the name of the cosponsor? If you guessed a retired LEO taking care of union brothers by creating a special carveout for 96 of his friends, then you guessed right. Hey, you scratch my back and I’ll scratch yours, right?


Only in the public sector does one see this kind of crap so, why does Boobus Michiganderus continue to consent to it?

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Michigan Unemployment Stands At 28.3%

Only 71.7% of working age adults (18-65) are employed in Michigan

283-not-workingIts true.

Yet some folks might not consider the actual ‘not employed’ number if going by articles which can be misread.  Yesterday’s CapCon headline reads:

“Number of People Collecting Unemployment in Michigan Plummets Nearly 90 Percent

  “There are 314,000 fewer people taking unemployment benefits than in 2009”

And it really sounds amazing!

Curiously, the hockey stick statistic starts at a time in 2009, two years before former governor Jennifer Granholm left office.  And Inquiring minds might want to know what happened in those two years; or perhaps the story of a comeback under ‘certain’ leadership might be altered?  Capcon notes:

There were 363,212 people collecting unemployment as of Jan. 24, 2009. That number dropped to 49,060 as of June 20, 2015, according to the U.S. Department of Labor.

“Michigan’s growing economy is putting people back to work,” said James Hohman, the assistant director of fiscal policy at the Mackinac Center for Public Policy. “Fewer people on unemployment insurance is one of the added benefits.”

But it means little, if anything.

It is a disappointing attempt to demonstrate a strong economy without other supporting statistics.  (‘Because we say Michigan has a growing economy, it must. And one indicator that is dependent on many things – we don’t talk about – quite obviously reinforces that fact.’) It leaves out other relevant information, that tells another story.

You Betcha! (22)Nuh Uh.(1)

Yet, Studley was too Cowardly to Push Prop 15-1?

Never forget, and never take your eyes off the slippery Dick.

What is it that SOB’s in Lansing, do not understand about no new taxes?

Look, as long as Kirk Steudle is in charge of MDOT, which has the money to waste on stupidity like this, our legislature has not done its job.

Time for part time legislature because, 51.4¢ a gallon on gas, and 55.6¢ a gallon on diesel: http://www.api.org/state-taxes/michigan.pdf

Part time legislature because we are #6: http://taxfoundation.org/blog/map-state-gasoline-tax-rates-2014

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(0)

Reminder – August 02

30 Second Script:

Are your rights being slowly eroded?
Can you trust your government?
Why have you not been allowed to build your dream home?
What authority do foreign nations have over you?
What does the UN have to do with your local planning board?

Find out why Property Rights and Liberty MUST come first August 2nd at the Great wolf lodge in Traverse City.

For tickets to this four hour event with acclaimed property rights expert Tom Deweese and constitutional scholar KrisAnne Hall, go to event.grow.tc thats event.grow.tc

You Betcha! (9)Nuh Uh.(1)

Did Proposal 1 Decamp to Washington?

Spectacular Death in Michigan No Bar to Success in Washington

Government Spending Image 3While Michiganders were being entertained and infuriated by the lies of Proposal 1 proponents, few of us noticed that the very same roads funding strife is reaching a crescendo in Washington. The Federal Highway Trust Fund spends about $ 50 billion dollars on ‘transportation’ across the U.S.A. each year. Michigan received $ 1.39 billion from the HTF in Fiscal Year 2014 for new construction of roads and bridges, along with mass transit activities. As a point of reference, Michigan spent an additional $ 2 billion of funds raised within the state for the same ‘transportation’ purposes. The Federal HTF paid for 40.9% of Michigan ‘transportation’ spending in FY 2014.

Funded in the past by an $ 0.184 per gallon Federal gasoline tax ($ 0.244 per gallon on diesel fuel), the Highway Trust Fund’s traditional fuel tax revenues have fallen to about $ 34 billion. The Federal government has been supplementing the Highway Trust Fund from general deficit spending revenues since 2008. In Fiscal Year 2014, the Federal government supplemented the Highway Trust Fund with $ 11 billion in general revenues.

How did this happen?

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The Final Word On Proposal 15-1

ballot2Tomorrow morning the polls open for those who have yet to electorally weigh in on the largest tax increase that Michiganians have ever had the opportunity to give themselves.

We have chronicled the multiple failures of the package here in nearly 80 articles, specifically referencing the proposal itself and dozens of other articles leading up to it.  Our efforts over the last five months have demonstrated that the overall issue in Michigan’s roads situation is one of complete dysfunction. In fact we’ve shown the proposal is hardly about roads alone, though that aspect is the only legitimate premise under which the proposal is being sold.

Aside from the convoluted language and constitutionally flawed (and with predictably BAD outcomes) package, it is a cacophony of noisy promises to Michigan’s recipients of taxpayer largess.  Townships, schools, ‘the working poor’ and the road builders themselves all seem to have a dog in the fight if one was to buy into the governor’s hype.

It all comes at a cost, and it appears the taxpayers are wising up.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(1)

MRP Extreme Games: Proposal 1 Damage Control™

Or, is it? Is this just how slippery Michigan’s modern-day Republicanism works, and how easily seen through their actor’s have become?

Some well informed RightMi.com readers may have thought this poke at the Lt. Gov. was just in jest – it’s not.

Turkish_proverbIt is no secret that Rick Snyder’s political career is washed up in 2018. The further Snyder drifts his term limited “apolitical” Agenda to The Left, the more credence he lends to the Progressives in the Democratic Party. Face it, nobody buys Democrat-lite when the real thing is available for the price of a vote. It’s also no secret that I will not hesitate to take a poke at Rep. Barky when he deserves it for his hypocrisy.

So, what has Snyder’s SRY Team, and the Party’s apparatchik decided to do with young Justin’s #BFF?

Hide Brian Calley in Bogota, on a MEDC junket until the May 5th election fallout is over on the 36 hour news cycle.

Yet, corporate welfare, Rep. Barky says? Gas tax hikes and Medicaid expansion? Brian Calley cheer-led that.
It is what it is.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(1)


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