754 search results for "prop 2"

Six Reasons To Say NO To Proposal 1

Six Liberty Reasons to Vote Against Recreational Marijuana

A raft of myths props up Proposal 18-1, the Michigan ballot initiative for recreational marijuana. Freedom thrives when truth is spoken, so from a health policy nurse, here are the facts about the most common myths in the mitten.

Myth #1: Prop 1 will improve access to medical marijuana and help sick people.

Fact: The most common argument is also the least supported by fact. Proposal language specifically excludes any impact upon medical marijuana, which Michigan legalized in 2008. Informed voters will discount medical arguments as irrelevant to the MI Nov 6, 2018 ballot.

Myth 2: Liberty means doing whatever we want, whenever we want.

Fact: The libertine argument in no way supports liberty. Lacking medical purpose, only escapism and substance abuse remain as reasons for recreational drugs. Freedom to become a pothead is not freedom at all, but self-destruction.

Myth 3: Legalizing marijuana is about liberty.

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2023 Is On The Ballot Tuesday, Not Trump

Your Vote Tuesday Will Determine Political Control in 2023

A lot of Michigan’s independents and weak Republicans are planning on voting against President Trump on Tuesday.  They are being very short sighted.  Actually shooting themselves in the foot.  They will not get another chance to influence Michigan politics or our economy for a decade or more.

Few analysts are predicting that the Democrats will take control of the Michigan Senate on Tuesday, but quite a few are saying that the Democrats have a good shot at taking the Michigan House.  Polls show Bill Schuette at some disadvantage to Gretchen Whitmer in the Governor’s race.  Those same polls are projecting easy wins for Proposal 2018-02, the Democratic Party redistricting coup, and Proposal 2018-03, the voting fraud promotion plan.

Keep in mind that Governors tend to get reelected, so if Whitmer wins on Tuesday, she could well be in charge out to the end of 2026.  Projecting another lost decade for the Michigan economy is entirely reasonable.  Taxes and regulation will skyrocket.

But the Democrats won’t win the State Senate, they say.  They are being very short sighted.  Democrats will win the Senate, but not until 2022.  Here is why:

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2018 Michigan State Senate Elections

Cross-posted at The Western RightRight Michigan, and RRH Elections.

All 38 seats in the Michigan Senate are up for election in 2014.  Republicans currently have a 27-11 supermajority, and have controlled the senate since 1983.  Republican control of the state senate has prevented democrats from complete control of Michigan’s government in some years, and stopped a lot of bad things from being passed.

Fortunately for Republicans, the Michigan state senate is up only in midterms, which usually favor Republicans much more than presidential years.  Republicans had a good year in 2014, picking up one state senate seat, following four pickups in 2010.

The 2010 redistricting produced a map that was moderately pro-Republican, while complying with all relevant laws.

Michigan Redistricting: Official Republican State Senate Map Released
Michigan Redistricting: Republican State Senate Map Passed

There are 26 open seats due to term-limits, 7 D and 19 R.  All current state senators are former state representatives except three (Colbeck, Conyers, Hertel).  Next year, three Detroit-based districts will have senators with no house experience.

For the past few years, the state senate has been more moderate than the state house.  This cycle, several ideologically split Republican primaries resulted in a state senate that will be slightly more conservative than before.

I have included election data for the 2014 state senate election, and McCain (2008), Romney (2012), and Trump (2016) results in each district.  More data is available from Republican Michigander and RRH Elections.

Republican Michigander district profiles (see sidebar)
RRH Michigan Senate Data File
Michigan State Senate 2018 Preview (all up in 2018)

The McCain numbers look terrible for Republicans because he collapsed after publicly pulling out of Michigan.  The largest McCain percentage in any Michigan state senate district won by a democrat in the past twelve years is 46.2% in (old) district 31.

Here is a breakdown of the individual races.  State reps years in office are listed after their names, with P meaning present.

2018 Candidate List (Michigan Secretary of State)

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2018 Michigan Congressional Races

Cross-posted at The Western RightRight Michigan, and Red Racing Horses.

Michigan will see several interesting congressional races in 2018, with one open seat.  Michigan has 14 congressional seats.

There are several articles that analyze the general political leanings of the districts.

Michigan Redistricting: Congressional Map Passed
Republican Michigander Congressional District Profiles (Sidebar at right)

District 1 (Upper Peninsula, Northern Lower Peninsula) Safe Republican.
CD12: 48.1-47.6 CD14: 52-45 CD16: 55-40 McCain: 48.5 Romney: 53.5 Trump 57.9
Following the retirement of Dan Benishek, conservative retired general Jack Bergman defeated moderate state senator Tom Casperson and former senator Jason Allen 39-32-28 in the R primary. He defeated former Michigan democrat chairman Lon Johnson, a liberal who bought a small house in Kalkaska County, in the general. Veteran Matt Morgan is running for the D nomination, but may be disqualified because he messed up his petitions.

District 2 (Ottowa, Muskegon) Safe Republican.
CD12: 61-34 CD14: 64-33 CD16: 63-33 McCain: 50.4 Romney: 56 Trump 55.8
Republican former state rep. Bill Huizinga won a close primary in 2010 to replace Pete Hoekstra, and was easily reelected since then. He has generally voted a fairly conservative line. This remains the most Republican district in Michigan.  Robert Davidson and Nick Schiller are running for the D nomination.

You Betcha! (3)Nuh Uh.(0)

2018 Michigan State Senate Elections

Cross-posted at The Western RightRight Michigan, and RRH Elections.

All 38 seats in the Michigan Senate are up for election in 2014.  Republicans currently have a 27-11 supermajority, and have controlled the senate since 1983.  Republican control of the state senate has prevented democrats from complete control of Michigan’s government in some years, and stopped a lot of bad things from being passed.

Fortunately for Republicans, the Michigan state senate is up only in midterms, which usually favor Republicans much more than presidential years.  Republicans had a good year in 2014, picking up one state senate seat, following four pickups in 2010.

The 2010 redistricting produced a map that was moderately pro-Republican, while complying with all relevant laws.

Michigan Redistricting: Official Republican State Senate Map Released
Michigan Redistricting: Republican State Senate Map Passed

There are 26 open seats due to term-limits, 7 D and 19 R.  All current state senators are former state representatives except three (Colbeck, Conyers, Hertel).  This pattern held in the past, and most credible candidates this time are current or former state reps.

For the past few years, the state senate has been more moderate than the state house.  This cycle, there are several ideologically split Republican primaries that will determine how conservative the state senate will be next year. These will be in districts 12, 21, 24, 26, 30, 31, 34, and 35.

I have included election data for the 2014 state senate election, and McCain (2008), Romney (2012), and Trump (2016) results in each district.  More data is available from Republican Michigander and RRH Elections.

Republican Michigander district profiles (see sidebar)
RRH Michigan Senate Data File
Michigan State Senate 2018 Preview (all up in 2018)

The McCain numbers look terrible for Republicans because he collapsed after publicly pulling out of Michigan.  The largest McCain percentage in any Michigan state senate district won by a democrat in the past twelve years is 46.2% in (old) district 31.

Here is a breakdown of the individual races.  State reps years in office are listed after their names, with P meaning present.

2018 Candidate List (Michigan Secretary of State)

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MICPAC April 6-7, 2018

Get your tickets now!

Michigan’s premier annual gathering for principled patriots and conservatives. This conference gets results. Task forces on Education, Property Rights, Legislative and judicial accountability, this is where the grass roots kicked off the Freedom To Work campaign.

At MiCPAC we bridge and network.all elements of the conservative movement – limited government; tax limitation; Life; faith; evangelicals; Tea Party; Constitutional; tax limitation, home schoolers, 1st, 2nd & 10th Amendments; traditionalists; National security; Labor Freedom as we continue the work of the Founders to preserve a constitutional republic for the next generations.

We keep the faith AND, we recruit, educate, train, inspire and enable grass roots leaders, candidates, campaign workers.

Be all you can be in theology, philosophy, public policies and politics by this conference with fellow believers and leaders in academia, think tanks, business, labor and grass roots activism.

We have new breath in President Trump and the Trump Administration, and new opportunity in Michigan as well. As we gear up for conventions and elections in 2018, this Conference will be pivotal for We The People. Be there!

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SOTU 2018 Watch Party!

Making America Great Again and coming to a really big screen in TC.

January 30 will be the State of the Union given by the guy who has pulled the pants down on the praetorian guard for the Democrats party.

The state of the nation is certainly the best it has been in the past eight years, and probably going much further back when looking at the rollback of the federal regulatory clime. Add to this tax reform that begins the simplification of the code, and a bureaucracy that will be more friendly to the individual and aspiring entrepreneurs.

Judges, walls, and a return to international respect through proper foreign policy etc., all of which has been accomplished in only a single year with the Donald as the CEO of USA inc.

In Traverse City, we will be having a party.

10 Bux.  Snacks provided, and drinks are on the guy next to you. (he/she will be looking your way)   Proceeds will be distributed to the local county GOP parties as we wind up for a busy election year.

See you there!

You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(0)

2017 Solar Eclipse

Take A Break From The Left's Fabricated Race War, Have Some Fun On Monday

The 2017 solar eclipse will cover 70% – 85% of the sun across Michigan on Monday, 21 August. Long range weather forecasts suggest some cloud cover in the 2:00 PM – 2:40 PM (EDT) peak Michigan viewing time, but not total cloud cover or any rain. Peak coverage of the sun by the moon will occur from 2:10 PM – 2:20 PM (EDT) in the Upper Peninsula and 2:20 PM – 2:30 PM (EDT) in the Lower Peninsula. The moon will cover some portion of the sun from about 12:30 PM – 4:00 PM (EDT) across Michigan.

The view from Michigan will not be as spectacular as the total solar eclipse which will occur 300 miles south of us, but it will still be pretty impressive. Because there will be no totality in Michigan, everyone here who wants to view the eclipse directly will require serious eye protection – no exceptions. The only safe way to look directly at the sun or the partially eclipsed sun is through special solar filters, such as ‘eclipse glasses’ compliant with ISO 12312-2: 2015.

There has been a lot demand for solar eclipse glasses and many vendors are sold out. Even worse, there appears to be a lot of chicanery going on with unsafe counterfeits being sold. Even the compliant solar eclipse glasses are sort of cheesy. It is exceedingly difficult to tell that your are getting genuine eclipse glasses compliant with ISO 12312-2: 2015 in this age of cheap Chinese knockoffs.  Nothing here inspires confidence.

There is, however, an alternative.

You Betcha! (12)Nuh Uh.(0)

Sunday Sermon April 30, 2017

Hope: Lost and Found

Luke 24:13-35

Years ago, the producers of Sesame Street faced a dilemma. Will Lee, the actor who played Mr. Hooper, passed away, and the producers had to decide how to communicate the concept of death to the 10 million children who watched the show.

Child psychologists suggested they NOT say, “Mr. Hooper got sick and died,” because children get sick and they didn’t want them to think that they would automatically die. They also suggested NOT to say, “Mr. Hooper got old and died,” because little children think of their parents as being old.

The PBS execs wanted them to avoid religious issues and NOT say, “Mr. Hooper died and went to Heaven.”

So the show’s producers decided to say just a few basics: He’s gone, he won’t be back, and he’ll be missed. And they decided to use Big Bird to gently set the matter before the children. The show was aired on Thanksgiving Day so parents could watch it with their children.

Big Bird came out and said he had a picture for Mr. Hooper and he couldn’t wait to see him.

One of the cast said, “Big Bird, remember, we told you that Mr. Hooper died.”

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