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    Who are the NERD fund donors Mr Snyder?

    Raise the curtain.

    Government Union Collective Bargaining 101

    By Corinthian Scales, Section News
    Posted on Mon Mar 07, 2011 at 01:11:01 PM EST
    Tags: The Foundry, Sen. Richardville, Sen. Nofs, SEIU, RINO's (all tags)

    Frankly put, public sector unions are a money laundering scheme that allows the Democrat Party and RINO GOP to help itself to our bank accounts.

    The effects evidenced in Michigan?

    It's been blatantly obvious.

    SEIU Endorses Nofs for 19th Senate Seat

    The SEIU Michigan State Council announced at a press conference on August 17th that it has endorsed Republican former State Representative Mike Nofs for State Senator for the 19th state senate district, which includes Calhoun and Jackson counties and the cities of Battle Creek and Jackson. SEIU represents more than 2,000 members in the district.

    "An SEIU endorsement comes with a commitment to help our candidate win and then work together afterward to improve the lives of working people," said Phil Thompson, executive vice president of SEIU Local 517M and president of the SEIU Michigan State Council.

    • Mike Nofs has a proven track record of aggressively advocating for issues that he believes will move our state forward.
    • Mike Nofs believes in collective bargaining and was a proud union member during his time with the Michigan State Police.
    • Nofs believes that the current healthcare system is broken and the answer lies with both private industry and the government working together.
    • Nofs opposes privatizing state services because he understands that there are ultimately no costs savings.

    Senate Leader Richardvilles' lengthy vehement "philosophical" opposition to any RTW legislation?  That's easily explained as Randy and Nofs are birds of a public union loving feather, sold to an electorate bundled as Republicans in a tidy little package by former MI-GOP chair RINO Weiser.

    When will the MI-GOP care more about ethics and integrity than simply electing to office anyone with an 'R' after their name?

    < The End of the Beginning | Sometimes you gotta wonder WTF >

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    Thank you! (none / 0) (#1)
    by maidintheus on Tue Mar 08, 2011 at 12:49:13 PM EST

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