There were many local election results of interest in Michigan. Rs picked up some seats in areas where President Trump did well, but there were also missed opportunities due to local GOPs not contesting seats.
Allegan: Rs won all six countywide offices and won 7/7 county commission seats, all uncontested.
Bay: What a failure by the Bay County GOP. Rs won all state elections in Bay County, but the Bay GOP did not contest six of eight countywide offices. Popular D county executive (and former congressman) Jim Barcia was reelected. R Michael Rivard did defeat incumbent D drain commissioner (and former state rep) Joe Rivet. Rs contested only two of seven county commission seats, and won one of them.
Berrien: Rs won all seven countywide races. Rs won 10/12 county commission seats. The district 5 (St. Joseph) seat resulted in a tie, which was won by the R drawing lots.
Calhoun: Rs won all five countywide offices and 5/7 county commission seats.
Eaton: Rs won 3 of 5 countywide offices, prosecutor, clerk, and drain commissioner. Former state senator Rick Jones lost for sheriff by 2.6%, and an R lost for treasurer by 4.5%. Rs won 9/15 county commission elections, picking up three seats. An R won district 10 by 7 votes.
Genesee: Ds won all six countywide offices. Rs won 2/9 county commission seats, holding district 6 (Fenton) and picking up district 7 (North), but losing district 9 (East) by 2%. Rs also came within 5% in district 5 (Grand Blanc) and 2% in district 8 (West). Thus Rs were close to winning a majority on the Genesee County Commission.