It’s the size of The Fight in the dog, and my God, with all the fraud that is just beginning to be exposed in Michigan, the following should leave e v e r y o n e completely Gobsmacked.
I ran to help people & you helped me do that. Thank you.
As we continue to fight for our republic, remember the battle is not ours, but the Lord's. And our enemy is not our fellow Americans.
God bless you. God bless Michigan. And God bless America.
— John James (@JohnJamesMI) November 25, 2020
Folks, you have GOT to start making better choices.
You Betcha!
(28)Nuh Uh.

I'm really pissed at you John James for conceding. DID YOU NOT GET THE TRUMP MEMO? You won in 2018, but for the duh-minions. There is so much going on behind the seens (not a mispelling haha) Why are you outta the loop? doncha know there's forgery of election certifications going on? doncha know that BOC's certifying elections known unequivocally to be fraudulent is criminal? Who are your advisors giving this advice? I WANT NAMES.
Did you not read the September 2018 EO??? Do you not know that all the minions of duh are fleeing, worried their assets will be seized? John, John, are not to give up. End!
You asked and, you shall receive one scalp to nail to the wall.
As if that fatass cares oneway or, another. He's been involved with numerous losers in Michigan... still gets paid, and to him that's what matters.
Now this...