754 search results for "prop 2"

Something In the Water

Incumbency protection planning gone wrong?

If Karen Weaver survives the Flint Mayoral ‘recall’ contest,will anyone be particularly surprised?

Weaver, supposedly a solution to decades of infrastructure neglect and poor city service planning, became the target of big city politicos because of the normal big city shenanigans.  From Global financial Market Review:

” Mayor Karen Weaver sailed into office two years ago promising to clean Flint’s lead-tainted water and to restore trust in government, after previous leaders brought poisoned water to the city and ignored residents when they complained. Ms. Weaver declared a state of emergency, met with the president and made the rounds on cable television, quickly becoming one of America’s most visible mayors.

But as her celebrity grew, so too did a revolt within her own City Hall. She now faces City Council members accusing her of corruption, a court battle over Flint’s long-term water source and, on Tuesday, a recall election that could snuff out her four-year term at the halfway point.”

Once upon a time, a recall actually meant something however.

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Once Upon A Time

The first amendment used to assist the second? Brilliant?

There was a Republican legislator in Michigan.

He wasn’t a remarkably conservative man, and to-be-sure not particularly interested in the constitution.  Certainly not very knowledgeable about it either. Bruce Patterson actually tried to license ‘opinion’

One thing of particular interest to bloggers and out-of-mainstream writers is the legislative effort to curb access to information and the ability to report by ‘just anyone’. It had popped up a couple of years ago when a Michigan legislator, State senator Bruce Patterson (perhaps twirling his handlebar mustache a little too tight) had the idea of ‘licensing journalists’.

“Introduced by Sen. Bruce Patterson (R) on May 11, 2010, to create a government “Board of Michigan Registered Reporters” to pass on the qualifications under criteria established in the bill for an individual who seeks to use the title “Michigan Registered Reporter.” An individual who writes or creates news stories, commentaries or editorials for a newspaper, online news outlet or radio or TV broadcaster, and who wants to use this title, would have to pay a $10 fee, and have either a journalism degree, at least three years experience as a reporter, submit writing samples, present evidence of awards or recognitions, present a letter of recognition from a reporter who is “registered,” etc.”

A very strange thing to even ponder, much less propose as law.

In fairness, it should be noted he was ‘cool’ with non credentialed types using the title ‘reporter’.

In fairness.

One might wonder where such a mental process begins.  Is it the result of a nasty and hurtful news article?  Is it to protect an elite class of reporters and restrict access to all others (unless properly credentialed) who seek access to political types?  Is it simply impish guile?

Who knows?  It’s forgotten news anyhow, as it went nowhere and it has been absent for several years of the 24 hour news cycle.

Now we have a new twist!  read on…

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Taking It Back

True Conservative to get back in the game for 2018

One of the most compelling curiosities of Michigan politics is the 11th congressional district.

In the 2012 election cycle, a little known veteran, farmer, and teacher, Kerry Bentivolio  challenged the popular Thaddeus McCotter for the 11th congressional seat in the Republican primary. Bentivolio was largely ignored and on his own with barely a notice even as he set up a Kiosk just outside the 2012 State convention in Detroit.

McCotter was not going to lose a primary to this particular unknown and things moved along as they do. Of course “as they do” can become crazy real fast in Michigan politics. The long [to NO] shot challenger soon found himself thrust into the position of defending a GOP seat in congress when things fell apart for McCotter.

Establishment types freaked out.

McCotter at first thought a write-in campaign would work, but then decided to roll with fate and pursue the next stage of his career.  At the same time, money players in the 11th sought out someone they thought might be ‘a better choice’ to defend the seat (and perhaps serve their ends) for the general election.

Even though write in campaigns are seldom successful, it was seen as the only way to keep a constitutional conservative, tea party guy from ‘screwing up’ the system.  Nancy Cassis was selected to challenge the new found politico Bentivolio for the primary, but as write-ins go, was easily trounced by the under funded and on the ballot new-pol by a margin of two to one.

Bentivolio served with honor and earned a 95% rating from freedomworks, 92% from the ACU, 91% from club for growth, and 83% from Heritage. Bentivolio was second only to Amash in constitutional on the Heritage rating and earned the top spot from a number of smaller conservative and small business organizations.

It wasn’t enough for the swamp however.  In 2014, there was already a challenge planned and fully funded, and with the establishment blockade placed on the newly installed congressman’s reelection coffers, he wasn’t able to survive a political fight with the well funded David Trott, who won easily with his own two to one margin.

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It’s The Constitution .. Stupid.

The US Constitution being ignored is not a compelling reason for a Con-Con.

Donald Trump did (with a pen) what we asked for our GOP legislature to do for the last 6+ years of controlling the house.

Whether he realized it or not, he might well have set the tone for examining presidential actions, and more importantly how the bureaucracy interfaces with the public going forward.  Citing the constitution, the Trump administration has declared it will no longer pay for health care subsidies, period.  From ABC news:

”  the White House said the government cannot legally continue to pay the so-called cost-sharing subsidies because they lack a formal authorization by Congress.

However, the administration had been making the payments from month to month, even as Trump threatened to cut them off to force Democrats to negotiate over health care. The subsidies help lower co-pays and deductibles for people with modest incomes.

Halting the payments would trigger a spike in premiums for next year, unless Trump reverses course or Congress authorizes the money. The next payments are due around Oct. 20. “

Unless he “reverses course?”

He cannot reverse course.  It would be as illegal as Obama making the payments in the first place.  In fact, this very act was already preceded by a declaration that the very payment of those subsidies was unconstitutional, not just yesterday, but actually in APRIL of this year by US attorney general Jeff Sessions:

” Sessions said during a Fox News interview that the payments to insurers, which reimburse them for lowering the cost of copays and deductibles for low-income Obamacare customers and are the subject of a House lawsuit, should be appropriated by Congress.

Sessions’ comments come as insurers are concerned whether the Trump administration will continue to reimburse them for the cost-sharing reductions.

Insurers are required under federal law to provide the reductions for Obamacare and have been getting reimbursed by the federal government. They are expected to receive $7 billion this year.

But Sessions said a lawsuit filed by the House against the Obama administration in 2014 “has validity to it.”

The lawsuit argues that the Obama administration illegally bypassed Congress and didn’t get an appropriation for the payments.

Nobody could say they didn’t see this coming.

But where is the Michigan angle you ask?

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Do you stand?

I just wanted to follow up on a post that I made about a week ago regarding the disrespectful manner the millionaire ingrates in the NFL (and locally the Detroit Lions along with their cowardly management) had adopted over the latest faux outrage during our National Anthem.

Yes, there were a few interesting twists that I didn’t anticipate as well.

{And yes, those head-scratching details are below the fold}

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The Good The Bad & The Other

Expected Republican candidates for governor reviewed.

The Michigan Republican field can be quite interesting sometimes.

As many might already realize, a Democrat candidate could be a criminally challenged former State Representative, and still get the full (and active) support from the party of the left in a bid for major office. The bland but nevertheless regressive nature of the left allows even the most obscene stupidity in it’s ranks.  No special prerequisites for candidates other than kill babies, deny God, and let little boys be little girls if they want.

Republican contenders must have their own specific characteristics and features.  No such amorphous qualities are allowed to exist on the right (as they do in the left) to win over all factions of the GOP brand. Below is a list of the expected and declared Republican candidates for governor, and my own estimation of their specific advantage and disadvantages in securing maximum support from GOP supporters and grassroots.  They may or may not be in the order suggested by the title of this piece.

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Gary Glenn Turns Back On Decentralization, Targets Medical Marijuana Industry Approved By Voters

09/15/2017 4:18PM  – EDITORS NOTE – See Comment below referencing Gary Glenn’s feedback

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Rep. Gary Glenn (R-Midland) was seen as one of the shining stars of the tea party movement, and was finally elected to public office after several attempts back in 2012. We all had high hopes for him, but as he ascended into a leadership position, he immediately wilted like so many others.

This becomes incredibly obvious when examining the text of HB4965, a bill designed to punish cities that choose to allow medical marijuana dispensaries. It would cut them off from state funds if their town votes to permit dispensaries within city limits. This is a sinister way to rob localities of their sovereignty as well as an anti-free market measure to punish a growing industry creating more jobs in a state that desperately needs them.

It reads as follows:


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They Never Quit – Updated

Michigan Civil Rights Commission meets Monday September 18 to potentially redefine sexual identity.

You all might recall the whole Frank Foster Fiasco?

In an effort to force the public into accepting deviant lifestyles as normal, the Elliot Larsen civil rights act was seen as an avenue of success.  Certain GOP representatives were lobbied for maximum influence and given vast sums of ‘campaign’ cash to encourage inclusion of homosexuals a separate protected class under the act.

Foster, a ‘tea party’ favorite when first elected, allowed his political ambitions to put at risk all that he purportedly stood for.  Foster gambled on money being more important than blatant disregard for the people he represented, while pro homosexual activists were betting that an avowed ‘conservative’ would be the best path to the change in Elliot Larsen, they failed to properly estimate his constituents.

Instead of getting the change they desired, other GOP legislators in the state were clearly warned that flirting with the goals of the fringe left was nothing short of a political death wish. Elliot Larsen Changes were abandoned, and until now, the path to ‘normalcy’ a freakishly far-off dream.

Yes, “until now.”   Because in a few days, the Michigan Civil Rights Commission could be contemplating redefining the definition of sex.

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So You Want To Be In Government?

Why would anyone bother getting involved JUST because of a class?

Some folks think that citizen engagement is pitiful, so we are going to have classes on how to be engaged.

Let that sink in.  You are too busy dealing with all of the complications of life (jobs, family, American Idol), added to the complications of government (Taxes, zoning, naming of trail systems), and frankly, you have zero interest in managing the community budget.  Is there time left in your day to fully engage?

Unless Idol is cancelled, your box under the bridge falls apart, family members around you stop going to school, or stop getting married, or never need to go to the hospital, those few extra moments you are blessed with are precious.  That free time is becoming rarer as the more dedicated mini-Stalins take the reigns at all level of government. (yes, I purposefully avoided the ‘Hitler’ word. )

We are over managed by an out-of-control Federal bureaucracy, and our local governments have never been so in-your-face with private property rights deprecation in the history of our ‘conquered’ new world. (Columbus day wasn’t that long ago)  Dealing with what used to be the simplest of issues now requires a council meeting, permission, a check, and a rubber stamp.

But MSU extension has the fix.  Lets teach more dunderheads how to rule effectively!  The TC Ticker lays it out:

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What’s good for the goose…

Next will we be hearing a rousing defense of Antifa from the Mi-GOP. Maybe even for 31% Conservative Review scoring Rep David Trott?

So if anyone wants to see why the republican party is having a hard time gaining any traction, and wants to see why my predictions of it self-destructing like an Acme dynamite kit are now being repeated by others, look no further than below the fold.

{Continued below…obviously}

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