19 search results for "Dennis lennox"

Itching Ears and Mad Prophets

My pastor, when he’s discussing contemporary culture from either the sanctuary pulpit or the classroom lectern, likes to refer to what he calls, “itching ear disorder.”  The primary Scripture reference is 2 Timothy 4:3-4, referring to a time when people will have no further interest in the truth, and won’t tolerate listening to anything that contradicts their philosophical predispositions.  As a student of Scripture, I can say with some certainty that the prophets and apostles were well acquainted with this disorder.  Hosea even wrote about a time when hostility against the truth would become so great that those who insist on speaking it would be considered fools and maniacs.  According to a disputed George Orwell quote (“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.  The further a society drifts from truth, the more it will hate those that speak it.”), “itching ear disorder” isn’t exactly an unusual condition in the human experience.

And this brings us to the current philosophical skirmish involving Michigan’s Republican National Committeeman, which involves the latest escalation by some unsavory elements within the Michigan Republican Party, who seem to be in a desperate quest to reclaim lost relevance.

Free Speech?

You Betcha! (1)Nuh Uh.(0)

Michigan Republican L Brooks Patterson Scandal and MIGOP Crickets

Where’s the outrage from Rick Snyder, Betsy DeVos, Ron Weiser, Bobby Schostak, Paul Welday, Dennis Lennox and all the rest of the Dave Agema “head hunter’s” and let’s not forget Ken Braun, Kathy Hoekstra, and Saul Anuzis!

The black community in Detroit is up in arms over the L Brooks Patterson scandal and all we hear from the aforementioned is crickets! Could it be that all those Dave Agema bashers are sympathizers of the Gay’s, Lesbians and Muslims but not the Black Americans in Detroit! Can you say different agenda!A L Brooks Patterson Scandal and MIGOP Crickets

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Second Class Lion Taming

The question of whether or not to ‘allow’ marriage to persons who identify based on their activities is absurd.

Is that not what the supreme court is being asked to validate? In the case before our Nation’s highest court, the justices are being asked to determine whether California’s 2008 Proposition 8 as enacted by voters is constitutional.  they are being asked to either affirm the decision of United States District Court Judge Vaughn Walker,  who overturned it on August 4, 2010; his argument being a violation of both the Due Process clause, and Equal Protections clause of the 14th amendment.

A inaccurate understanding of the 14th amendment if ever there was one.

Due Process guarantees a process under which something might be taken.  It allows the imposed upon person or class to prepare a defense or answer to actions being used to deprive an individual, or group, a particular thing.  It also requires law to be sufficiently understandable or substantive.

So is language prohibiting marriage between same sexes vague or understandable?

The ballot text reading “Only marriage between a man and a woman is valid or recognized in California. should be considered clear.  Based upon that, voters by a 52-48% margin agreed to it.  The motivations of the voters nor understanding of the full ramifications of passage cannot be legitimately parsed by a court and if so, under only the most subjective terms.  Being clearly stated, the language defines well enough the result of passing such a measure.

The other possible Due Process violation is the depriving from one class by law; something to which it is entitled, or has a right to. Jim Crow laws which forbid public services that whites enjoyed, to blacks, would be a classic and easily understood example.  The argument was then presumably, heterosexual partners enjoy a recognition of marriage, not afforded to homosexual couples.  In fact the conclusion by the judge:

“Plaintiffs challenge Proposition 8 under the Due Process and Equal Protection Clauses of the Fourteenth Amendment. Each challenge is independently meritorious, as Proposition 8 both unconstitutionally burdens the exercise of the fundamental right to marry and creates an irrational classification on the basis of sexual orientation”

And he then uses an explanation of Due process, as that which

“protects individuals against arbitrary governmental intrusion into life, liberty or property. “

Except, there is no intrusion.

The “Right To Marry” as demonstrated by the citations in the decision, has been recognized.  However, Judge Vaughn purposefully sought to ignore the more broadly accepted definition of marriage, which would have settled the matter without further argument; the part being that marriage is defined as between a man and a woman.  Plaintiffs in the case were essentially arguing that the judiciary must redefine that which has thousands of years of tradition, and has no reason to be changed except to suit their desired outcome; one that voters in the state of California deemed to be illegitimate.

The Plaintiffs were never denied due process, as their arguments were heard, and simply rebuked as non conforming to the definition they wished to have assigned to their relationships.  They were never denied equal protections, as they too could exercise marriage, which by definition is a covenant between a single man and a single woman; but not something they ‘desired’.   They could still seek another of opposite sex for marriage as anyone else might.

The burden of reaching any particular designation rests squarely upon the person seeking it.  If ‘Marriage’ is what a woman wants, then there is nothing that government can do to prevent her from seeking and marrying a man; and a man likewise seeking a woman for said purpose.  No unfair burden has been placed on the persons seeking marriage, except that for it to be recognized that they should be of opposite gender.  Their rights are IDENTICAL to those who would naturally seek out such a relationship.

Because calling it marriage doesn’t automatically make it so.  No more than calling me “Dr. Gillman. ”

I haven’t earned the title.  I haven’t the prerequisite skills, or knowledge, yet under the redefining of institutions nothing like this should be off the table.  Its my ‘RIGHT’ to be a doctor. I demand my title! Oh and by the way, Catholics are Jews, and Jews are Catholics.  And any freak who thinks they can sing can be called Lady Gaga.  And while we are at it, Dennis Lennox is a lion tamer.  No experience necessary, just toss him in there, because defining him as such makes it so.  No really.. do that, and I buy the argument.


The judge in his ruling is attempting to DEFINE marriage based on his own subjective analysis, when it’s recipe has been a clearly established static since before the destruction of Sodom.  It simply IS what it IS.  Up is up, down is down, and water is wet.  Imaginative claims that redefine our language, and thus, our cultural norms, do not become more relevant because we are more accepting or tolerant.  Words have meaning, and in this case, it is no different because of an immature refusal to accept what it is.

Immaturity so quickly displayed with the language used toward anyone who might challenge the assertion that homosexuality is normal, and particularly now as rational people decline to agree with a broad brush of definitions re-casting standards in our culture, for the sake of the 2%. Displayed too easily when  temper tantrums might well be celebrated by media outlets, and make great reporting.  Immaturity and name calling tantrums that hardly advance any socially redeeming discussions.  Should we craft policy and change our language to suit those who throw them?

MarriageClubAdditionally, under Judge Vaughn’s ruling, the right to marry carries over into other bizarre possibilities.  His opinion and published claim of “irrational classification on the basis of sexual orientation” might well meet a new threshold of tolerance someday when a judge who uses Vaughn’s decision as precedent, declares his own claim of “irrational classification on the basis of mammalian orientation” with a man or woman in love with their dog, or wildebeest.

Or whatever it is that Mooooves them

You Betcha! (0)Nuh Uh.(0)

You know the MIGOP is in trouble when it’s already trying to reflect the blame for the May 5th Tax Proposal blowback



(n.) A scapegoat is an event person or object that is used to lay the blame on for all that goes wrong, regardless of the contributions of others. This will usually carry on until the scapegoat has gone, or has managed to successfully defend itself against the arguments presented to it.

In the MIGOP the scapegoating is a never ending process, done to protect and deflect criticism of the new Sacred Cow of continued government expansion under Governor Rick Snyder.

Linda Lee lost as an incumbent, partially due to her out of context ramblings prior to the election concerning RNC Committeeman Dave Agema. (Some claim her bloviating during the BS organized  “Listening (to Linda) Tour” also cost her votes, but the events were so poorly attended I doubt the veracity of that claim). She and others need to take their own advice, and stop the Divisiveness. Her double standards are glaringly obvious, as illustrated by screenshots of a series of Posts she herself has allowed to remain on her page for almost a month now.  If Linda were not black, the posts could easily be called racist,  apparently they are just bitter grapes, a failure to accept election results, Ironic for someone employed as Director of Community Affairs & Election Integrity Liaison, allowed by a sore Loser.

You Betcha! (13)Nuh Uh.(1)

Another Day Another Progressive Endorsement

From the “Great Republicans” who “juntaLennox faps to, once again, old twaddling Bill saith:

Gilligan's Island

Former Gov. William Milliken is endorsing Democrat Mark Totten for attorney general over fellow Republican and incumbent Bill Schuette.
Milliken’s backing of Totten — a Michigan State University law professor from Kalamazoo — marks his second endorsement of a Democrat this election cycle.


Kalamazoo? Nevertheless, had not Schuette put the Baker family through a living Hell, I probably would lift a finger for his campaign.

But, Schuette did put the Baker’s through Hell with his running cover for the pork lobby, and the Nerd CPA’s affirmative action ‘placemaking’ czar in Detoilet, so – f**k Bill.

Under vote. When it comes to statewide candidates, I’ll be voting only for, Ruth Johnson.

It is way past time for Conservatives to place a cost on the dregs of the Republican Party.

You Betcha! (25)Nuh Uh.(5)

When Felchers Belch

braun_kind_of_a_big_dildoSpeaking of those that “shriek,” once again Kenny is right on cue with another hatchet piece directed at those who support Natural marriage.

To hear Michigan’s social authoritarian Republican fringe speak of it, the Great Lakes Education Project is the epitome of “RINO” advocacy – the dreaded “Republican In Name Only” pejorative.

Which, that is precisely what the GLEP is when its ringleaders (Board included) finance Democrats under the guise of “choice”. Care to discuss Common Core, too?

This year, GLEP is involved in many GOP primaries, but those on its bad side are now howling about a supposed anti-conservative agenda.

See what Kenny did there? Natural marriage = bad side. Ghey “marriage” = good side. These folks remind me of listening to the dysfunction that is Barack Obama.

What are the lengths this bitter clique of McNeilly, Braun, Hoekstra, and Drolet (what the Hell? Toss in there the alleged world’s oldest virgin, yannow, Bigot Bullets, too), will go to carry the water for their agenda of normalizing perverts?

The definition of “RINO” sure has changed. More than a dozen years ago, with a school-choice supporting Republican governor (Engler) and [snip]

There is the answer. Engler DID NOT support vouchers and, Barracuda Betsy threw a hissy-fit, grabbed her Alticor purse, and quit as MI-GOP chair. Anything else is just revisionist history and writing bald face lies.

There you go, folks. Progressivism is a mental disorder that Harry Hay and The Left revel in. Dick and Betsy bankrolling it all? Well, their “stealth agenda” is no secret either. As long as the Wooden Shoe Mafia’s globalist Bush clan ties can keep their fingers on the curriculum and testing standards, they will have an abundant supply of useful idiots. Some of which, a fringe 2.3% like to think that it all started with Adam and Steve.

You Betcha! (22)Nuh Uh.(10)

The Tea Party, Dave Agema, and their Radical Agenda!

The Tea Party, Dave Agema, and their Radical Agenda!


2008 was a dismal year for the MIGOP. Election wins were far and few between. Another 2 years of Granholm and Democrat rule were what we had to look forward to. Many remember the GOP offices manned (if at all) by skeleton crews, with very few volunteers showing up.

Then came 2010 and the rise of the Tea Party. Offices were Packed with excited volunteers. (I can remember tables of volunteers being asked to use their own cell phone for calls, as all the other phones were in use.) A constant flow of people streamed in for Literature and signs to distribute. Tea parties sponsored rallies, forums, and debates, statewide, inviting all the republican candidates to attend. Some of these events attracted tens of thousands of people.

Media attention was at an all time high. The result was a Grand slam in MI, SUPER majorities in both houses, and a new republican Governor Rick Snyder. The pattern was repeated nationwide.

You Betcha! (20)Nuh Uh.(2)

Setting The Wrong Table

Truly a loss to the GOP if Betsy DeVos remains committed to her recent effort of removing Dave Agema from the position of Republican National Committeeman.

There was a reason he won the position in the first place; as someone who would hold TRUE to conservative Republican principles, and strengthen them in the national platform.  While the establishment Republicans are decrying Democrats as “bad,” Committeeman Agema was rebuilding the foundation so Republicans could say why.  Real fiscal restraint, real solutions aimed at preserving families and traditions that have made this country great.

And the feeble sensibilities of an offended malcontent within the party continuously stirs up sympathy for the other side’s (progressive Dems for those of you who remain unsure) point of view?

“Hey look at me! I am a Republican and I don’t like your stand on what I like to do, so you better tolerate my perverse lifestyle or I will forever more divide the party until I get what I want!  You can call it a big tent if you want.”

And like the ‘Tasmanian Devil’ of the cartoon world, shredding the bonds of good conservatives, and instilling doubt upon the conscience of a party that once at least as a promise, stood for decency and honor.

When moral restraint is removed in one way, it certainly follows that the caps are off in others too.

A sin is a sin is a sin, right?

So lets talk more below the fold.

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