Examine this list (being presented as a press release by Brad Fingeroot) closely. You know someone on here. Your kids, grand kids, The paperboy. Perhaps spanking had become passe too soon?
The young people on the list below do not support the platform of the Republican party, yet claim to be Republican. The young people on the list below have declared it more expedient in order to win elections to refute any policy based on principle. They apparently support homosexual relationships, more so than the family unit, which statistically makes society stronger, and individuals more resilient.
This is the future of the Michigan GOP, or so they claim; these young Republicans, encouraged into signing a petition because real conservatives won't acknowledge homosexual activity is OKEY DOKEY. Because traditions are what they call the "Democracy of the dead".
Google that.
These corrupted youngsters in their average 20 or so years age range know better than you old fuddy duddy racists and bigot conservatives in the old Republican party. They don't need you. BIGOTS
They are the new Republican. And their message is below the fold
A letter with 201 names is being circulated.
Add a Londo, a Lennox, and its quite a crowd. Almost enough to fill an elementary school gym. All being led around by Homosexual activists as-if ITS THEIR fight.
My guess is SO MANY parents must be proud of their little rosebuds.
It begins:
Former State Rep Jerry Vorva, Conservative Radio Host Josh Nass and Veteran Political Strategist Roger Stone join National GOP Strategist Liz Mair, Kalamazoo County GOP Chair David Worthams, GOProud Executive Director Jimmy LaSalvia and over 200 youth-led Michigan Republicans in support of putting an end to bigoted rhetoric in the Republican Party.
GOPRoud. The Homosexual Republican caucus.
What better way to destroy an institution than to allow something as insidious as a homopandering organization to take hold in it. Imagine Mothers Against Drunk Driving holding keggers for teenagers, and giving them the keys. That is what GOPProud is to the Republican party.
Last week, a Michigan GOP National Committeeman, posted an article on Facebook stating that "gays lead a filthy lifestyle," and "use adoption in order to push the gay agenda." When pressed on the issue, he doubled down, stating that "their lifestyle leads to early death" and that the information in the report was fact rather than opinion.
Never let facts get in the way of a meme. These children who learned early on, from an increasing exposure to titillating material in media, that 'experimentation' is OK. Even with the unfortunate side effects documented very well:
Gay and bisexual men are more severely affected by HIV than any other group in the United States .
Among all gay and bisexual men, blacks/African Americans bear the greatest disproportionate burden of HIV.
From 2008 to 2010, HIV infections among young black/African American gay and bisexual men increased 20%.
Its getting worse as we become more 'tolerant'.
The truly SAD statistics however, is that while government edges toward treating a perverse and [filthy] lifestyle as 'normal', it clearly documents the fact that men who have sex with men (2%) accounted for 63% of ALL NEW Infections. (CDC - 2010) Homosexual Men are 8,342% more likely to spread this deadly disease than the normal population.
Responsible policy ought to drive education that reduces homosexual activity, yet it is promoted further in schools provided by the same government which corrupts our children using our tax dollars. Programs saying "Its OK to be GAY", and literature that promotes promiscuous sex in teenagers (no matter if you have aids or not) closes the doors to good parenting, and responsible education.
And the APA declared homosexuality to not be a mental disease in the 70s?
The former president of the American Psychological Association says political correctness and homosexual ideology rule the organization, and that leaving the homosexual "lifestyle" is indeed a possibility, a position contrary to that of the APA.
Dr. Nicholas Cummings, the man who led the movement to have homosexuality declassified as a mental illness, told an interviewer with NARTH, an organization of psychology professionnals dedicated to helping homosexuals stop their self-destructive behavior, leave the "lifestyle," and lead happy lives as normal adults, stresses that he is "lifelong champion" of "gay rights.
Yet he also flatly stated that homosexuals can change, and that the current stance of the APA that homosexuals cannot change is false.
The man was out there fight for the choice to be morals free.
Psst! - Its a choice!
The Letter continues:
Bigotry, hatred, and discrimination, whether by one's own words, or, by posting the words of another to reserve deniability, is exactly the type of rhetoric that gives the party of Lincoln and Reagan a bad name. It's not a question of disagreement over an issue; rather it's a question of tone. Bigotry, hatred, and discrimination cannot be tolerated regardless of a person's position on an issue -- particularly, from one in a position of leadership.
Bigotry? Hatred?
These children have no reference. The picture to the right might offer a little perspective to the youth, which never knew Jim Crow.
In response to this indecent and irresponsible rhetoric, a youth-led movement of Republican grassroots leaders from Michigan and across the country have banded together to condemn Wednesday's deplorable comments. We join RNC Chairman Reince Priebus' call for a more inclusive, respectable and decent tone from the top of the GOP.
Who are you to condemn? What credibility, and evidence do you present that makes your case? You have no moral compass, your tradition is not established, you have no relative authority.
This isn't about what we believe politically or as people of faith. A GOP renaissance is vital to the strength of this nation. We cannot become sidetracked by bigoted and discriminatory comments, or, tangential discussions that do not address the real sin of disguised hatred. Let's keep focused on our principle of limited government, a strong moral foundation, and common sense leadership.
But it IS WHAT WE BELIEVE, or CHOOSE to believe. The first amendment allows you children to speak freely. It allows conservatives to speak freely as well. It protects Churches from being shuttered because the government does not agree with their teachings, or because the government would like to ADD to their teachings. It prevents government from telling us what to think, say, or do.
Yet YOU wish for government to protect the rights of homosexual individuals to insert themselves in our houses of worship; for truly this is the end game. You would have government fine thought crimes, because it offends you. And you would limit the discourse and discussion amongst our ranks with a call to resign?
Shame on you all.
"Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other." -John Adams.
An indecent tone is neither moral nor indicative of a religious people. It is time for the next generation to take the mantle to lead our great nation back to virtue and greatness.
One last note before the list of baby RINOs. The paragraph above is truly made for you. You read it backward. John Adams was correct in his assessment. To back him up, it should be noted that this nation was NOT founded as a Christian nation. This is true. However, it was a nation of Christians. It was a nation of moral fiber. Of family, tradition, institution.
Its only hope is that it is populated by a moral people. That it is piously rich, and that God is the center of our lives. A "Next generation" of Republicans that does not see this, might just as well say goodbye to a nation that once had virtue and greatness that was not pretend.
And now the list of those who will have to live with their new "Republicanism"
I proudly join in calling for a more decent tone at the top among the leadership of our Party.
Alex Veras, University of Michigan College Republican
Alex Weiss, University of Michigan College Republican
Alec Grant, Republican grassroots activist
Alfred Trudeau, Republican activist, Oakland MI
Aliceea Rice, Social media co-chair, University of Michigan College Republicans.
Alicia Ping, Republican precinct delegate, Washtenaw County.
Amanda Itliong, Republican activist, Rochester Hills
Amy Carl, secretary, Fourth Congressional District Republican Committee.
Amy Vogel, Republican activist, Oakland County
Andrew Mumford, fmr GOP Page, Michigan State University College Republican
Anson Choi, College Republican
Anthony Hoerner, Republican activist, Lansing MI
Barb Leahy, Republican activist, Brighton
Belinda Szmytke, Republican precinct delegate, Wayne County.
Benjamin Wilkes, Republican activist, Kent County
Beth Rayner, Rochester Hills Republican activist
Bob Gauthier, Republican activist, Oakland County
Bonnie Russell, Republican activist, Dearborn
Brad Fingeroot, Oakland County Young Republicans.
Brian Bosak, Republican activist, Caledonia MI
Brian Szmytke, chairman, Wayne County Teenage Republicans/director, 2012 Livonia Republican Victory Center.
Brian Platt, Teenage Republican activist
Britta Berney, Republican activist, Clawson
Brooks Rollyson, Republican activist, Fenton
Caitlin Cardon, Central Michigan University College Republican
Carla Spencer, Republican grassroots activist
Charles Senseman, Republican grassroots activist, Detroit MI
Chiye Huang, Republican activist
Chris Campbell, Republican grassroots activist, Oakland County
Christina McIntosh, Republican activist, Brighton MI
Christina Anderson, Republican activist, Fenton MI
Christine Doan, Republican, Oakland County
Christine Gill, Republican activist, Rochester Hills
Christine Hughes, Republican grassroots activist, Oakland County
Christine Varvatos, Republican activist, Rochester Hills
Christopher Connell, Republican activist, Monroe MI
Christopher Isaacs, Republican grassroots activist
Clark Lambo, Republican grassroots activist
Colin Pahl, Michigan State University College Republicans
Craig Covey, Republican activist, Ferndale
Daisy Belden, University of Michigan College Republicans
Dan Gremore, fmr precinct delegate, Calhoun County
David MacGillis, Republican grassroots activist, Webberville MI
David Stephenson, Republican grassroots activist, Kent County
Daniel Ackerman, Republican Precinct delegate, fmr GOP Page
David Veenstra, Republican activist, Lakeview MI
David Worthams, Kalamazoo County GOP Chair
Debbi Greener, Republican grassroots activist
Debra Szwejda, Republican activist, Eaton Rapids
Dennis Lee Stafford, Republican, Oak Park MI
Diane Materna, Republican activist, Macomb County
Dillion Breen, Republican precinct delegate, Wayne County.
Donald Fiesner, Republican grassroots activist, Mt Pleasant
Elliot Norris, Michigan State University College Republicans
Emily Sommer, Republican activist, Oakland County
Eric Macy, Young Republican grassroots activist
Ford Nolan, Republican grassroots activist
George Freeman, Republican grassroots activist
Glenn Miller, Republican activist, Wayne County
Hamilton Zacharias, 2012 National GOP Convention delegate
Hank Wong, Young Republican activist
Heather Mauer, Republican activist, Oakland County
Isaac Biltchok, Republican activist, Linden MI
Isaiah Hole, Republican grassroots activist, Oakland County.
Jackie Eaton, Republican activist, Oakland County
James Zerilli, Republican activist, Oakland County
Jane Ensley, Republican activist, Oakland County
Janet McBride, Republican activist, Oakland County
Jared Boot, University of Michigan College Republicans.
Jason Vorva, Republican activist
Jasper Graebner, Republican activist
Jarrett Gorman, Michigan State University College Republicans
Jarrett Holloway, Republican activist, Wyoming MI
Jeff Shepherd, Michigan State University College Republicans
Jeff Tigchelaar, Republican grassroots activist
Jenny Brams, Republican activist, fmr Victory Center director
Jeremy Corey, Michigan State University College Republicans
Jerry Vorva, fmr Republican State Representative
Jesse Arm, Young Republican activist, Oakland County
Jesse Kleckner, Republican grassroots activist
Jessica Mondics, University of Michigan College Republicans
Jimmy LaSalvia, Executive Director and Co-founder, GOProud
Jo DeLorenzo, Oakland County Republican Activist
Joanna Van Raaphorst, Republican grassroots activist, Oakland County
Jodie Welch, Republican activist, Dorr MI
Joe Sylvester, Republican activist, Bay City MI
Joey McGlone, Republican grassroots activist
John Arnold, Republican grassroots activist, Coldwater MI
John Hibbard, Republican grassroots activist
John Mahoney, Republican activist
John McDonald, Republican activist, Wayne County
John Struman, Republican activist, Dearborn MI
John White, Veteran Republican grassroots
Julie Wright, Republican activist, Oakland County
Jon Wager, Republican activist, Bay City MI
Josh Lewis, Republican activist
Josh Nass, National Conservative Talk Show Host, "Voice of Conservative Youth"
Joshua Lee, Republican grassroots, Oakland County
Justin Bis, chairman, Northern Michigan University College Republicans.
Justin Carlson, Michigan Republican activist
Justin Chace, Republican activist, Wayne County
Kathy Dorn, Republican activist, Oakland County
Kathryn LeBlanc, Republican activist, Oakland County
Karen Faett, Republican precinct delegate, Oakland County
Karen Garr, Republican activist, Oakland County
Kelly Walters, College Republican, Fmr GOP Page
Kelsey Poag, Central Michigan College Republicans
Kevin Eaton, Republican activist, Oakland County
Kevin Flohe, Republican precinct delegate, Marquette County.
Kathy DeLorernzo, Republican precinct delegate, Oakland County
Kristin Garr, Republican activist, Oakland County
Kristin Newer, Republican grassroots activist, Oakland County
Kyle Learly, Republican grassroots activist
Kyle Stone, Maverick PAC Chicago Co-Chair, from Oakland County
Lauren Fillenworth, Michigan State University College Republican
Lawrence McCormick, Republican activist, Acme MI
Laura Saxon, Republican activist
Len Mazzola, Republican activist, South Lyon MI
Leslie Kasemeyer, Republican grassroots activist, Lapeer MI
Linda Crowell, Republican grassroots activist, Oakland County
Linda Kirksey, Republican activist, Oakland County
Liz Mair, National GOP Strategist
Lucas Case, fmr political director, Sarah Steelman for Senate\
Mac Coddington, fmr Michigan TARs Chair, College Republican University of Michigan
Maria Patterson, Republican activist
Mariah Mumford, Central Michigan College Republican
Marianne Maurer, Republican activist, Rochester Hills MI
Marissa Allegra, Social media co-chair, University of Michigan College Republicans.
Matt McCool, Students for Romney Vice Chair, University of Michigan
Matt Jones, Republican precinct delegate, Kalamazoo County.
Matt Joyner, Political director, Michigan Federation of College Republicans
Matt Rote, Young Republican activist
Max Himelhock, University of Michigan College Republicans
Max Rohtbart, Republican precinct delegate, Oakland County.
Mark Travis, Macomb County Republican activist
Melanie Hartman, Republican activist, Oakland County
Michael Szmytke, Republican precinct delegate, Wayne County.
Michael Zayti, Young Republican activist, Grand Blanc
Michael Banerian, Young Republican leader, Oakland County
Michael Knittel, Republican activist, Canton
Michael Myers, Republican activist
Michael Shoemaker, Republican activist, St Clair Shores
Michelle Walters, Republican activist, Royal Oak
Mike Kraft, Republican activist
Nancy Squires, Republican grassroots activist, Kewadin MI
Nelson Clark Jr, Republican activist, Auburn Hills MI
Nicole Bray, Michigan State University College Republicans
Nick Shaw, College Republican
Nick Turecamo, Young Republican activist
Nina DeLorenzo, Republican activist, Oakland County
Nadine Isaacs, Republican activist
Nathan Inks, Fmr Chair, CMU College Republicans
N***** V****, Republican activist
Paul Wells, Republican activist, Leonard MI
Pat Piskulich, Republican activist, Rochester Hills
Patti Eischen, Republican grassroots activist
Priti Kothari, Republican grassroots activist, Oakland County.
Peter Keller Isaacs Jr, College Republican, Fmr GOP Page
Peter Isaacs Sr, Republican Grassroots Activist
Peter Tarle, University of Michigan College Republican
Preston Davie, Republican grassroots activist
Randy Janowicz, Republican activist, Oakland County
Rehina Markowski, Republican activist, Oakland County
Richard Pierman, Republican grassroots activist, Brighton MI
Rick Thompson, Republican activist, Flushing MI
Rob Sisson, Republican precinct delegate, St. Joseph County.
Robert Morelli, Michigan State University College Republicans
Roger Stone, Veteran
Roman Godlewski, Republican activist, Royal Oak
Ross Emerton, Republican grassroots activist, Rochester Hills
Russ Hayes, Internal Vice Chair, University of Michigan College Republicans
Ryan Eaton, University of Michigan College Republicans
Ryan Fishman, Oakland County Republican leader
Ryan Fillenworth, Central Michigan College Republicans
Ryan Frohberg, Republican activist
Ryan McCabe, Republican grassroots activist, Kent County.
Ryan Harrington, Republican grassroots activist, Ann Arbo
Sally Thorton, Republican activist, Rochester Hills MI
Sam Shrago, University of Michigan College Republican
Sanford Berris, Republican activist
Sara Huizenga, Republican activist, Kent County
Sharon Janot, Republican grassroots activist, Redford
Sheila Hansen, Michigan State University College Republicans
Sue Burstein-Kahn, Republican precinct delegate, Oakland County
Susan Kerk, Republican grassroots activist
Steve Devine, Republican activist, Jackson MI
Steve Mayer, Republican activist, Grand Ledge
Steven Portnoy, Republican activist, Oakland County
Taylor Ogan, Young Republican activist
Ted Woodcock, political director, Michigan Federation of College Republicans
Timothy Maurer, Greater Detroit Area Republican
Todd Erickson, Republican activist, Ferndale
TJ Lindsay, Young Republican activist
Tom Isaacs, chairman, Oakland County Young Republicans.
Tom Mahala, College Republican
Tory McClintock, Republican grassroots activist
Vicky Fingeroot, Republican activist
Venita Taylor, Republican grassroots activist, Oakland County
Wayne Bradley, Host of The Wayne Bradley Show
Will Berkowitz, Young Republican activist
Willem Taverna, Republican grassroots activist
Shame on you all.
This group would take the mantle of the Republican party?
As the nation falls, its epitaph shall wear these names.