Discord & Disarray

Lobbyists know that our legislators have blind spots.

Its not that all legislators are blind, ignorant, foolish, or even downright incompetent.  Just most of them falling into one or more of those categories.

Unfortunately, some have gone back to the trough of stupid ideas a little too often.  Enough in fact, that they don’t even see the real reasons they are suddenly inundated with far reaching demands for change emanating from the pits of hell masquerading as fixes that are long overdue.

The convention of states (COS), and National Popular Vote (NPV) are two such changes that if successful, could threaten our very Republic.  The COS, in a way that opens the doors to quite literally writing out the very protections enshrined in our constitution.  The NPV, as a means to enable mob rule, and permanently entrench those who can then control media and other information sources.

And what about that NPV?

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Powerful MiGOP Ad In A Tweet

A great collection of clips put together demonstrating the contrast of the left’s resistance platform, and what is already happening under the leadership of Donald J Trump. And the focus is HERE in the great state of Michigan


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Few multilevel marketing platforms have ever produced like the one by Rich DeVos and Jay VanAndel.

Free market philosophy and a determination by the pair proved that success was not conditional upon what social status one begins with.  By offering others the opportunity with little personal financial investment to pursue the American Dream, they tapped into what fundamentally makes this country great; individual exceptionalism and entrepreneurial reward.

Their company Amway, became the foundation for the DeVos family’s personal wealth, but it reached out much further in philanthropic efforts and community effect.  It was quite literally, the marketing of a commonly used household product that has built hospitals, schools, funded missions, and grew a worldwide empire that generally supports so much of what this country is about.

Rich DeVos leaves a legacy the family could be proud of. As noted in the Freep:

“The Lord was good to me and I gotta go out and try and tell how good God is,” said DeVos. “I’d like to be remembered by enjoying the time we were given here by loving what the good Lord gave us, and we did the best we could with it.

God Bless, and may you rest in peace sir.

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NO To NPV For Crying Out Loud.

While everyone is watching DC, CRAZY CRAZY stuff is happening in our own legislature.

For God’s sake, its time for Saul to give this crazy bullshit a rest.  Saul is what one might call an ‘honest cop.’  He must have taken enough money from Soros and Tom Steyer, that he feels it’s worth his reputation to guarantee that the next Trump presidency never happens.

Yesterday, September 5, 2018, a bill was introduced by Reps. Kelly, Marino, Canfield, Alexander, Lilly, Wentworth, Sheppard, Miller, Rendon, Bellino, Cochran, VerHeulen, Leutheuser, Maturen, Cole and Guerra and referred to the Committee on Elections and Ethics.  It reads:

” A bill to enter into the interstate compact to elect the president by national popular vote; and for related purposes. “

Full stop.

What self respecting Republican would sabotage the presidential prospects of his own party permanently?  The brilliance of the founders was to make sure that large population centers like Los Angeles, Chicago, and NY city were not going to be the permanent arbiters of who gets to be president.

Be watching the money folks. This kind of stupidity must be very expensive.  I cannot even use the ‘Sexy but stupid’ icon, because it’s not even  ..sexy.

Shaking my head at this right now.




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John James Conversation 1

In this election cycle, I am not sure there could have been a better person to take out Debbie Stabenow.

The meat puppet herself is already advertising that she is a defender of farms etc., though we know better.  It is the go-to place for her in each election cycle, even though she hates the ‘family‘ part of the equation.

Failure by previous candidates to note that Stabenow has failed the farmers in Michigan and elsewhere is compounded by being completely out-of-touch for 5 of the 6 years terms, unless one is a major donor; most of which are found out-of-state.

In this video series, John James candidly addresses such things appropriately, and with authority we have missed in prior electoral runs at this office.

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Voters Not Politicians?

The name “Puppets not People.” Would be more apt.

Proposal 2 of 2018 is one of the most bizarre creations to be tested before the voting public. Several pages of changes to our state constitution without the benefit of a convention, and a significant change to state government through a vote where maybe TWO or THREE percent of voters will have a full understanding of the changes being made.

The Michigan Supreme Court failed miserably in stopping what amounts to a coup of Michigan’s constitution. It should immediately review and recall its decision, or face future docket challenges it cannot meet.

The mess this proposal will create is undeniable.  Literally prepared for court battles, the proposal inserts language into our constitution that authorizes the commission to ‘prosecute’ the legislature for financial ability to defend itself against expected redistricting challenges.  What this means is that unlimited taxpayer dollars will be used to fend off any taxpayer disagreements with whatever crazy apportionment happens.

This ‘clever’ bit of political takeover quite frankly takes the power AWAY from the people of Michigan.  The Orwellian name ‘voters not politicians’ gives certain political influences (through social media and misinformation) more of a permanent grasp on the political mechanics, with little or no chance for timely corrections.

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Who is United Impact Group, LLC?

A group called United Impact Group, LLC is asking clerks across Michigan for copies of voted ballots and other material from the November 2016 election, using the Freedom of Information Act. Michigan’s news media cannot seem to figure out who they are and are posting ominous articles.

We are here to help.

United Impact Group LLC is a Delaware Corporation. Their Delaware Division of Corporations file number is 6981572. It was incorporated on 19 July 2018.

Costs $ 20 to know more.

We’ll let the idiots in the media spend that $ 20. The price of an education.

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