Enrich yourself or the woefully mis-educated youth in your life. OCTOBER 7, 2023
We have problems in our nation because too many have learned it all wrong. Government was created to serve specific purpose, Your rights trump federal desires, and are a check on what the governments can do. The constitution defines the government, and the bill of rights places limits on it.
Sign up and empower yourself. Information for the Elk rapids event included here. Othe boot camp events can be found here.
Constitution Boot Camp at Amvets Post 114, Elk Rapids, MI on 10/07/23
Join us for this one-day, seminar style, class that will give you a working knowledge of the US Constitution including its purpose, and true meaning.
You will leave with an understanding of the founder’s intentions for our nation and the ways in which we are dangerously off-course.
Learn to recognize when political power is legitimate and when it is being usurped- and what you can do about it!
The first step to restoring our Constitutional Republic is for you to understand the Constitution and the limits it places on our federal government.
Join us on October 7, 2023 at Amvets Post 114 in Elk Rapids, MI! 9am to 3pm
Students attend this class for free!
To register for this class email
Please provide the names, emails and number of book sets needed.
To obtain a scholarship also tell us who are students when you register.
The $25 donation includes lunch and books for the first family member. Additional family members sharing books can attend for a donation of only $5 each. Alumni welcome for $5 donation.
Cash, Check or Credit Card payment accepted morning of the class.
Amvet Post 114
410 Bridge Street
Elk Rapids, MI 49629