Irritating GOP 'operative' lands on the wrong side of the island.
Team Cruz has an issue with its vetting of campaign tools.
At least as far as the former GOP chair of Benzie County is concerned. Adrian Poulisse, a Cruz supporter and local chair has written a memo of concern to Cruz headquarters, and cc’d to Wendy Day (State Cruz chair) Pat Colbeck and Saul Anuzis, titled: “Dennis Lennox is no good for the Cruz Campaign” The memo starts with
“Dennis Lennox has been a divisive figure in Michigan Politics over the last half dozen years. He has been controversial since his time in college. He has manipulated his resume and has a history of malfeasance while serving as an elected official.”
And then points out a number of references to Lennox’s political activities.
Lennox has recently been given the job as a consultant to try to get the 9 delegates of Guam on-board the Cruz team. The weight of this, even on such a small island must certainly have its effect. Sometimes stupid decisions like stupid people, are a fact of life.
Poulisse made clear in the memo that it will serve as his letter of resignation if Lennox is considered “a must for the Ted Cruz team,” pointing out the likely resignation of others in the organization.

Ah, but for one to understand why the little poofter is in play, one must remember that it all leads back to, Saul "NPV & Dele-Gate fiasco" Anuzis:
As I have posted elsewhere, the real question becomes "Exactly what kind of pictures of Saul Anuzis does Dennis have?"
Not sure, however, if you'd like a good view of the little poofter, then I'd recommend shoving one of these up Saul's ass.
Oh! And, remind Denny Lenny to smile for ya.
Didn't this little snot-nosed punk get fired from his newspaper gig not that long ago and have his content removed from their website?
Any word yet on why that happened in the first place?
Papers usually aren't that thorough when their staff leaves their employ?
Yeah, the Mt. Pleasant Morning Sun. As of five minutes ago, he's referenced exactly fifty-seven times in the "Sound Off" archives (from February 13th, 2012, thru December 10th, 2014, inclusive), once in a Letter to the Editor dated May 1st, 2014, and once in a news article under Chad Selweski's byline dated January 13th, 2012 . . . and that's a four-year search. Other than that, exactly zip on the Morning Sun's site with the weasel's name on it or in it. Thorough indeed . . . almost as though he vanished himself (similar to how he temporarily vanished Jason back in April 2010).
Heads up. Important to know!
Editorial from Dennis Lennox in the Detroit News 7/16/2015.
GOP nominee could be picked by territories
The road to the Republican presidential nomination winds through Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. Eventually, it reaches Michigan, which in 2012 proved pivotal for Mitt Romney.
That has been true in presidential election cycles of the past, but it may not be the case this time around. Especially now with the 2016 field of would be presidents being the largest in the party’s history.
Not only is it likely that each of the big three early-state tussles will be won by different candidates, but a much overlooked change to the Republican National Committee’s rules governing the nomination contest could drag out the process until the national convention.
Under RNC rule 40, a candidate must win a majority of delegates in eight states to be eligible for nomination at the convention in Cleveland.
That requirement may not sound like a big deal. Eight states are not a terribly high threshold.
However, with 17 candidates — Govs. Bobby Jindal, Scott Walker and Chris Christie; business leaders Carly Fiorna and Donald Trump; ex-Govs. Jeb Bush, Jim Gilmore, George Pataki, Mike Huckabee and Rick Perry; Ben Carson, the retired pediatric neurosurgeon; U.S. Sens. Lindsey Graham, Marco Rubio, Rand Paul and Ted Cruz; former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum and all-but-declared candidate Gov. John Kasich — it is difficult to see a way for anyone to get a commanding plurality, let alone a majority, in eight states.
This creates a situation where the U.S. territories of American Samoa, Guam, the Northern Mariana Islands, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands — and not Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina — decide who becomes the Republican presidential nominee. Territories and states carry equal weight.
With candidates seemingly running into each other at every turn, as evident by Christie and Rubio rooming together in New Hampshire over the Independence Day holiday, a smart presidential hopeful could easily run the table in the territories and pull out three victories else- where to take the campaign all the way to the convention.
The rewards of taking to the hustings and rubber-chicken circuit across the territories could outweigh the hassles, especially for a long-shot candidate without the financial means and deep organizational strength to get ahead of the herd on the mainland.
The Northern Mariana Islands will most likely hold its caucus on March 16 with nine delegates up for grabs. If four years ago is any indicator, less than 900 voters will participate.
In other territories, the electorate is often even smaller. About 70 gathered at the Toa Bar & Grill in Nu’uuli for the 2012 American Samoa caucus. Only the primary in Puerto Rico, which had more participation last time around than Iowa’s caucus, is a large-scale electoral contest.
Even if several Republican candidates drop out between now and when formal debates begin next month the field of contenders will still be sizable.
RNC rule 40 gives candidates no incentive to drop out. At worst, someone stays in the race long enough to raise his or her profile and influence the party platform.
Or, a lucky candidate will win enough delegates with the help of the territories to maneuver into a position to claim the Republican nomination, or join the ticket as the vice presidential running mate after leveraging his or her delegates to push the establishment favorite over the line.
Dennis Lennox is a freelance writer who has worked on three presidential campaigns.
If the Cruz campaign does a piss-poor showing in Guam and it ends up going to Jeb... well then we know both Saul and Lennox were working for Jeb this ENTIRE time. Which is exactly what I think.
It's necessary to follow the money--why would anyone in their right mind send the likes of a cartoon character to Guam? What did Guam do to them? Don't we have a duty to warn our fellow Americans they are about to be invaded? Is this really happening or is it much like the little Scottish episode of years past? The cartoon character merely stated he was in the land of Scots to report on the Euro vote--when on the same day he was posting highlights of his day in Scotland, I saw with my own eyes his walking the halls of the state GOP convention.
Where ever this cartoon character pops up, guarantees a lose--I use as my evidence his pop-up next to Scott Romney during the National Convention a couple of years ago. Thus, wouldn't it be much more useful to the RINO's to send this cartoon character to Guam for say--Donald Trump? And speaking of Romney--anyone notice whose funding Scott Walker? So, in following the money. . .