
Credit Where Due

We applaud our Attorney General for opposing Obama's illegal acts.

Ilegal_AliensMichigan is a border state.

We have also been blessed with planned migration of illegal children, and causing what I believe to be an outbreak of disease we have not seen in decades.  Then taking the immigration action the fraud-in-chief has perpetrated into account, its about damned time we do something as a state to fight back. Its not like we haven’t been encouraging it, right?

Yup, Its bad enough our congressional delegation hasn’t done JACK.  But I guess a limit was finally reached in Lansing.  From an Attorney General’s Office release:

Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette today joined a lawsuit brought by attorneys general and governors from 20 other states to challenge the President’s recent unilateral executive order on immigration.

“America deserves a hopeful immigration policy. Throughout our history, America has provided a beacon of hope across the world. But the President’s unilateral executive order on immigration, bypassing Congress, is constitutionally flawed,” said Schuette.

The States’ complaint was filed by Texas in Federal District Court and was immediately followed by a request for a preliminary injunction. The multistate coalition includes Alabama, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Idaho, Indiana, Kansas, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, North Carolina, Ohio, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, West Virginia and Wisconsin.

Good start.

Read the States’ motion for a preliminary injunction filed on December 04, 2014, HERE.

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(1)

Hey, who wants to pay a higher gas tax?

“It’s a first step. It’s a big step – don’t get me wrong. In a bipartisan way, the Michigan Senate was ready to say, `We want to fix roads and we’ll take tough votes to do it,”‘ said Senate Majority Leader Randy Richardville, a Monroe Republican.

“What I would say is the House action doesn’t get us there fast enough or far enough. It also creates major consequences to schools and local partners — that I don’t want to see negative things happen to them,” said Michigan Governor Rick Snyder.

And these guys are “republicans”?

So, who’s thirsty?

{Not to fear, more below the fold}

You Betcha! (15)Nuh Uh.(4)

The Next Time Someone Says Coal Is Bad

Even the bureaucrats understand an electric system that is fubar.

energyBreak out the blanket and paddles.

Folks speculate all the time whether ‘renewable energy’ is plausible enough to hit 10%, 15% etc. by a certain date.  We have had our governments propose and mandate certain dates are met with minimums of electricity being provided by ambiguous, as-yet-to-be-discovered sources to the point where our eyes bleed.

However, in the mean time, it seems someone is taking notice of the insufficient resources that only ‘magically clean’ will provide.  The Michigan Public Service Commission (MPSC) has somehow looked beyond the fools in Michigan’s political theater to address a looming reality. They are starting to actually ask the important questions.

And they are probably just starting to realize, our electric capacity is on borrowed time:

You Betcha! (16)Nuh Uh.(1)

Policy Or Purchased Privilege

Michigan Senate passes late night watering hole expansion.

I can keep this short.

Expanding hours for certain bars within cities is becoming a possibility.  OK, fair enough, if legislators feel that this could help serve a need of those business owners.  But perhaps we ask this question: Is it a special privilege when one licensed liquor seller can sell further into the night by purchasing a special license, or is it just plain good for the community?

We should probably recognize that good public policy is hardly the goal of our elected class any longer.

This one’s on the house.


You Betcha! (8)Nuh Uh.(1)

Lipstick On A Pig

ToleranceApathyThe lame duck legislature has nine more days (including today) in which it could seriously harm Michigan.

One of the items which has ZERO business being considered, is the elevation of a dangerous behavior to ‘protected class’ status.  Making every landlord, business owner, or boss, the potential target of people with a (previously diagnosable) mental condition.    Incoming Michigan State Rep Todd Courser, in an email newsletter cautions supporters to NOT let their current Reps off the hook. He writes:

A Lipstick Makeover…

The Effort by the GOP to wrap this Expansion of Elliott Larsen in some weak religious exemption is akin to taking a Cheap Pig and Slapping a Cheap Lipstick Makeover on it; it is still a pig and it still has cheap lipstick on it. This is the granting of protected class status to the LGBT community and in doing so, it kills religious liberty and freedom of speech! Don’t be fooled…and don’t let your rep off the hook for standing SILENT as this rolls through the House. Ask them where their press releases on this issue are…encourage them to stand against this rogue action by the Republican Speaker who has been paid a small fortune and is partnering with the LGBT activists to destroy religious liberty and freedom of speech!

If this expansion to Elliott Larsen passes it will institutionalize discrimination against Christians and other faiths and make freedom of religion and freedom of speech subservient to the wishes of the homosexual lobby.

Even with the pretend religious exemptions being promised by a paid-in-advance speaker of the house, it’s still a raw deal.

Fact of the matter, is that the THREAT of a lawsuit based on such characteristics as personal choice and preference, is an affront to freedom of association and speech.  It hardly matters if one can exempt themselves based on their religious practice or beliefs if the must first stand before a judge and make that exclamation.  It still costs time, and money, and hardship.

And taking into account what it will cost the taxpayers, Rick Snyder doesn’t want to see it on his desk anyhow.

You Betcha! (27)Nuh Uh.(2)

Happy Thanksgiving!

We have been so incredibly blessed as a nation. How could we not offer our thanks to the Lord?

thanksgivingWe give thanks each year as tradition dictates.

As we are today, our forefathers were both good and evil. They were productive and prosperous, or lazy and in despair.  Human nature leads us on many paths, and we often forget where that path started. Sometimes we are purposefully confused so that we do not remember.

With that in mind. Enjoy the following stories of Thanksgiving, each from a different perspective.

Mises – The Great Thanksgiving Hoax

“In his History of Plymouth Plantation, the governor of the colony, William Bradford, reported that the colonists went hungry for years because they refused to work in the field. They preferred instead to steal food. He says the colony was riddled with “corruption,” and with “confusion and discontent.” The crops were small because “much was stolen both by night and day, before it became scarce eatable.”  “

And in a similar vein

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Why Small Business Shall Remain Small

This seems to be on the right track, yes?

So, what happens if HB 5477 now becomes extended by two years, the already sales tax portion is gradually dedicated for road maintenance over same period with Wholesale sales tax increasing to 7% (Rack Price) and MDOT controlling said taxation thereafter?

“the taxpayers are the last place to look”. Sure it is. Folks, it’s all just a Shell Game in Lansing.

OABTW, did you notice the graft?

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