
The Snake

snake-horseThere is an old joke that goes something like this:

Once upon a time, there was a snake who at the end of a path wanted to cross a river. The river was raging, and it looked hopeless.

Along came a horse down the path, looking to cross that river. The snake said “HEY! Could you help a brother out?”

The horse was accommodating. He carried that snake across that river safely to the other side, where he dismounted and promptly bit the horse.

The horse was dumbfounded. “Why did you bite me?” he asked.

The snake replied “I’m a snake, stupid.”

Indeed, as one might trust those who are recipients of favor, there is a fairly consistent expectation that simply feeding an alligator wont protect you when he is hungry again.  In this case of carrying the snake, its in his nature to bite.

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Thanks, Doc: But I Will Be Getting A Second Opinion

A commentary piece as read by a Rep. Benishek constituent, via the good folks at MCC.   

U.S. Rep. Dan Benishek speaks out against vague language in legislationBy Rep. Dan Benishek

Imagine government without responsibility toward its citizens — let me give you a hint, it looks a lot like Syria’s Bashar al-Assad regime.

America is blessed with a Constitution that protects Americans so they are not afraid that each new leader will turn the country into a fascist nation. No matter how much anyone disagrees with a president’s policies, we can take solace in the protections of the Constitution.

The Constitution’s authority is supreme and every piece of legislation must fit within the Constitution’s limits.

Roger that, Doc.  So far, we’re on the same page.  Let’s continue…

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