
Um, No Mrs. Fink, You Penned Pig Swill

More whitewashing from the “Take a vote, not a vacation” files.

Not much to figure out about this insider propaganda piece above, especially, when one looks to the Nerd’s U of M Ann Arbor alumni ties, and this *coincidence* when rolling through Mrs. Fink’s Twitter timeline.


Timing is everything

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Primary Election Review & Analysis

Commentary on some of the more notable races throughout Michigan's Republican primary.

Conservative First posted results of races from around the state yesterday.

As a candidate I needed time to decompress.  I lost my contest by 89 votes, and as much as I campaigned, I was outworked.  I saw CF’s report and felt there is some more fleshing out that needs to be done.

Prop 1 (tax changes) wins easily 69-31.

This is not surprising as several million was spent to make sure it passed.  Of course THAT begs the question WHY would several million be spent to promote something that had as it’s main promise, an act already done by the legislature?  I guess since we passed it, now we find out what is in it.

1. Benishek wins 70-30.  Alan Arcand needs to fire his pollster.

We all know the polls were push polls, or better yet campaign ads used for shock and awe.
Don’t think 30 percent is a bad number against an incumbent congress critter BTW.  We will see Alan again.


3. Amash wins 57-43.  Probably not enough to scare away future primary challengers.

One thing he did correctly was snuff the ‘unity’ crap.  There is no unity in the MiGOP.  There will be none until Republicans start acting like Republicans.  I think 57-43 is enough however.  No one will challenge Amash without a damn good reason in the future.

4. Moolenaar wins 52-36-11.  Never underestimate the Midland establishment.  I rated this a tossup when Mitchell led by 23.

The TPX had its desired effect.  They needed a champ, and Moolenaar team needed a little boost to break John Moolenaar out.  We rooted for Konetchy here, but expected the Stabenow donations to sink Mitchell (As they SHOULD), and put Moolenaar up by a couple.  The win was significant, and John Moolenaar will be the next CD4 representative easily.

They could do worse.

6. Bussler gets 29% against Upton, confirming my suspicion that about 30% is the anti-Upton baseline in the GOP primary.

Lets suppose that is the case.  That is a powerful voting block.  Not just anti Upton, but GOP willing to vote conscience and not blind.  Consider that there are many more who simply refuse to participate.  Activate THOSE, and we have a new party.

You Betcha! (14)Nuh Uh.(0)

When Felchers Belch

braun_kind_of_a_big_dildoSpeaking of those that “shriek,” once again Kenny is right on cue with another hatchet piece directed at those who support Natural marriage.

To hear Michigan’s social authoritarian Republican fringe speak of it, the Great Lakes Education Project is the epitome of “RINO” advocacy – the dreaded “Republican In Name Only” pejorative.

Which, that is precisely what the GLEP is when its ringleaders (Board included) finance Democrats under the guise of “choice”. Care to discuss Common Core, too?

This year, GLEP is involved in many GOP primaries, but those on its bad side are now howling about a supposed anti-conservative agenda.

See what Kenny did there? Natural marriage = bad side. Ghey “marriage” = good side. These folks remind me of listening to the dysfunction that is Barack Obama.

What are the lengths this bitter clique of McNeilly, Braun, Hoekstra, and Drolet (what the Hell? Toss in there the alleged world’s oldest virgin, yannow, Bigot Bullets, too), will go to carry the water for their agenda of normalizing perverts?

The definition of “RINO” sure has changed. More than a dozen years ago, with a school-choice supporting Republican governor (Engler) and [snip]

There is the answer. Engler DID NOT support vouchers and, Barracuda Betsy threw a hissy-fit, grabbed her Alticor purse, and quit as MI-GOP chair. Anything else is just revisionist history and writing bald face lies.

There you go, folks. Progressivism is a mental disorder that Harry Hay and The Left revel in. Dick and Betsy bankrolling it all? Well, their “stealth agenda” is no secret either. As long as the Wooden Shoe Mafia’s globalist Bush clan ties can keep their fingers on the curriculum and testing standards, they will have an abundant supply of useful idiots. Some of which, a fringe 2.3% like to think that it all started with Adam and Steve.

You Betcha! (22)Nuh Uh.(10)



A group that sought to increase Michigan’s minimum wage to $10.10 per hour effectively ended its ballot campaign Friday.

The Raise Michigan Coalition said Friday it would not wage a legal battle to get on the November ballot after the Board of State Canvassers rejected the group’s petitions last week because they contained too many duplicate signatures.


And to think that my spineless squish and his pandering Democrat-lite friends capitulated to these losers.

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